Recent Stories
Community news can nurture civic health
News organizations need to bridge the divide between journalism and the public.
When it comes to science and religion, render unto Caesar
Students occasionally offered erroneous answers with absolute confidence, but this fellow had thrown down a gauntlet.
Tough times
We progressives are prone to believing progress is a lot easier than it is.
Challenging the surveillance state
First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles is suing the National Security Agency.
Reeb Project aims to fight voter suppression
Charlotte congregations and All Souls in D.C. cooperate to work on voters' rights in North Carolina.
Banning gay marriage infringes religious freedom, UUs argue
Unitarian Universalists join historic suit against North Carolina law.
War zone sabbatical
I went to Afghanistan and Iraq to learn something about hope.
Our house, unequally divided
Inequality has reached such toxic levels that it corrupts our relationships and threatens our democracy.
1,500 Unitarian Universalists join huge N.C. march
UUs from many states joined tens of thousands for 'Moral March' in Raleigh February 8.
Political empathy
Demonizing your political opponents doesn't change anyone's mind, but empathy can.
AIW passes urging end to corporate personhood
My bloody closet
I found five tags that say "Made in Bangladesh," but I don't know what to do next.
Activism is an act of faith
Our interconnectedness makes the powerless powerful.
Democracy and empire
Liberal religion can nurture the weakened democratic spirit and push back against the forces of empire.
Approved: AIW opposes corporate personhood
UU legislative ministries now in 15 states
State legislative ministries bring UU values to the public arena.
Why immigration is a moral issue
America's immigration system isn't simply broken. It's immoral.
The demon of certainty and the curious heart
Certainty is the most dangerous demon of all.
There is enough
There's enough for you. There's enough for me. We don't have to throw anybody under the bus.
AIW fails: End the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan
AIW approved: 'Oppose Anti-Immigrant Measures'
AIW to end the blockade of Gaza fails
Governance for the next half-century
Why the UUA Board of Trustees is promoting change.
Prayer for the people of Iran
An Iranian-American holds her breath as hundreds of thousands march for democracy in Iran.
Peace Network rallied UUs against nukes
We didn't have to declare ourselves a traditional peace church to be strong advocates for peace and nuclear disarmament.
Watching the evidence change
A meditation on the inauguration of President Barack Obama, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Adlai Stevenson, the original egghead
The last Unitarian nominated for president of the United States.
Ted Sorensen, JFK's Unitarian speechwriter
An interview with President Kennedy's counselor and speechwriter.
Tents draw attention to Darfurian refugees’ plight
UU congregations adopt 'Tents of Hope' project to raise consciousness about refugee crisis
Prophetic nonviolence
Toward a Unitarian Universalist theology of war and peace.
Mike Gravel's Unitarian Universalism
Democratic presidential candidate identifies as a Unitarian Universalist.
America's original battle over church and state
Competing visions of divine order and sacred liberty.
Pete Stark's untroubled humanism
A Unitarian Congressman can't fathom why his nontheism is causing such a fuss.
Independent magazines take a hit
New postal rules treat small periodicals unfairly.
Drops of water turn a mill
Does the Internet Age augur a revival of liberal religion?
Stem cell research offers hope
But politics is interfering with medical research.
Did James Luther Adams really predict 'Christian fascists'?
Chris Hedges invokes UU theologian James Luther Adams in his new book, 'American Fascists,' but gets Adams only half-right.
Interfaith community groups leverage power
Hundreds of people gathered on a specific issue can have a strong impact on elected leaders.
Unitarian Universalists protest Iraq surge
UUA president criticizes Bush for troop increase.
Unitarian Universalists win three statewide races
Election results: Secretary of state in California and Minnesota; North Dakota reelects Senator Conrad.
Hungry for democracy
A new vision of democracy is emerging.
What would Jefferson and Adams do?
What two Unitarian U.S. presidents would think of contemporary religious politics.
Unitarian minister's TV special celebrates 'American Creed'
The Rev. Forrest Church writes Hallmark Channel documentary.
UUs mark anniversary of Iraq war
Unitarian Universalists mark third anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq with peace vigils, rallies, and sermons.
South Dakota UUs fought state abortion ban
UUs risk public censure and even harassment.
World War II novel connects with today's headlines
A 40-year-old novel asks unnervingly relevant questions about soldiers in the moral chaos of war.
Martin Luther King Jr.’s demanding God
King's God breaks down our divisions.
UUs in 11 states forming legislative advocacy groups
Four state groups already active; work coordinated with UU Service Committee.
Unitarian Universalist Association opposes Alito's confirmation
Denomination announces opposition to Supreme Court nominee.
Two books see fascism in America
Davidson Loehr and Charles Derber see fascism in contemporary American politics.
Has fascism come to America?
The Rev. Dr. Davidson Loehr says fascism has come to America.
Unitarian Universalist witch loses Supreme Court appeal
Court rejects public prayer case without comment.
UUA President calls for U.S. withdrawal from Iraq
Pastoral letter expresses shame at 'our government's involvement with torture.'
Why liberal religion offers a better way
Liberal religious people need to reclaim the moral agenda.
Unitarian Universalists join antiwar protests in Washington
UU Service Committee 'trial' of top government officials for torture draws hundreds.
Competing worldviews of fundamentalists and religious liberals
Why fundamentalists fear liberal family values.
UUs see progress in California gay marriage vote
California UUs celebrate legislature's vote for marriage equality.
Making sense of the conservative worldview
Two recent books can help liberals understand the Christian right.
Sex ed comes under fire in Washington
The U.S. has one of the highest rates of sexually transmitted infections among teens.
Civil liberties reexamined in 2005 Congress
UUA Washington Office for Advocacy update.
Preventing nuclear terrorism
The urgent need to secure weapons-grade nuclear material.
Joseph Nye, soft-power theorist
An expert on international relations praises the 'soft power' of attraction.
Hope amidst disappointing election results
Cincinnati offers a bright spot.
Strategies for effective activists
Lessons learned in the fight for reproductive rights.
UUs establish legislative presence
California UUs lead the way with legislative ministry.
The fundamentalist agenda
Fundamentalism may be absolutely natural, ancient, and powerful—but the liberal impulse makes us humane.
The reclamation of liberalism
Comparing Fareed Zakaria and James Luther Adams.
Unitarian Universalist questions about war
How do you "support the troops" when you oppose the war?
Power, religious faith, and social change
The challenge of citizen participation and the democratic process.
Are Americans afraid of freedom?
Many Americans see liberty as terrorism's accomplice.
We need more patriots
Nationalism threatens the true meaning of American patriotism.
Against vengeance
Witness for the things that make for peace.
Grassroots work joins Unitarian Universalists, others
Faith-based community organizing builds alliances to make change.
Pacifists and pragmatists
We are not a peace church. We are not a war church.