Recent Stories
Twin Cities UUs focus on Black Lives Matter
Hundreds of Unitarian Universalists take part in Mall of America protests.
Yellow shirts for climate action
More than 1,500 Unitarian Universalists took part in the People's Climate March.
Missouri UUs hold vigils, collect food for Ferguson
UUA president decries 'profoundly unsettling' images of police action after killing of Michael Brown.
In the media, Fall 2014
Highlights from 'Unitarian Universalists in the Media,' our weekly guide.
Marriage equality gains momentum
UUs in Rhode Island, Delaware, and Minnesota celebrate equal marriage rights in rapid succession.
Bay Area clergy arrested at Occupy Oakland
Unitarian Universalist ministers participated in interfaith vigil as police in riot gear slashed tents.
ESPN film examines curses and scapegoats
Unitarian Universalist minister lends religious perspective to questions of fan behavior.
Equal marriage comes to New York
Unitarian Universalists also cheer civil unions in Ill., R.I.
UUs join March on Blair Mountain
At site of historic coal miner uprising, activists raise awareness about consequences of mountaintop removal mining.
Civil unions become law in Illinois
While short of marriage, civil unions allow same-sex couples health insurance, pensions, and other benefits.
Disappointment for Maryland UUs battling for equal marriage rights
Fearing defeat in the House, supporters decide to wait until next year.
Tour educates Calif. UUs about water justice issues
Young adults learn social justice leadership skills.
Sales of new UU Spanish hymnal halted
‘Serious errors’ found in new publication.
'Army Wives' features UU child dedication ceremony
TV episodes set in Charleston, S.C., Unitarian church.
Non-UU youth learn about sex through UU program
D.C. community youth groups adopt UUA's lifespan sexual education curricula.
Beacon Press to reissue Martin Luther King Jr.'s books
Exclusive partnership with King's estate will bring civil rights leader's writings to a contemporary audience.
Local TV show sheds light on mental illness
UU minister conducts mental health ministry via public access TV.
Unitarian Universalist heads Islamic investing group
Blake Goud promotes 'halal' investing through Portland foundation.
Unitarian Universalist spiritual directors form network
Network can help religious liberals find a spiritual director.
Pentacle accepted for use on V.A. tombstones
Ten-year battle ends with Wiccan victory.
Churches respond to global AIDS crisis
Unitarian Universalist congregations raise funds, lobby for international AIDS relief.
V.A. resists use of pentacle on tombstones
New lawsuit demands equality for Wiccan and Pagan veterans.
Unitarian statue loses spot in U.S. Capitol
Thomas Starr King statue to be replaced by one of Ronald Reagan.
Unitarian Universalist tsunami donations exceed $1.5 million
UUA-UUSC joint effort
Podcasting helps spread UU message
Sex ed comes under fire in Washington
The U.S. has one of the highest rates of sexually transmitted infections among teens.
A Greener General Assembly
General Assembly showing a more eco-friendly face.
Civil liberties reexamined in 2005 Congress
UUA Washington Office for Advocacy update.
10 ways to make your religious education program boy-friendly
What's distinctive about UU relationships?
Unitarian Universalist principles for healty relationships.