Recent Stories
Less more, please
Solutions to the world’s environmental problems may not require more of us, but less.
I faced my fears and they faced me. It wasn't that big a deal.
Preparing for a hike
Imagine your way through the good route / and also the other route.
How to know God
An atheist mystic meets the goddess of love.
As I ebb toward the end of life
Hear / the ocean's roar and backdrop din / in the death-hollowed shells.
Resources for exploring your animal contradictions
An annotated guide to books and other resources.
Our animal contradictions
How Unitarian Universalism can help us sort out our place in the animal world.
Grief and celebration are interwoven in this world, like winter and spring.
Pet ministry: Caring for all creatures
UUs are providing comfort for ill or dying pets and their caregivers.
Primal reverence
Reverence is an organic human experience
that requires no supernatural explanations.
Loving birds
Modern life interferes with the lessons and warnings of Nature.
Great trees of life
We need old people to be our trees.
Natural rapture
Only when we strip away magical thinking can we see the sacred in everything.
Two prose poems
I have my way of praying, as you no doubt have yours.
The dark llama
Standing in the shadow of the nebulae.
The Honey Springs congregation confronts its ant problem
Conflict resolution in a congregation not unlike yours.
We are already in paradise
There is no land promised to any of us other than the land already given.
Imagination and the wild
Crane your neck. Worm your way. Wolf it down.
It's about time, Persephone!
Ancient myths dramatize the shift from winter to spring.
From fear to eternity
Learning to walk backward down a cliff.
Of hummingbirds and immigrants
'Hummingbirds migrate north and south just like we do.'
The wonder of evolution
Science and religion stand together.
Nature reliquaries
Artist's assemblages honor nature.
Many religions, but only one earth
Can reverence for the earth bring us together across religious differences?
Learning to see more than meets the eye
Look for the divine in the world as it is.
Dawn meditation for the fall equinox
Fall equinox sunrise meditation.
Meditations on our cosmic significance
Who hasn't felt tiny and insignificant?
Bubbles of Earth
'Dust thou art,' joyfully recast
We are all part of God
God is a reality that includes all of us but is bigger than any one of us.
Nature's tough love
How the prairie challenges the ego.
Good for nothing
In the study of grasshoppers, an entomologist discovers the value of simply 'being.'
Winter mind
Emptiness, like silence, like love, is indeed a gift.