uuworld.org: liberal religion and life

The realities of life with terrorism

A guide to stories from UU World's special issue in response to the attacks of 9/11.
By Christopher L. Walton
January/February 2002 1.1.02

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The calamitous attacks of September 11, 2001, occurred as the November/December 2001 issue of UU World was going to press. The January/February 2002 issue covered Unitarian Universalist responses to the attacks.

A quick guide to the magazine's Special Issue on Life with Terrorism:

Responding to terror

Unshakable foundations: What endures in a time of terror
Galen Guengerich

Has terrorism shaken our religious principles?
Warren R. Ross

Breaking the cycle of violence: Advice from a seasoned peacemaker
John Paul Lederach

Pacifists and pragmatists: UU divisions in times of war
John Buehrens

Living the faith

Opening our hearts: Unitarian Universalist congregations and volunteers respond to 9/11
Donald E. Skinner

'Hell on earth': Ministers bring a blessing to Ground Zero
Donald E. Skinner

'Our shared grief': One congregation's wall of remembrance
Donald E. Skinner

Postcard from Brooklyn: One minister's 9/11
W. Frederick Wooden

We remember: Eleven UUs who died in the 9/11 attacks
Donald E. Skinner

Houses of hope: Sanctuaries in cities shaken by terror
Donald E. Skinner

'The good we can do': Responses from around the world
Donald E. Skinner

Historical connections

Unitarian and Universalist roots of the American Red Cross
Christopher L. Walton

Photo (above): Rescue workers descended deep into the rubble of the World Trade Center, September 14, 2011 (U.S. Navy Photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Jim Watson). See sidebar for links to related resources.

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