Follow UUA General Assembly with 'UU World'
Keep up with the latest news from the UUA’s annual meeting, in Providence.
Follow news and major events at GA with UU World. We’ll publish stories and photos on our dedicated GA blog, with immediate updates on our Twitter feed, @uuworld. (The General Assembly hashtag is #uuaga.) Many GA events, including business sessions and worship services, will stream live on the UUA’s General Assembly page.
Our coverage begins on Tuesday, June 24, when the Board of Trustees meets prior to the start of GA. The Opening Ceremony takes place Wednesday evening, June 25. General Assembly concludes Sunday, June 29.
Delegates will vote June 28 on a business resolution that calls on the UUA to divest from almost all holdings in the fossil fuel industry. On June 27 the General Assembly will select the UUA’s next four-year Congregational Study/Action Issue from among five proposed topics: “Empowerment: Age and Ability Reconsidered,” “Ending the War on Terror,” “Escalating Inequality,” “Gun Violence: A Public Health Issue,” and “Renewing and Securing Our American Democracy.” The full business agenda is online.
Organizers expect close to 4,600 people to attend this year’s GA, the largest General Assembly since 2007.
Click below for more from our pre-GA coverage:
‘Love Reaches Out’ is theme of 2014 General Assembly (3.10.14)
Make a bowl to fight hunger (5.5.14)
Fossil fuel divestment on GA agenda (5.26.14)
At WaterFire, ‘love is the transformative element’ (5.19.14)
Photograph (above): Bonfires are lit in the rivers that converge in Providence, R.I., as part of the city’s WaterFire festival; the UUA will cosponsor the June 28 WaterFire as its public witness event during the 2014 General Assembly (cc 2009 Liz West). See sidebar for links to related resources.
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