Recent Stories
Faith groups join Lummi Nation fight against coal
Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship’s partnership leads to public witness event at UUA’s General Assembly in June.
Access to water is a human right
Improved water management is essential to climate change adaptation.
Less more, please
Solutions to the world’s environmental problems may not require more of us, but less.
When it comes to science and religion, render unto Caesar
Students occasionally offered erroneous answers with absolute confidence, but this fellow had thrown down a gauntlet.
Yellow shirts for climate action
More than 1,500 Unitarian Universalists took part in the People's Climate March.
At least 1,500 Unitarian Universalists join People's Climate March
Unitarian Universalists came from across the U.S. to the People's Climate March in New York City.
Updates from the People's Climate Train to New York City
Updates throughout the week from the People's Climate Train en route to New York City.
Evanston Unitarian church installs rain gardens
Gardens naturally absorb 25,000 cubic feet of water each year.
Selling the seeds of change
A UU-founded company is on a mission to reclaim our seed heritage.
Fossil fuel divestment on GA agenda
Divestment resolution, Congregational Study/Action Issues on business agenda.
Fly less, for the earth's sake
One mode of transportation causes particular ethical angst among folks concerned about climate change.
Resources for exploring your animal contradictions
An annotated guide to books and other resources.
Our animal contradictions
How Unitarian Universalism can help us sort out our place in the animal world.
Adaptation and defiance
Climate change requires adaptation, but it also calls for defiance.
GA clean energy rally draws attention from EPA
Divestment, shareholder advocacy hot topic at GA
Video: Environmental justice bus tour
On banks of Ohio River, UUs rally for clean energy
Fossil fuel divestment is not the answer
We need a rising tide of pressure pushing for a sustainable future.
Fossil fuel divestment is moral, strategic
Money is an instrument of moral choice.
Pet ministry: Caring for all creatures
UUs are providing comfort for ill or dying pets and their caregivers.
How to meet the climate crisis
A carbon fee might be the key to breaking our fossil-fuel addiction.
Activism is an act of faith
Our interconnectedness makes the powerless powerful.
Urban gardener hopes to turn foreclosures into farms
Milwaukee UU believes creating a 'harvestable city' will improve quality of life.
Tim DeChristopher's path
How an undergraduate's activism led him to prison, and to plans to become a UU minister.
Bound to the last spot of land in Louisiana
A visit to Plaquemines Parish, just ahead of Hurricane Isaac.
Sheltering the faith, Spring 2012
Brief news items about congregational building programs.
A passion for environmental justice
For the Rev. Bob Murphy, environmentalism and ministry overlap like the shoreline and the sea.
Finca Esperanza Verde: 'What ecotourism should be'
An organic coffee farm and ecotourism lodge
founded by a Unitarian Universalist couple
is a model for just and sustainable tourism.
UUs join March on Blair Mountain
At site of historic coal miner uprising, activists raise awareness about consequences of mountaintop removal mining.
Eggplant extravaganza
What happened when I vowed to get all my vegetables from a local farmshare.
The wisdom of the wild
I don't mean misbehavior, but real wildness, elemental wildness, animal wildness.
Utah UU convicted for environmental activism
Federal jury faults Tim DeChristopher for blocking auction of oil and gases leases.
Dinner with Monsanto
Planting the seeds for a code of ethics for bioengineers.
89 UU congregations join Global Day of Action
Unitarian Universalists promote environmental stewardship with '10-10-10' events.
UUA challenges oil company’s political spending
Shareholder resolution questions oil company’s $4 million effort to delay California’s global warming law.
AIW approved: 'Clean Up the Clean Energy Bill'
UU campaign honors Earth Day’s 40th anniversary
Forty congregants asked to give something up for 40 days.
Dinner dilemmas
Ethical issues at the Thanksgiving dinner table.
Unitarian Universalist buildings going green
Congregations increasingly applying green building techniques.
UUA to administer Green Sanctuary program
UUA to take over environmental program from UU Ministry for Earth
Oregon church plants a parking lot
Grass-porous pavement provides alternative to asphalt.
What you can do about global warming
The global warming problem is too global for a few simple steps to solve it, but there are actions you can take.
Our interdependent weather forecast
Weather is the great equalizer, reminding us that we share one world.
Eating ethically
Can you clean your plate with a clean
Congregations for the environment
Turning the UUA's Seventh Principle into a call to action.
Church meets gold standard for green buildings
Ohio fellowship gets LEED gold certification for new building.
General Assembly 2006
Environmental issues dominate annual gathering of Unitarian Universalist leaders.
Hundreds use opportunity to junk old computers
Michigan interfaith alliance’s e-waste collection nets 300 tons.
Unlikely partners saved a threatened species
Landowners, environmentalists, and policymakers worked together.
Light bulb program a bright idea
Congregation is a model of environmental activism.
Opening words, Spring 2006
We are citizens in an interdependent community of life.
Churches relying on renewable energy sources
Wind, solar, and geothermal power are among sources.
Global warming as a moral issue
Our use of energy makes global warming a moral issue.
New solar panels electrify church
Carmel, California, church builds in sustainable manner.
The wellspring of American nature writing
'Walden' remains uncannily 'addressed to our condition exactly,' 150 years after its publication.
Human origins and human futures
Looking back at Darwin and ahead at genetic engineering.
Nature's tough love
How the prairie challenges the ego.
The greening of our churches
Congregations find ways to live the Seventh Principle.
Good for nothing
In the study of grasshoppers, an entomologist discovers the value of simply 'being.'
Why I don't fly
Figuring out the ethics of long-distance travel is a challenge.