uuworld.org: liberal religion and life

UU World Advertising Policy

UU World seeks advertisements from organizations, companies, and associations—for-profit and not-for-profit—whose missions and goals are consistent with the principles, goals, and practices of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and its member congregations. The editors of UU World and the UUA executive staff reserve the right to reject advertisements that are inconsistent with the UUA mission, the nature of the magazine, or the editorial and visual integrity of the magazine.

In particular, because UU World circulates primarily among UUs as a benefit of membership in a congregation, because UUs have widely differing views and standards regarding erotic materials, and because the magazine addresses a family audience, including children and adolescents, the magazine reserves the right to refuse advertising with imagery or language denoting a sex act, as well as advertising for products that aid in or depict sex acts.

In addition, UU World will not accept:

  • Advertisements with any sexist, homophobic, ageist, racist, or other discriminatory language.

  • Advertisements for alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or weapons.

  • Advertisements related to assisted suicide.

  • Advertisements related to open adoption, surrogate mothers, or sperm donors.

  • Advertorials.

UU World also reserves the right to use “advertisement” as a label on any ad to prevent it from being confused with its editorial content.

All advertisements are published with the understanding that the material complies with all US postal regulations and other federal and state laws. The advertiser and its agency warrant that they are authorized to publish the entire contents of the advertisement and that all statements in the advertisement are true.

UU World will not be liable for any costs or damages of failing to publish an ad.

UU World reserves the right to limit the advertising space in any issue.

Ad placement is at the discretion of the editor.

UU World reserves the right to hold the advertiser and its agency jointly or separately liable for such monies as are due.

UU World offers generous discounts to UUA member congregations, UUA departments, and UUA associate and affiliate member organizations; this does not include individual members of congregations. Candidates for UUA office pay the same rate as UUA departments.

UU World does not accept any solicitations for award entries, announcements of deadlines for awards, or descriptions of awards and the process of selecting award winners as editorial material; all such material must run as paid advertising.

UU World will accept ads announcing openings for professional religious leadership positions only after the UUA Ministry and Professional Leadership staff group certifies that the congregation seeking leadership has gone through the search procedures established by the department without finding a suitable candidate.

The advertising manager will consult with the editor about any advertisements that seem to violate any of the above-stated guidelines. At her or his discretion, the editor may bring such issues to the UUA Leadership Council for decision.

Acceptance of an advertisement in no way implies endorsement by the UUA, UU World, or any of their staff.

June 5, 2000