Home / Issues / From the editor, Summer 2010
Keeping up with change
'UU World' offers many ways to keep up with changes in the UUA.
And more change is definitely in the works. Delegates at this summer’s General Assembly will vote on reforms to how we elect a UUA president and moderator. The Board of Trustees is talking about major changes to the General Assembly itself—and has vowed to reduce the size of the board, which will have implications for UUA districts. We’ve been covering these changes at uuworld.org as they’re announced, with shorter versions appearing in these pages. On page 42, news editor Jane Greer provides an overview of the key initiatives, with references to our online coverage where you can learn more. And UUA Moderator Gini Courter and Secretary Tom Loughrey offer the board’s perspective on the changes they’re proposing on page 14.
You can keep up with all the news by signing up for UU World’s weekly email newsletter at uuworld.org/newsletter. We’ve made it easy for you to share articles with friends and fellow UUs with “Tell a Friend” links on every story at uuworld.org. Fans of UU World on Facebook get the latest news from us along with updates from friends and family (facebook.com/uuworld). Let us know if there are other ways we can help keep you up to date.
Staff changes at the UUA—discussed in Jane’s news story—are also bringing significant changes to our coverage of the General Assembly itself this June. For several years, UUA.org has published extensive event coverage of each GA, while uuworld.org has focused on GA business. This year, UU World takes over primary responsibility for covering GA. You can still keep up by visiting UUA.org/ga, but you’ll find our expanded coverage at uuworld.org/ga.
Unitarian Universalists write an astonishing number of books. For the past ten years, UU World has published a column called “Books by UU Authors” to highlight some of them—but we’ve never had space to mention more than a fraction of what we receive. This is the last issue in which we’ll routinely list books by UU authors in the print magazine, although we’ll continue to highlight notable books with longer reviews. Instead, we’re introducing a new section on our website where we’ll announce new books by UUs as we receive them. This should make it much easier for authors to spread the word, and for you to track what your fellow UUs are writing. Visit uuworld.org/uuauthors.