Recent Stories
A new ethos
How the UUA is promoting Beloved Community today.
'This is home for me'
A black Baltimore Unitarian Universalist marches for Freddie Gray, her city, and her faith.
Family detention centers pack three mothers, many children to a room
Unitarian Universalists call attention to new detention centers holding hundreds of immigrant families.
Universalism in practice
Black lives matter.
In Baltimore, my liberation is bound up with yours
The minister of First Unitarian Church in Baltimore reflects on #BaltimoreUprising.
In Baltimore, Unitarian Universalists look for ways to help
Joining vigils for Freddie Gray, packing lunches for school children, learning from black community’s distress.
Faith groups join Lummi Nation fight against coal
Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship’s partnership leads to public witness event at UUA’s General Assembly in June.
The next Selma
How the Black Lives Matter movement challenges Unitarian Universalists.
Access to water is a human right
Improved water management is essential to climate change adaptation.
In Selma, 'we are your partners forever'
More than 500 Unitarian Universalists join 50th anniversary march in Selma.
You can’t pretend to show up
Where would Dr. King ask us to show up if he were alive today?
Why Black History Month matters
As a Unitarian Universalist, I draw courage and inspiration from Black History Month.
Will we accompany immigrants and deportees?
What is the 'gospel' Unitarian Universalists have to share with migrants and deportees?
N.H. woman sues to breastfeed at work
Unitarian Universalist sues former employer, helps draft law requiring private space to breastfeed children.
Selma at the cinema
An important film introduces Unitarian Universalists Reeb and Liuzzo, but doesn't mention their faith.
The radical Martin Luther King we don't know
Does America have the capacity to heed the radical Martin Luther King Jr., or must America sanitize King in order to evade and avoid his challenge?
A life lesson from Hollywood
In 'Selma,' James Reeb offers a compelling lesson in being a racial justice ally.
Seminarian's injury inspires coordination in Berkeley protests
Unitarian Universalist ministry students work together in #BlackLivesMatter protests after one was bloodied by a police baton.
Reforms take aim at clergy misconduct
It is easy to think of clergy misconduct as a Catholic or evangelical problem. It's not.
Study guide helps congregations explore 'Escalating Inequality'
Congregational Study/Action Issue chosen at 2014 General Assembly.
Up to our necks
As a nation, we are buried up to our necks in a history of violence against people of color.
Tough times
We progressives are prone to believing progress is a lot easier than it is.
Immigrant finds sanctuary in Denver Unitarian church
Denver-area Unitarian Universalist congregations join new sanctuary movement.
Marriage equality 'is going to last'
After Supreme Court action, same-sex marriage now legal in 32 states.
Challenging the surveillance state
First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles is suing the National Security Agency.
All are welcome, to a point
Anti-abortion activists interrupted a Unitarian Universalist worship service, then complained when they were ushered out.
Hearing others' stories reveals their humanity
We affirm women's dignity, yet UUs still wrestle with the systemic undercurrents of misogyny.
#YesAllWomen and the continuum of aggression
The brilliance of #YesAllWomen is that it sidesteps the objection 'Not all men are like that.'
31 UUs arrested at immigration protest at White House
Unitarian Universalists made up largest contingent in interfaith action July 31.
Helping to tip the scales
UU Fellowship of Topeka’s decades of involvement on LGBT issues
Sister Simone Campbell to UUs: walk towards trouble
Witnessing to the power of love
Curated social media from the Saturday, June 28, 2014, WaterFire event.
Banning gay marriage infringes religious freedom, UUs argue
Unitarian Universalists join historic suit against North Carolina law.
What Haiti taught me
A week with the UU College of Social Justice and the Mouvman Peyizan Papay.
Justice journeys with the UU College of Social Justice
The UU College of Social Justice offers experiential learning and social justice training programs.
At detention center, immigrants kept indoors for years
Unitarian Universalists continue vigils outside Washington facility where detained immigrants are held.
Our house, unequally divided
Inequality has reached such toxic levels that it corrupts our relationships and threatens our democracy.
Morales champions reproductive rights outside Supreme Court
Peter Morales claims access to contraception is “a constitutionally protected right to religious freedom.”
Singing for humanity: The Pete Seeger saga
Speaking truth to power, with banjos and boats.
UU leaders urge attendance at N.C. 'moral rally'
Feb. 8 protest will focus on voter laws and other conservative legislation.
Parents of murdered teen raise awareness about dating violence
'Grief is the hard form of caring,' says Malcolm Astley, the father of a murdered teen.
Political empathy
Demonizing your political opponents doesn't change anyone's mind, but empathy can.
I'll stand her ground
What I'm telling my daughter, an African-American teenager, about Trayvon Martin's death.
Assembly adopts immigration Statement of Conscience
Fossil fuel divestment is not the answer
We need a rising tide of pressure pushing for a sustainable future.
Fossil fuel divestment is moral, strategic
Money is an instrument of moral choice.
My bloody closet
I found five tags that say "Made in Bangladesh," but I don't know what to do next.
What is reproductive justice?
Women need more than a right to choose. Unitarian Universalists are joining a broader movement seeking reproductive justice.
The moral arc reconsidered
Empirical evidence that the arc of the moral universe bends toward justice.
Discussion guide helps readers explore 'The New Jim Crow'
How you and your congregation can start talking about mass incarceration.
Activism is an act of faith
Our interconnectedness makes the powerless powerful.
Love will prevail
Love is not afraid; love is tough.
'Road to a different future': 2012 General Assembly
With singular focus, General Assembly is transformed.
Hold up those lights: 2012 Justice General Assembly
The Unitarian Universalist Association gathers in Phoenix to challenge the treatment of immigrants.
Democracy and empire
Liberal religion can nurture the weakened democratic spirit and push back against the forces of empire.
Thousands wage peaceful protest at Tent City
Citizenship fair draws hundreds of UU volunteers
Takahashi Morris: 'Tent City' and internment camps
Video: UUs arrive for 'Tent City' vigil
Religious delegation visits 'Tent City'
'Justice for everyone'
Unitarian Universalists in Danbury, Connecticut, help immigrants directly every week.
Hand in hand, Summer 2012
The true test of this year's GA is what our congregations in every state do five years from now.
Occupy paradise
I was willing to be arrested to be part of something beautiful.
Partners in justice
The UUA's immigrant rights partners in Arizona help communities in peril.
Congregations as allies in the fight for immigrant rights
How three Unitarian Universalist congregations are pursuing immigration justice.
For love and justice
Unitarian Universalists mobilize in response to laws
that tear families apart and abuse immigrants.
The spiritual heritage of the Occupy movement
The Occupy protests have much in common with political movements of the 1840s, 1890s, and 1930s—including a spiritual dimension.
After 9/11, can Unitarian Universalists talk about evil?
Despite religious liberals' uneasiness with the word, we have something important to say about evil.
Finca Esperanza Verde: 'What ecotourism should be'
An organic coffee farm and ecotourism lodge
founded by a Unitarian Universalist couple
is a model for just and sustainable tourism.
UUA president convicted in civil disobedience case
The Rev. Peter Morales guilty of misdemeanor in Ariz. protest of SB 1070.
Henry Bergh: 'The great meddler'
The Unitarian who founded societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals and children.
Lucy Stone Cooperative rooted in UU values
Young adults create Boston housing cooperative.
Approved: AIW supports California supermarket workers
Justice work earns award for Minnesota church
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Rochester, Minn., receives UUA’s Bennett Award.
With diversity comes strength
Our congregations are only starting to embrace what we teach our children.
A report from the front lines of the culture wars
Why my church voted to support same-sex marriage.
Gordon Martin, civil rights lawyer
UUA parliamentarian's book chronicles African Americans' efforts to vote in 1960s Mississippi.
The story of Ephraim Nute
New book chronicles life of frontier Unitarian minister.
Congregations give a hand to immigrants
'It is one thing to talk about immigration in the abstract and another to hear people's stories.'
A nation of immigrants
I couldn't help but connect the plight of these migrants to my own family history.
Charges dropped against UU arrested in Phoenix protest
First arrestees found ‘not guilty’; charges dropped against second group
Unitarian Universalists honor transgender deaths
Congregations becoming more aware of transgender issues.
Why immigration is a moral issue
America's immigration system isn't simply broken. It's immoral.
'Justice' General Assembly to be held in Phoenix
Days and nights of work result in a plan most can endorse
AIW approved: Gulf Coast justice
Protesting Arizona's new immigration law
We must respond with love to the fear that drives the debate about immigration.
The religious left
An old tradition for a new day.
Be a dignitarian
We can overcome rankism and build a world that honors the dignity of every person.
Women crafting a better world
Transforming lives through global social entrepreneurship.
Was your town a sundown town?
How to find out if your community intentionally excluded African Americans.
Prophetic nonviolence
Toward a Unitarian Universalist theology of war and peace.
Is your congregation talking about peacemaking?
UUA seeks congregational input on peacemaking resolution by March 1.
The War on Drugs' war on families
A documentary film shows the tragic consequences of mandatory minimum sentences.
Forgotten story of America's whites-only towns
James Loewen documents the rise of 'sundown towns' and their enduring legacy.
Spirited defender
Karen Tse's human rights ministry is helping to eradicate torture.
Our calling, Summer 2007
The unfulfilled promise of a racially and culturally diverse Unitarian Universalism.
UUA pressures Fidelity over Sudanese investments
Retirement plan holders urged to change funds.
What torture has taught me
My twelve years at the helm of Amnesty International.
Heroes' dilemma: How much would you sacrifice?
The complex moral legacy of Martha and Waitstill Sharp.
Of hummingbirds and immigrants
'Hummingbirds migrate north and south just like we do.'
UU Service Committee led on Central American human rights
Fifteen years of advocacy in El Salvador.
Church groups organize in more states for marriage equality
Developments in Unitarian Universalist advocacy for marriage equality.
The Veatch story
A generous gift has provided millions for Unitarian Universalist and social justice programs.
UU Veatch grants support justice programs
A few modest corrections won't fix the injustice in our society; radical change is needed.
Parents crusade to end the death penalty
A Texas couple's crusade to end capital punishment.
Baton Rouge swells with displaced people
UUA president expresses outrage at government’s hurricane response; donations to UUA-UUSC fund reach $386,000.
Maryland UUs battle for marriage equality
Same-sex couples sue for marriage licenses in Baltimore.
New social justice consulting program
Antioppression consulting program helps congregations in existing justice efforts.
Reforming a criminal justice system in crisis
The General Assembly considers a new Statement of Conscience.
UUA celebrates same-sex marriage anniversary in Massachusetts
The party included music, a wedding cake, toasts, and thousands of paper hearts.
The microcredit revolution
How small loans to people in poverty are empowering women and transforming local economies around the world.
Modern slavery's bitter harvest
Slavery isn't history—and we're reaping its fruit.
What you and your congregation can do about slavery
Steps you can take to end modern slavery.
Boycotts don't always help, but you can
How to harness consumer power against modern slavery.
Meet today's UU abolitionists
Four Unitarian Universalist groups confront modern slavery.
Ephraim Nute, free-state minister
New England Unitarians and other abolitionists helped found Lawrence, Kansas.
Gay rights timeline
Major social, political, and religious milestones on the road to equality.
Same-sex marriage comes to Massachusetts
Deeper and broader trends make the rest of the country more tolerant, too.
Clarence Bertrand Thompson: Famous consultant, forgotten minister
A Unitarian minister who became a management expert and a biochemist.
Human rights and the evil of terrorism
Terrorists commit vicious human rights crimes. But they also thrive on the crimes of others.
Unitarian Universalist questions about war
How do you "support the troops" when you oppose the war?
Fighting City Hall
Who says you can't fight City Hall? Corporations win battles with local governments all the time.
How corporations became 'persons'
The amazing true story of a legal fiction that undermines American democracy.
Resources on corporate privilege
Learn more about corporate privilege and ways citizens can work for change.
Are Americans afraid of freedom?
Many Americans see liberty as terrorism's accomplice.
Ellery Schempp stood up for religious minorities
Ellery Schempp's 1958 lawsuit ended mandatory Bible readings in school.
It came upon a Unitarian midnight clear
Edmund Hamilton Sears's beloved carol longs for peace.
Why Martin Luther King Jr. wasn't a UU
A reflection on race and theology.
Against vengeance
Witness for the things that make for peace.
A step toward racial reconciliation
A Cincinnati church reaches out to the family of a black Unitarian minister it rejected many years ago.
Breaking the cycle of violence
Responding to terrorism without promoting more violence.
How much do we deserve?
How much inequality can a democracy experience and survive? What is economic justice?
Transforming the lives of India's 'broken people'
How the UU Holdeen India Program helps India's outcastes.
Hut schools for India's child laborers
The UUA Holdeen India Program supports schools for child laborers.
Goals of the UU Holdeen India Program
Seven principles for a partnership with the oppressed.
Bearing witness to human diversity
A visit to Auschwitz.
Unfinished journey: Selma 1965
Unitarian Universalists responded to Martin Luther King Jr.'s call to Selma. Two gave their lives.
Timeline of the Selma civil rights campaign
From Selma to the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Witness to Reeb's death looks back
A witness to Selma's tragedies revisits the path of tears and learns to dry his own.
Memoir of King's eulogy for James Reeb
A witness's diary captures the torment and magic of James Reeb’s eulogy.
Restaurant justice
How often do we consider the well-being of the people who make and serve us our meals?
A bookshelf for inclusion
Five books to help congregations welcome people with disabilities.