Recent Stories
Universalism in practice
Black lives matter.
'Let every heart prepare him room'
We are, each of us, still filled with the same promise as a newborn baby.
Embracing a new universalism
We find our completeness in knowing that we are woven out of each other and the cosmos itself.
Preparing for a hike
Imagine your way through the good route / and also the other route.
How to know God
An atheist mystic meets the goddess of love.
As I ebb toward the end of life
Hear / the ocean's roar and backdrop din / in the death-hollowed shells.
Gone sitting
A few words on going to a Zen retreat.
Meditation: Calling, part two
Being in the world who I was created to be.
I'm going to have to let me go
Who is really in control here?
Grief and celebration are interwoven in this world, like winter and spring.
Meditation on gratitude
We give thanks for the voyage of life from seed to harvest.
Poem: Continuum
I'll return to that time and space that was my home.
Love will prevail
Love is not afraid; love is tough.
I too am beautiful
Look at the way you see me.
Hand in hand, Fall 2012
To create deep and enduring relationships, our love must develop into mutual trust.
The green after
'When I die, I want to have my ashes buried under this tree.'
Faith and belief
Sometimes grabbing on to what appears most solid is exactly the wrong thing to do.
Lessons from love
Our weakest parts help us communicate with others.
Poem: April wind
Unburden yourself.
Wandering in the wilderness
Personal feelings of being in the wilderness can help us tap into a collective force that evidences grace.
As the crow flies
I aspire to live as the crow flies.
We cannot hear unless there is silence.
Winter solstice and the shaman within
It is we ourselves who must don the shaman's mask.
Are you a wretch?
Not every religious tradition asks you to choose your theological stance midway through a hymn.
Loving birds
Modern life interferes with the lessons and warnings of Nature.
The koan
The 'I' of me is a snapshot of something in motion.
The soul's address
Why do we discount our bodies as unworthy of reverence?
The wisdom of the wild
I don't mean misbehavior, but real wildness, elemental wildness, animal wildness.
Grace wins in the end
'I am a sworn enemy of the saccharine, and a believer in grace over karma.'
Winter hope
Optimism often lies, but hope never fails.
Good works
If our beliefs have meaning, we must act as if our souls depend on it.
Crying out for justice
Everything is perfect, and needs a lot of work.
Meditation on brokenness
Our ability to break and heal keeps us alive and makes us stronger.
The wisdom tree
Sometimes the place where you used to find wisdom gets destroyed.
Broken Buddha
The enlightened one as imperfect, cracked, and chipped.
The ways of the forest
Everything has a job in the forest.
Who are you?
Do not be afraid of self-examination.
Religious community is essential
The central task of the religious community.
The church is people
It is not a body of belief, a set of principles, or an impressive structure of stone, wood, and glass.
Cricket's song shows life's fragility
There is a cricket playing the violin in my bathroom.
Be the change
We must become, and learn to think of ourselves as, forces of history.
Prayer for the people of Iran
An Iranian-American holds her breath as hundreds of thousands march for democracy in Iran.
Opening words, Summer 2009
A Unitarian Universalist prayer from Kenya.
Watching the evidence change
A meditation on the inauguration of President Barack Obama, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Reading for the day
Love the gift of your life and do no harm.
It's about time, Persephone!
Ancient myths dramatize the shift from winter to spring.
Meditation, Spring 2008
A family meditation.
Feeling like an exile
Do you live in a kind of Babylon?
On the death of a child
Buddhist wisdom honors a brief life.
A community bound by love
An affirmation.
Only forward
Time and the human spirit.
Celebrate the Winter Solstice
Meditation for the longest night.
Creche surprise
Dramatis personae, wrapped in old newsprint.
What do Unitarian Universalists believe?
Unitarian Universalists hold many beliefs in common.
Dawn meditation for the fall equinox
Fall equinox sunrise meditation.
Meditations on our cosmic significance
Who hasn't felt tiny and insignificant?
Bubbles of Earth
'Dust thou art,' joyfully recast