uuworld.org: liberal religion and life

Approved: AIW opposes corporate personhood

By Michelle Bates Deakin

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Delegates adopted Action of Immediate Witness 4, which opposes the U.S. Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. FEC. That decision, according to the AIW, "enshrined corporations as persons and equated money with speech." The AIW urges member congregations to sign the resolution for The People's Rights Amendment proposed at freespeechforpeople.org. It also asks people to encourage their Congressional representatives to sponsor such a resolution in opposition to the Supreme Court decision.

The close vote, which required a two-third majority, had to be counted twice. But after the second vote, Moderator Gini Courter said that it clearly passed.

Two speakers from the “con” microphone expressed their displeasure with the AIW process. Robin Ditzler, delegate from the Quimper UU Fellowship in Port Townsend, Wash., said that debate on the issue, which include one delegate looking up information on the Internet and reading it from the procedural microphone, was “a classic example of what I find wrong with this entire process,We UUs pride outselves on doing research and engaging in carful reflection in our congregation, yet every GA we come here and throw these things at each other.”

Courter urged people to make that case this afternoon when the future of AIWs as a whole will be debated by the GA.

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