uuworld.org: liberal religion and life

Marilyn Sewell

The Rev. Dr. Marilyn Sewell is minister emerita of the First Unitarian Church in Portland, Oregon, where she served for 17 years before her retirement in 2009. She is the editor of four Beacon Press anthologies, including the award-winning Cries of the Spirit. She is the subject of a documentary film, Raw Faith, directed by Peter Wiedensmith, which won the PBS Human Spirit Award at its premiere at the Nashville Film Festival in 2010.


Our shadow side
Unitarian Universalism is a religious movement that no longer takes religion seriously.
By Marilyn Sewell 12.5.11

Let's take off the hair shirt
Unitarian Universalists underestimate the very real obstacles we are up against in trying to create multicultural congregations.
By Marilyn Sewell 8.2.10

Repression of the sublime
You will never realize your potential unless you are willing to recognize and use your gifts.
By Marilyn Sewell 8.29.05

Midlife spirituality for women
How middle age invites women into the life of the spirit.
By Marilyn Sewell 8.1.05