uuworld.org: liberal religion and life

Winter 2008, Vol.XXII No.4

Winter 2008, Vol.XXII No.4 cover

On the cover: Robin (2002), by Jeremy Paul. Oil on canvas. © Private collection/The Bridgeman Art Library.

Audio files: We are conducting an experiment with making audio recordings of UU World articles available. You can listen or download them at our audio index page.



Hold on
Suffering and anxiety are usually just as finite and time-limited as high passion and unalloyed joy.
By William F. Schulz in Life

Dinner dilemmas
Ethical issues at the Thanksgiving dinner table.
By John Gibb Millspaugh in Ideas

Be a dignitarian
We can overcome rankism and build a world that honors the dignity of every person.
By Robert W. Fuller and Pamela A. Gerloff in Ideas