Saunders receives President’s Volunteer Service Award
“Given the special nature of this Justice GA,” Morales said, “she has been faced with trials that have gone far beyond the usual.”
He said Saunders has worked closely with district staff, the GA Planning Committee, Arizona Immigration Ministries, and GA volunteers to create and promote an effective and energizing Justice General Assembly.
Saunders used to live in Germany, where she was active in the UU Fellowship of Heidelberg. She has been a member of the UU Church of Tucson, Ariz., for 13 years, during which she has volunteered as a finance secretary, denominational representative, and worship associate. She served two terms on the church board, including as board president.
At the district level, Saunders has served as the local chair of the Pacific Southwest District Assembly planning committee, chaired the committee for five years, and served on the PSWD board for two years.
Morales presented Saunders with a plaque. The UUA will make a contribution of $1,000 in her honor to a charity of her choice.
Photograph (above) UUA President the Rev. Peter Morales presented Carolyn Saunders with the 2012 President’s Annual Award for Volunteer Service during Saturday afternoon’s plenary. (©Nancy Pierce)