UU World's top online reads from 2013
Four of our top ten stories are by one writer.
The second-most viewed story was “A Letter about Santa and God,” by Gillie English Bishop, from our Winter 2013 issue (Dec. 3). Fredric Muir’s cover story from the Winter 2012 issue, “The End of iChurch” (Jan. 7) rounds out the top three.
The most shared stories on Facebook were about a Boy Scout troop welcomed by the UU Church of Fort Myers, Fla., and a time capsule buried in the walls of 25 Beacon Street, the headquarters of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Below is a list of the ten most-read stories published on the UU World website in 2013.
- “Is Religion Broken?” by Doug Muder (Sept. 23)
- “A Letter about Santa and God,” by Gillie English Bishop (Winter 2013; Dec. 3)
- “The End of iChurch,” by Fredric Muir (Winter 2012; Jan. 7)
- “A Humanist’s Guide to Prayer,” by Patricia Montley (Spring 2013; Feb. 25)
- “Political Empathy,” by Doug Muder (Winter 2013; Oct. 28)
- “What Is Reproductive Justice?” by Darcy Baxter (Spring 2013; Feb. 18)
- “What’s a UU Family To Do on Easter?” by Michelle Richards (UU Parenting Blog, Mar. 25)
- “Consultant To Aid Impasse between UUA Board, Administration,” by Michelle Bates Deakin (Apr. 29)
- “Live Better, Help Often, Wonder More,” by Doug Muder (Nov. 25)
- “Wrestling with Easter,” by Doug Muder (Mar. 25)
Although this list includes only stories published in 2013, some articles from previous years are perennial favorites with enough traffic to earn a spot on the most-read list, including Kimberly French’s 2007 profile of Carolyn McDade, the songwriter of the beloved hymn “Spirit of Life,” and a news story introducing the UU winter holiday Chalica, written by Donald E. Skinner in 2009.
Photograph (above): Abandoned rural church in Oregon, USA (© iStockPhoto.com/alptraum).
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