Recent Stories
Zentangle chalices, doodling, and meditation
Meditative doodling as a Unitarian Universalist spiritual practice.
A kind of mirror
I never considered myself a visual artist, but then, I never expected to have cancer.
Painting: Hal's apple
A 'magickal being' from the artist's Incognito Witch project.
An origins story in glass
Laurie Bieze's stained glass windows tell an evolutionary creation story.
Painting: EJ
'Coming out is kind of like being reborn.'
Painting: Meg
Raised Unitarian Universalist, I have 'no problem with things that feel religious.'
Exhibition: Passing through
Paintings part of an exhibition to honor the experiences and voices of young people.
Sculptures: A congregation in clay
Members of a Massachusetts congregation made self-portraits in clay.
The power of visual design for UU evangelism
In our multimedia society, an image's worth is probably closer to a million words.
Image: Adventure of discovery
Being part of a Unitarian Universalist community means being on an adventure of discovery.
Spiritual landmark: Unitarian Universalist Church of Tarpon Springs
Florida church home to largest collection of paintings by George Inness Jr.
Drawing: Pigs
Drawing from a 'weird and highly focused comfort zone.'
Installation: Valley UU Congregation, Chandler, Arizona
Wooden panels created by and for the congregation.
Glass sculpture: We are each other's keepers
Symbols of infinity and the interconnected life force.
Painting: Walking stick memories
The emergence of character over time.
Painting: Night dance
Rough, improvisational, many-layered.
Spiritual landmark: Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Whidbey Island
Artist-members grace Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Whidbey Island.
Quilt: O Life that maketh all things new
A minister's sabbatical quilting project.
Textile: My heart bleeds for you III
Today's refuse, sewn together as 'a Garden of Eden.'
Seeing what is real
A photographer describes his spiritual practice of "looking for the pattern of things."
Stained glass: Nautilus
'Paradoxically simple in its beauty and complex in its engineering.'
Mixed media: Woods sentinel
Interpreting the visual treasures that surround us.
Painting: 57th and Broadway at 5:00 pm
The challenge of not relying on recognizable subject matter.
Painting: Snowy bank
A rare storm offers a new scene.
Mixed media: Unity
Celebrating natural, wild forms.
Sculpture: A reliquary of wood
Honoring the native hardwoods of Arkansas.
Sculpture: Unitarian windows
A collaboration yields a classical form.
Sculpture: 88 notes
A piano is transformed.
Spiritual landmark, Summer 2011
The focal point of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Syracuse, N.Y., is a window depicting the world's religions.
Painting: Quarry
Brilliant colors and the 'crazy parts of our lives.'
Painting: Totems
'All have come from a star nursery.'
Quilt: Into the mystery
A dead child's clothing transformed into a quilt.
Painting: Dew drops
The artist invited poets to respond to her work.
Photograph Visual music
Capturing the music of the slot canyons of the Southwest.
Textile: Pulpit hanging
Symbols of the world's religions.
Sculpture: In Between
Can there be such a thing as 'Unitarian art'?
Creations: Ostrich egg chalices
'Precious and delicate.'
Creations: Chalice cable hand warmers
Knitter's work reminded her of the flaming chalice.
Creations: 'Journey of the heart' stole
The chalice and the labyrinth.
Creations: Pendant
Artist learned to make her own chalice pendant.
Painting: My goddess, my love
From the stage to the canvas.
Photographic tour of Wright's Unity Temple
New book celebrates Frank Lloyd Wright's masterpiece for an Illinois Unitarian Universalist congregation.
Painting: Blue tree
Painting brings balance into my life.
Painting: Chestnut fences
A connection to the 'stream of life.'
The liberal saints
Andrene Kauffman’s murals in Chicago’s Third Unitarian Church honor heroes of the liberal spirit.
Painting: Blue agave
Abstractions in nature.
Painting: Low hanging fruit
Painting is where I struggle to see the world as it is.
Print: Dawn on the Stono
Any ambiguity is deliberate.
Painting: Carnival in Trinidad
Inner journeys.
Painting: Song Sparrows in the Hosta Forest
Familiar growing, living things.
Photographs: Hospice
Photographs of the final days of a man's life.
Quilt: Dominion
The aquarium is submerged, its captives free.
Painting: Perspective of the self
'A purposeful focus on what is most vital.'
Photograph: Chairs at Bodie
Capturing a human absence.
Painting: My Ostraka: History I
Reinterpretations of Athena.
Painting: The collector
Personal iconography.
Painting: Sacred words imperfect #4
Distorted, hidden, but sacred.
Collage: InterdepenDance
Found objects, discovered meanings.
Montage: Ascending
Montage of earthy spirituality.
Great art and the gods
Five-year-olds in a fine art museum.
Quilt: Great Blue rising
A heron at sunrise.
Painting: Don't fence me in
Narrative symbolism on large, colorful canvases.
Painting: Stargazing
A painting is transformed in the process.
Painting: Dancing Joy
The artist seeks to "breathe out peaceful uplifting imagery."
Painting: Millennial Hope
"The hope for harmony with our diversity."
Painting: Revelation
Truth revealed through human experience.
Sculpture: Tower of peace
A sculptor responds to 9/11.
Photograph: Dreamer 1
Nineteenth-century technique gives photo dreamlike quality.
Phoenix sculpture marks congregation's renewal
How an Atlanta congregation rebuilt itself.
Sculpture: In praise of lesser gods
Inspired by humanity.
Six UU groups make quilts for interfaith exhibit
Boston show brings diverse traditions together.
Sculpture to remember
Symbolic richness in mixed media.
Nature reliquaries
Artist's assemblages honor nature.
Thomas A Baillieul's paintings
Thomas A. Baillieul's paintings tempt viewers to tell a story.
Into the Light
An artist reflects on the view from an abandoned cellar.
Ganges dawn
India's Ganges River at first light.
Tombaugh memorial window
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Las Cruces honors a founding member's scientific achievements.
El sueño final (The final dream)
Laurel Garcia Colvin creates dreamlike images using underwater photography.
Photograph: Dawn in Venice
Wake up early to see things in a different light.
Painting: The gate of heaven
A stairway was upon the earth and its top reached the sky.
Painting: Lot A, Mills Heights
Everything we do leaves a mark.
Painting: West Arlington bridge
A Vermont bridge, painted by this magazine's longtime art director.
Painting: Angel trumpets ablaze
Painting is a meditative state.
Image: Passover
'That we might, at last, glimpse the stars, brilliant in the desert sky.'
Etching: Winter Falls
The essence that sparks my sense of wonder.