Elevator speeches
In his “Our
Calling” column in the March/April issue, President William G.
Sinkford wrote, “I always encourage people to work on their elevator
speech, what you’d say when you’re going from the sixth floor
to the lobby and somebody asks you, ‘What’s a Unitarian Universalist?’”
We invite your responses for this column; write to “Reflections,”
UU World, 25 Beacon Street, Boston MA 02108. Unitarian Universalism
is a democratic, pluralistic religious community which encourages each
individual to develop a personal religious philosophy and which emphasizes
social and environmental concerns.
Richard Hewitt
Michael Servetus Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Vancouver, Washington
As Unitarian Universalists, we celebrate the inherent worth and dignity
of every person and seek to build a peaceful, just, and compassionate
society. At the heart of our faith, therefore, is a commitment to democracy—not
only as a form of government but as a moral value that lifts our lives
beyond the self-centered and mundane and gives meaning to our existence.
Thus we follow in the footsteps of many of America’s Founders, including
three of our early presidents. These religious principles, coupled with
a basic reliance on human reason, provide us with inspiration and guidance
as citizens, as parents, and as neighbors.
Warren R. Ross
Community Unitarian Church
White Plains, New York
Our denomination is unique because every Unitarian Universalist has the
right to develop a personal philosophy of life, without being told what
to believe. We can learn from all philosophies and religions, and also
from science and the arts. We explore important life issues in a caring
community, united by shared values rather than by shared theological opinions.
And no matter what we do believe about theology or philosophy, we try
to live a good life and leave the world better than we found it.
The Rev. Chris Schriner
Mission Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Fremont, California
In Unitarian Universalist congregations, we gather in community to support
our individual spiritual journeys. We trust that openness to one another’s
experiences will enhance our understanding of our own links with the divine,
with our history, and with one another.
The Rev. Jonalu Johnstone
First Unitarian Church
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Channing Unitarian Universalist Church
Edmond, Oklahoma
Unitarian Universalism means never having to say, “I’m right,
you’re wrong!”
Jimmy Capp
Unitarian Universalist Church of Jacksonville
Jacksonville Beach, Florida

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