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Inside your congregation: Useful resources

Useful resources from 'InterConnections,' the newsletter for lay leaders.
By Donald E. Skinner
Fall 2012 8.15.12

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UUA’s new app: ‘Illuminations’

The first Unitarian Universalist Association “app” for mobile electronic devices became available in June for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. A version for Android users is in development. The app, called “Illuminations,” is free from the iTunes App Store online.

The app provides daily inspi­rational quotes and the UUA’s Seven Principles. Five different chalices can be “lit,” then extin­guished by blowing on the phone.

‘The Hub’ for young adults

UU young adults, 18 to 35, have a new place to connect on Facebook. Called “The Hub: Young Adult UUs,” the site includes a calendar to add events to and a map where participants can add campus ministry groups and other organizations. “The Hub” is hosted by the UUA’s Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries.

These resources are adapted from the InterConnections TipSheet, the weekly blog of InterConnections, the UUA’s free newsletter for congregational leaders. This article appeared in the Fall 2012 issue of UU World (page 46).

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