Recent Stories
UU scholars exchange ideas at San Diego gathering
The UU Scholars and Friends group meets at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion and the Society for Biblical Literature.
Starr King belatedly grants degrees to two students
On heels of report by ad hoc investigative committee, seminary puts professor on administrative leave.
Two more Starr King professors resign
Organization of community ministers condemns school's actions; UUA leaders express dismay about 'heated rhetoric and broken relationships.'
Seminarian's injury inspires coordination in Berkeley protests
Unitarian Universalist ministry students work together in #BlackLivesMatter protests after one was bloodied by a police baton.
Unitarian Universalists work for LGBT rights in Africa
Congregational partnerships and United Nations advocacy challenge oppressive laws.
Starr King seminary continues investigation of students
Excitement over new president marred by ongoing controversy over withheld degrees.
Is ALEC afraid of Unitarian Universalists?
Business group that drafts conservative legislation targets UUs in fundraising email.
Looking to get more involved in climate justice? Commit2Respond
A movement open to all, calling all to action on a moral imperative.
80 congregations now hire membership professionals
Most growth last year happened in congregations with paid membership coordinators.
At least 1,500 Unitarian Universalists join People's Climate March
Unitarian Universalists came from across the U.S. to the People's Climate March in New York City.
New crowdfunding site draws $100K for UU projects
Donors pledge $100,000 through Faithify.org for Unitarian Universalist projects in first two months.
Iowa UUs win victories in decriminalizing HIV status
Unitarian Universalists lead efforts to decriminalize HIV status in Iowa.
From dormitory to transformational community
Bethany House, a Universalist-founded boarding house for young women in Boston, adds transitional housing mission.
Starr King seminary withholds diplomas amid investigation
School trying to trace leaked documents from presidential search process.
At detention center, immigrants kept indoors for years
Unitarian Universalists continue vigils outside Washington facility where detained immigrants are held.
Starr King names Rosemary Bray McNatt its next president
The Rev. Rosemary Bray McNatt to follow the Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker as president of Starr King School for the Ministry.
UU leaders urge attendance at N.C. 'moral rally'
Feb. 8 protest will focus on voter laws and other conservative legislation.
Volunteers sought for ongoing Sandy recovery
More than a year after Superstorm Sandy hit New Jersey and New York, volunteers are still needed.
Learning from Meadville Lombard's move
Ministry fund created in Courter's honor
UUMA gives honorary membership to Kay Montgomery
Beloved Cafe seeks new model for spiritual community
'Not all Unitarian Universalism has to happen at church,' say Bay Area entrepreneurs.
Minister embarks on Dallas-to-Concord fundraising ride
To raise money for the Jericho Road Project, the Rev. Dr. Daniel Kanter is cycling from Texas to Massachusetts.
In Florida, ministers gather for learning and leisure
Second UU Ministers Association Institute draws 440 clergy for worship, courses, and collegiality.
UUs give money and muscle to Sandy relief efforts
Disaster-relief fund tops $306,000.
Urban gardener hopes to turn foreclosures into farms
Milwaukee UU believes creating a 'harvestable city' will improve quality of life.
Once a rarity, UU military chaplains increasing
The growing number of UU chaplains reflects sea change in UUA’s relationship to the military.
UUs celebrate historic wins for marriage equality
Popular votes in Maine, Maryland, and Washington approve same-sex marriage; Minnesotans reject marriage ban.
UUs rally for marriage equality in four states
Ballot questions in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, and Washington draw UU support, advocacy.
Rochester congregation is new home for UU boutique
New York church will expand UniUniques with traditional and edgy items.
Harvest of Hope aids ‘invisible’ migrants
Florida-based foundation has donated more than $1M in direct aid to migrant farmworkers.
Starr King names professor of UU history
The Rev. Dr. Susan Ritchie brings 'fresh eye' to understanding UU roots.
UURISE gives radical hospitality to immigrants
Nonprofit group provides immigrant advocacy and education with a UU voice.
UUA, UUSC collaborate on social justice 'college'
Group will offer international service trips and social justice education.
UN seminar spurs UU young adults to immigration action
119 youth and adults attend three-day UU-UNO conference in New York.
Academia, ministry intersect in UU history post
Meadville Lombard appoints the Rev. Dr. Nicole Kirk to endowed chair of UU history.
UU's sexuality advocacy group fights for survival
The Rev. Debra Haffner's Religious Institute loses more than $400,000 to fiscal agent; launches emergency fundraising appeal.
Community minister helps ‘one child at a time’
The Rev. Donald Robinson lauded for 20 years of youth programs at Beacon House.
Memories and money boost Camp de Benneville Pines
Once feared to be one burst pipe from shutting down, California camp celebrates solvency at its 50th anniversary.
Campus ministries reopen as students head back to school
College groups diversify offerings with OWL, social justice, and programs for older students.
15 UUs arrested during Tar Sands Action
Two-week protest draws Unitarian Universalists from across the country to highlight perils of pipeline and climate change.
Tar Sands Action inspired by a UU's civil disobedience
Environmentalists plan protests at White House.
U.S. churches unite to support Uganda school
Annual sponsorships from American Unitarian Universalists will aid school started by Ugandan UU minister.
Meadville Lombard finds new Chicago campus
UU seminary will lease space from Spertus Institute, a Jewish studies center.
Meadville Lombard, Andover Newton end plans for 'theological university'
Meadville will remain independent; ANTS to move ahead with other partners.
The Mountain climbs back to solvency
Increased donations, new interim director bolster North Carolina retreat center.
Alternative scouting group starts to grow
Navigators USA welcomes gay, atheist, and agnostic scouts.
UUA president touched by visits with Dalits
UUA President Peter Morales finds ‘freedom tastes like salt.’
UU Jewish community connects at national conference
Conference is first gathering of Jewish Unitarian Universalists in 20 years.
Oregon UU church builds Cuban alliances
Cuba AyUUda fosters Cuban-U.S. relations.
Morales visits Unitarians and humanitarian partners in India
UUA President on two-week visit with Holdeen India partners and Unitarians in North East India.
Turning Valentine's Day into a day for social justice
Unitarian Universalists demonstrate for LGBT rights, immigration reform, religious tolerance.
Heritage and history groups sponsor conference together
'History and Heritage Convocation' unites four independent organizations.
Sheltering the faith, Spring 2011
News about congregational building programs.
UU United Nations Office to rejoin UUA
Move will give UN office, UUA greater advocacy strength.
Unitarian Universalists raise funds for gay rights in Uganda
Donations will support human rights activists fighting homophobia.
Meadville Lombard sells main building
Chicago seminary seeks long-term lease for new home; will leave its 1929 building by end of year.
UU legislative ministries now in 15 states
State legislative ministries bring UU values to the public arena.
Offering a room to asylum seekers
Members of two N.J. Unitarian Universalist congregations host political asylum seekers as part of interfaith group.
William Schulz named new UUSC president
Schulz chosen for his leadership on human rights.
N.C. retreat center drastically reduces staff
The Mountain’s board lays off CEO and half of staff.
Building houses, strengthening a church
Service trips to Nicaragua help revitalize Wisconsin church.
Seminaries announce plans for 'theological university'
Chicago's Meadville Lombard will combine with Boston-area Andover Newton in interfaith partnership.
Bid to rename Thomas Jefferson District fails again
Motion to change UUA district’s name falls short by 3 votes.
William Schulz to serve as interim UUSC head
Search for former CEO Charlie Clements’s successor underway.
Events to mark Margaret Fuller’s bicentennial
Dozens of events scheduled nationwide to celebrate the legacy of noted feminist, journalist, and Transcendentalist.
Pick up a hammer at 2010 General Assembly
Sign up for UUSC’s Habitat for Humanity camp or volunteer to revitalize a downtown neighborhood in Minneapolis in June.
Clements to leave UU Service Committee
UUSC president chosen to head Harvard’s Carr Center for Human Rights Policy
Ups and downs in fight for marriage equality
The Rev. Keith Kron on the fight for marriage equality and other aspects of Unitarian Universalist support for GLBT people.
Meadville Lombard to sell Chicago campus
Unitarian Universalist seminary to discuss possible partnership with Boston-area Andover Newton Theological Seminary.
UUA launches 'Standing on the Side of Love' campaign
New public advocacy initiative on behalf of marginalized people.
UU membership professionals form own organization
Group to help membership professionals grow Unitarian Universalism.
UU seminaries feel economic pinch
With devalued endowments, schools implement cost-cutting measures.
UUA shifts international focus to congregations
Sinkford’s presidency focused less on institutional alliances.
New website helps military UUs connect
Church of the Larger Fellowship launches military ministry website.
Unitarian Universalists promote clean energy on Capitol Hill
Thousands of young people gather in Washington to lobby for changes in energy policy.
Boston’s Channing Elementary School draws UU tutors
Interfaith program provides classroom assistants, clothing, school supplies, and food
UU minister to lead former Universalist college
The Rev. Dr. William L. Fox elected St. Lawrence University’s eighteenth president.
Unitarian Universalists work to preserve gay marriage in Calif.
UU Legislative Ministry opposes California’s Proposition 8 as an attack on marriage equality.
Meadville Lombard introduces sweeping curricular changes
Unitarian Universalist seminary in Chicago will require community service placements of all students.
Tents draw attention to Darfurian refugees’ plight
UU congregations adopt 'Tents of Hope' project to raise consciousness about refugee crisis
Sierra Club highlights UU environmental initiatives
National report on religious environmentalism honors Unitarian Universalist projects.
Sinkford speaks at religious summit before G8 meeting
Interfaith gathering urges action on climate change, nuclear disarmament, and terrorism.
UUA to administer Green Sanctuary program
UUA to take over environmental program from UU Ministry for Earth
Unitarian Universalists cheer California gay marriage ruling
UU legislative ministry’s amicus brief cited in Supreme Court’s decision authorizing same-sex marriages.
Harvard names first Emerson UUA professor
Dan McKanan, historian of religious left, appointed by Harvard Divinity School.
Continental YRUU 'will be replaced,' Sinkford says
Funding cuts uncertain for youth organization; new model for youth ministry in development.
UUA suspends funding for young adult network
Staff groups serving youth and young adults expected to merge.
UU delegation heads to Kenya
Aid fund established to help victims of violence in Kenya.
New archive celebrates UU people of color
Sankofa Project shares photos and documents from past and present UUs of color.
Scholarships aid UU doctoral students
Revitalized program increases scholarship amounts.
Scouting alternatives draw UU youth
Navigators and SpiralScouts offer inclusive programs.
UUs help launch New Orleans 'Resurrection Project'
Gulf Coast Unitarian Universalists gather for second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.
UU sexologist faces off against Bill O'Reilly
The Rev. Debra Haffner promotes comprehensive sexuality education.
Star Island reopens after unexpected closure
Popular N.H. summer conference center cleared by fire chief.
UUA board approves two affiliates
At post-GA meeting, board discusses controversial new criteria for independent affiliate organizations.
UUA board cuts funds to seminaries
Board approves plan to develop new approach to supporting theological education.
Antiwar song inspires peace movement
UUA and UUSC join 'Where is the Rage?' project to protest Iraq war.
Trustee endows new scholarship at Meadville Lombard
Chicago seminary announces new merit-based scholarship.
Board shifts funding priorities for theological education
Board looks at seminary funding, independent affiliates, and moderator's role.
Massachusetts interfaith group walks for climate rescue
Nine-day trek begins in Northampton blizzard, ends in Boston rally.
Unitarian radio station has global ambitions
Transylvanian Internet radio station broadcasts Unitarian values.
Sharon Welch named provost at Meadville Lombard
Ethics scholar to lead academic program at Chicago seminary.
UU Urban Ministry mourns six deaths
Ministry tries to counter rising tide of violence in Boston.
Starr King announces online leadership courses
"Seminary for the Laity" will offer courses for congregational leaders.
$132K will help Gulf Coast community groups
UUA-UUSC Gulf Coast Relief Fund assists childcare, community leadership groups.
New Gulf Coast grants total $130K
UUA-UUSC fund supports antiracism training and rebuilding projects.
Meadville Lombard announces new scholarship
Spencer and Susan Lavan support academic excellence with gift.
V.A. resists use of pentacle on tombstones
New lawsuit demands equality for Wiccan and Pagan veterans.
UU peace prize awarded to Liberian women
Sinkford presents award at Kyoto interfaith conference.
Restructured UU Women's Federation turns to grant giving
UUWF now funds women's social justice projects instead of providing direct services to congregations.
Program strengthens church social justice work
UUA Social Justice Empowerment Program helps churches focus.
UUA to help congregations with international connections
Director of Partner Church Council hired to lead UUA's review of international work.
New hurricane-relief grants exceed $330K
February 21 grants help six Gulf Coast groups.
Two-year process reexamines UU youth ministry
Congregational and denominational youth programs under review.
Record giving for disaster victims
Tsunami, hurricane, flooding, and earthquake relief.
Work camps help rebuild Gulf Coast area
An up-close view of Gulf Coast destruction.
Tsunami fund focuses on marginalized populations
$2 million raised by Unitarian Universalist partnership helps marginalized populations and women affected by 2004 disaster.
UUs in 11 states forming legislative advocacy groups
Four state groups already active; work coordinated with UU Service Committee.
Unitarian couple honored for World War II heroism
Israel honors cofounders of UU Service Committee.
New director of UU United Nations Office
Jim Nelson brings international experience to advocacy and educational organization.
140 congregations show Wal-Mart film
Many Unitarian Universalists join economic justice campaign against retailer.
Boston honors Selma's civil rights activists
Unitarian Universalists cosponsor march, remember civil rights martyrs.
Largest gathering of Cuban Unitarian Universalists
Unitarian Universalism gains momentum in Cuba.
UU United Nations Office funds AIDS orphans
Program funds school in Ghana for children who lost parents to AIDS.
UUSC, UUA establish earthquake relief fund
October 8 earthquake devastated parts of Pakistan and India, killing tens of thousands.
Unitarian Universalists join antiwar protests in Washington
UU Service Committee 'trial' of top government officials for torture draws hundreds.
Unitarians in Transylvania suffer in floods
Partner churches help historic Unitarian communities; UUA raises relief funds.
UUs see progress in California gay marriage vote
California UUs celebrate legislature's vote for marriage equality.
All Souls rings 'Abolition Bell' for Iraq dead
Historic church bell rings in Washington, D.C., for war dead.
Sheen to play Rumsfeld at UUSC mock trial
'Call for Justice Weekend,' sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, will protest U.S. torture policies.
Church of the Younger Fellowship
New on-line church lets UU young adults stay connected 24/7.
Beacon Press surpasses UUA's three-year goals
Beacon Press exceeds requirements set by the UUA Board.
Donors pool resources in 'giving circles'
'Shared Giving' circle created at UU Church in NC.
Latin American UUs assemble to form AUULA
Unitarian Universalism gaining popularity in Latin America.
UU evangelism fosters new church growth
Marketing efforts underway
Baskets send Bolivians to school
An unlikely bond between Washington's Puget Sound and Bolivia.
Preventing nuclear terrorism
The urgent need to secure weapons-grade nuclear material.
UUs establish legislative presence
California UUs lead the way with legislative ministry.