uuworld.org: liberal religion and life

Massachusetts (map © Jamie Farrant/iStockphoto; illustration © Robert Delboy)

ZIP code: 02492

First Parish in Needham, Massachusetts.
By Christopher L. Walton
Fall 2011 8.15.11

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Organized: 1711
Members: 264
Religious education enrollment: 115
UUA congregations 300 years old or older: 41
UU congregations within five miles: 5
UU congregations in metropolitan area: 25
Population in metropolitan area: 1,918,227
UU members in area: 3,249

The metropolitan area is defined by the federal government for statistical purposes; 2009 U.S. Census Bureau population estimate. UU congregations in Norfolk and Suffolk Counties are included in the statistical area, including two multidenominational churches. Map by Jamie Farrant/iStockphoto; illustration by Kathy Todd.

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