Inside the UUA time capsule
Mementos from two earlier headquarters buildings.
The most surprising find was a package tied with string at the bottom of the time capsule. It contained the engraved copper lid and contents of an even older time capsule that had been placed in the cornerstone of the original 25 Beacon Street building on December 2, 1884. It contained correspondence about the construction of that Unitarian headquarters building, reports and publications of a variety of Unitarian organizations, and tickets to the annual Unitarian Festival. See more time capsule photos at UU World’s Flickr collection:
This article appeared in the Summer 2014 issue of UU World (page 54). Photograph (above): UUA Director of Communications John Hurley examines tickets to the Unitarian Festival, held the evening of May 29, 1884, in Boston (© Sonja L. Cohen/UUA). See sidebar for links to related resources.
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