Elevator speech
by Melvin E. Mackey
UUA President William G. Sinkford writes, “I always encourage people to work on their elevator speech, what you'd say when you're going from the sixth floor to the lobby and somebody asks you, 'What's a Unitarian Universalist?'” Send your response to Reflections, UU World, 25 Beacon Street, Boston MA 02108.
Unitarian Universalism embodies religious freedom. We do not provide the answers to life's great questions. Instead, we provide a beloved community in which individuals, working together and alone, are encouraged to find answers that are meaningful in the context of their own lives. We draw upon all sources of knowledgeincluding experience, authority, intuition, reason, and faithin the search for answers.
Ours is a living, dynamic religion. We are always free to develop and change our beliefs as we acquire new knowledge and insight concerning truth, reality, and the meaning of life.
Melvin E. Mackey
Vashon Island Unitarian Fellowship
Vashon, Washington

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