We are each other's keepers
Symbols of infinity and the interconnected life force.
This large glass sculpture “We Are Each Other’s Keepers” was commissioned for All Faiths Unitarian Congregation of Fort Myers, Florida, and installed in 2012. The sculpture is mounted at the front of the sanctuary in a steel frame that hangs four inches off the wall and is backlit with LED light strips, making it glow from the inside. “As humans, we are all connected to each other, to the earth, to the rest of the universe and time,” artist Susan Gott writes. The sculpture’s “torus” rings are “a symbol of infinity, the cosmos, and spirit. The human figures, faces, and spirals are symbolic of the mystery of our interconnected life force and are the heart of the spiritual meaning of the artwork.”
This article appeared in the Spring 2013 issue of UU World (page 19). Photograph courtesy of Susan Gott. See sidebar for links to related resources.
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