A tree remembers
A children's book tells Anne Frank's story from the perspective of the tree outside her hiding place.
Anne Frank and the Remembering Tree, a creative story for ages 6–9, is told from the perspective of the large horse-chestnut tree that grew outside of the Amsterdam building where Anne Frank and others hid from the Nazis during World War II. The tree, which Anne described several times in her Diary, observes the changes in Amsterdam and what it sees of the Frank family through the attic window, often expressing sadness over their situation and frustration at its inability to help.
The now-famous tree was blown down during a storm in 2010, but the book explains that its saplings have been planted at sites around the world in remembrance.
This article appeared in the Winter 2014 issue of UU World (page 12). Illustration (above): Anne and Margot read in the attic (Erika Steiskal); reprinted with permission of Skinner House Books. See sidebar for links to related resources.
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