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See also commentary - poem |
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c o v e n a n t Wisdom of Youth We are members of the Towson Unitarian Universalist Youth Group because it provides us with a religion without dogma, an arena for freedom of speech and ideas in which we can discuss issues and not simply be told the answers. We believe we learn basic truths that support and enrich our lives, but not a creed. Our time together is comfortable and different from school. We share food and ceremonies and life passages; we listen and learn and make friends. The group is both diverse and accepting and there is no standard of dress. As members of the Towson Unitarian Universalist Youth Group, we covenant with each other that we will strive in our interactions to treat each other with respect, to be inclusive, to be nonjudgmental, to communicate honestly and openly, to look for and appreciate the good in each other, to be attentive and participatory while we are there, and to listen fully to each other and not just simply wait for the next turn to speak. We promise that we will each bring to the group our personal experiences, ideas, perspectives, opinions, and points of view, our diverse backgrounds and knowledge of other religions and cultures, our caring and respect for each other, and our senses of humor. Finally, we covenant that we will each try to take from the group's experience a more fully developed sense of our own spirituality, a mindfulness as to what in life holds value and is important, and an increased open-mindedness to others. We hope as well that we will each take with us thoughts and ideas that we have learned from each other, a sense of belonging, and memories of the times we have shared together. The Rev. Clare Petersberger, minister of Towson Unitarian Universalist Church in Lutherville, Maryland, submitted this covenant, which the members of the high school youth group wrote. She says the youth group's adult advisors also developed a covenant for themselves, but the process came more naturally to the youth.
UU World XV:2 (May/June 2001): 17.
UU World
magazine is the journal of the
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All material copyright © 2001, Unitarian Universalist Association. There have been accesses to this page since March 30, 2001. Address of this page: http://www.uua.org/world/2001/02/covenant.html |