Perspective of the self
'A purposeful focus on what is most vital.'
After thirteen years in seminary and a monastery, a graduate degree in psychology, and ten years as a psychotherapist with individuals, families, and the incarcerated in a New York jail, Steve Perrault is now a full-time artist.
“I believe art-making demands an inner life,” he writes. “Attentive observers encountering art must necessarily be moved to ponder questions of inner experience. A work of art can be a place to acquire truth not found in written words or teachings, but in personal insight.
“My education and prior work experience strongly inform my paintings by incorporating my unique personal experiences and symbolic thinking into images from the architecture of spaces I have seen. Free from distractions, and reduced to essentials, my interiors are a purposeful focus on what is most vital. The beauty of simplicity brings the freedom necessary in a search for what lies beneath and above the human person.”
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