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to our readers |
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What happened to the March/April issue?
With this issue, UU World shifts its publishing schedule to bring us into synch with the rest of the magazine industry. You will still receive six bimonthly issues a year, but with a difference. Our practice for years has been to publish the magazine in the first month of each two-month cycle; you would receive a January/February issue, for example, in January. From now on, however, you will receive your magazine around the middle of the month preceding each two-month cycle. That January/February issue will now be in your mailbox in mid-December -- about three weeks sooner. That's the reason you are receiving this May/June issue in April instead of May, as in years past. Why the change? UU World is embarking on a test of selling copies in major bookstores, and the magazine distribution system demands this schedule of all titles sold at retail. UU World has never followed this custom and now we must. You may be wondering what happened to your March/April issue. In a sense, this is it. This is the second issue of 2001, after the one dated January/February. But to achieve the required schedule shift, we delayed the mail date on this second issue a bit and dated it May/June. You will receive the third issue, with a cover date of July/August, in early June (in plenty of time before General Assembly); the fourth issue, dated September/October, in mid-August; the fifth issue, dated November/December, in mid-October, and the sixth issue, dated January/February 2002, in mid-December 2001.
-- The Editors
UU World XV:2 (May/June 2001): 46.
UU World magazine is the journal of the
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All material copyright © 2001, Unitarian Universalist Association. There have been accesses to this page since March 30, 2001. Address of this page: http://www.uua.org/world/2001/02/editor.html |