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Jack Mendelsohn

The Rev. Dr. Jack Mendelsohn (1918–2012) was minister emeritus of the First Parish in Bedford, Massachusetts, which he served from 1979 to 1988. He was the thirteenth senior minister of the Arlington Street Church in Boston (1959–1969), when the church was prominent for its antiwar and civil rights work.

He was the author of several books, including Being Liberal in an Illiberal Age: Why I Am a Unitarian Universalist (new ed., Skinner House, 2006), Channing: The Reluctant Radical (second ed., UUA, 1986), and The Martyrs: Sixteen Who Gave Their Lives for Racial Justice (Harper & Row, 1966).

The Unitarian Universalist Association honored him with its Distinguished Service Award in 1997.


The Unitarian ministry
In 1944, the author described his path to the Unitarian ministry—and protested discrimination against women in the ministry.
By Jack Mendelsohn 10.22.12

William Ellery Channing's public faith
The leader of the early Unitarians proclaimed, 'I thank God that my own lot is bound up with that of the human race.'
By Jack Mendelsohn 3.1.05