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Hingham, Massachusetts

ZIP code: 02043

Old Ship Church, First Parish, Hingham, Massachusetts.
By Sonja L. Cohen
Summer 2013 5.15.13

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Oldest meetinghouse

Old Ship Church, First Parish, Hingham, Massachusetts

Organized: 1635

Members: 242

Religious education enrollment: 120

Nearest UU congregation: 2.2 miles

Metropolitan area population: 4,552,000

Built: 1681, making it the oldest UU meetinghouse in the United States

Membership data, February 2013. The metropolitan area is defined by the federal government for statistical purposes; 2010 U.S. Census Bureau. Map by Jamie Farrant/iStockphoto; illustration by Kathy Todd.

This article appeared in the Summer 2013 issue of UU World (page 12). See sidebar for links to related resources.

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