uuworld.org: liberal religion and life

Victoria Weinstein author photoVictoria Weinstein

The Rev. Dr. Victoria Weinstein is the minister of the First Parish Unitarian Church in Norwell, Massachusetts. She hails from Connecticut and has degrees from Northwestern University and Harvard Divinity School. She received a Doctor of Ministry degree from Andover-Newton Theological School in May 2011. Her great loves outside the church are musical theater, cooking, and traveling. She lives in an eighteenth-century parsonage with her cat, Ermengarde, and dozens of unfulfilled to-do lists.


A panhandler's greeting means 'Look at me'
How responding to panhandlers has become one of the most delightful spiritual disciplines.
By Victoria Weinstein 7.25.11

Serving Dionysus
I worshiped the gods of comedy and tragedy long before I worshiped Jesus's God, and I have never stopped leaving gifts at the altar of Dionysus.
By Victoria Weinstein 3.23.09

How Jesus claimed me
One Unitarian Universalist's religious journey.
By Victoria Weinstein 4.9.07