The human infinite
by R. Lester Mondale
The first humanists protested they couldn’t “fathom the Infinite.”
For them it was enough to “love and serve humanity,” but by
the early 1930s there began to appear what has been called “The
Second Generation Humanist.” Some of us of this second generation,
whose background was not orthodox Christianity, had found that, although
we couldn’t fathom the Infinite, the Infinite was nevertheless vividly
real and very much with us.
Everything to which our skeptical minds turned seemed to
be under the aspect of infinitude—mystery in every stick and stone
and growing thing in the natural world, mystery in man and in the evolution
of his institutions, mystery in our own inner selves. The mood expressed
itself in different guises, but typical was the loneliness Bertrand Russell
suggested in his description of human life as a brief voyage on a raft:
We see, surrounding the narrow raft, illumined by the
flickering light of human comradeship, the dark ocean on whose rolling
waves we toss for a brief hour; from the great night without a chill
blast breaks in upon our refuge; all the loneliness of humanity amid
the hostile forces is concentrated upon the individual soul which must
struggle alone with what courage it can command against the whole weight
of a universe that cares nothing for its hopes and fears.
. . . [B]ut some of us also came to know how glowingly enchanting
and uplifting the universe about us can become, how inexpressibly and
wonderfully at home one can feel when one throws oneself without regard
for consequences into loving and serving humanity. We discovered, or at
least we thought we had discovered, the truth or law that underlies the
emphasis of Jesus upon first getting into right relations with one’s
fellow men—forgiving them, loving them, helping them—before
one can feel right with the world, or with what he called the Father in
Heaven. Our humanist experience was valid; it was the experience at the
core of all religion—at least on the social plane—however
much the interpretations might differ.
The Rev. R. Lester Mondale
(1904–2003) was the youngest signer of the first Humanist Manifesto
in 1933, and the only one of the original signers who lived long enough
to endorse “Humanism and Its Aspirations,” the third Humanist
Manifesto released earlier this year. He died in August. From Three
Unitarian Philosophies of Religion (Beacon Press, 1946), written
when Mondale was minister of All Souls Unitarian Church in Kansas City,

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