Knoxville Shootings
The church sign of the Tennessee Valley UU Church in Knoxville was transformed into a memorial after two people were killed in a shooting Sunday morning, July 27. (AP Photo/Wade Payne)Recent Stories
Two Unitarian Universalists killed in church shooting
Knoxville shooter may have been motivated by ‘hatred of the liberal movement.’
Knoxville stands with grieving UUs after shootings
UUA president delivers message of hope one day after shooter's rampage in Unitarian Universalist church.
'I've never been so proud to be a Knoxvillean'
Historian John Bohstedt talks about tackling the gunman who killed two at Tennessee Valley UU Church; reflects on city’s response.
Prayer in the aftermath of hate
Words of grief and consolation after a deadly attack on the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville.
Fund raises $41,000 for Knoxville church shooting victims
Gifts will support ‘spiritual care and practical financial assistance’; other donors fund UUA ad in New York Times.
Knoxville church adapts to aftermath of shooting
TVUUC leaders grateful for outpouring of support, preparing for long road to recovery.
Joe Barnhart remembers friend Linda Kraeger
Knoxville church-shooting victims part of a close-knit circle of family and friends.
Knoxville UUs tear garment to mourn shooting victims
Westside Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville mourns victims of church shooting.
Love can't fix everything
I knew the gunman who killed two in a Knoxville church, but I can't fathom his choice.
UUA’s ‘New York Times’ ad affirms justice stances
Full-page ad responds to Knoxville shooting by reaffirming Unitarian Universalism’s open hearts and open doors.