uuworld.org: liberal religion and life

Forrest ChurchForrest Church

The Rev. Dr. F. Forrester Church (1948-2009) served the Unitarian Church of All Souls in New York City as senior minister since 1978 and as minister of public theology since 2007. He died September 24, 2009, of esophageal cancer.

A frequent contributor to UU World, he is the author of many books including A Chosen Faith: An Introduction to Unitarian Universalism (with John Buehrens, 1989; 1993), So Help Me God: The Founding Fathers and the First Great Battle Over Church and State (2007), The Jefferson Bible (2000), The American Creed: A Spiritual and Patriotic Primer (2002), and Freedom from Fear: Finding the Courage to Love, Act, and Be (2004). Love and Death: My Journey through the Valley of the Shadow (2008) discusses his battle with terminal cancer. A final book, The Cathedral of the World: A Universalist Theology, was published in November 2009.


The cathedral of the world
A twenty-first-century theology, based on the concept of one light and many windows.
By Forrest Church 11.2.09

Love and death
Facing cancer with lessons learned from my parishioners.
By Forrest Church 5.26.08

America's original battle over church and state
The separation of church and state in America grew out of competing visions of divine order and sacred liberty that divided the nation's founders and its religious communities.
By Forrest Church 11.5.07

What would Jefferson and Adams do?
What two Unitarian U.S. presidents would think of contemporary religious politics.
By Forrest Church 7.3.06

Free speech doesn't justify incendiary speech
In the 'cartoon controversy,' principles of free speech and mutual respect collide.
By Forrest Church 3.6.06

Resetting the worry alarm
Fear is more likely to move trouble from one burner to another than to turn down the flame.
By Forrest Church 1.1.04

Emerson's shadow
There's a shadow side to Emerson's influence on Unitarian Universalism.
By Forrest Church 5.1.03

We need more patriots
Nationalism threatens the true meaning of American patriotism.
By Forrest Church 1.1.03

Universalism: A theology for the 21st century
Taken seriously, no theology is more challenging morally, spiritually, or intellectually.
By Forrest Church 11.5.01