uu world Contents: Jan/Feb 2001 UU World
C o n t e n t s :   J a n   /   F e b   2 0 0 1
The Magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association

The UU World, which began publishing in its current magazine format in 1987, descends from a long line of Unitarian and Universalist publications going back almost two centuries: Universalist Magazine was founded in 1819, and the Unitarian Christian Register in 1821.

This magazine aims to help its readers build their faith and act on it more effectively in their personal lives, their congregations, their communities, and the world. To this end, it strives not only to be informative but also useful, provocative, and even prophetic.

Voting members of Unitarian Universalist congregations receive subscriptions as a benefit of their membership. Their subscriptions are paid for by their congregations as part of their contributions to the UUA's Annual Program Fund. Others may subscribe for $21 a year (see our subscription page).
    Editor-in-Chief: Tom Stites
    Executive Editor: Robert Tarutis
    Editor: David Reich
    Art Director: Dennis Paiva
    Contributing Editors: Rosemary Bray McNatt, Warren Ross, Vicki Sanders, Philip Simmons, Donald E. Skinner
    Contributors: Charles Barsotti, Marjorie Bowens-Wheatley, Daniel McClain, John A. Rakestraw Jr.
    Editorial Assistant: Angela Clarke
    Advertising Coordinator: Winnie T. Pham
    Consultant: Jesse W. Iverson
    Circulation Manager: Irene Greene

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UU World magazine is the journal of the
Unitarian Universalist Association

25 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108 · Telephone (617) 742-2100 · Fax (617) 367-3237
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This page was last updated February 1, 2001 by world@uua.org.
All material copyright © 2001, Unitarian Universalist Association.
There have been accesses to this page since February 1, 2001.
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