Recent Stories
Family detention centers pack three mothers, many children to a room
Unitarian Universalists call attention to new detention centers holding hundreds of immigrant families.
In Baltimore, Unitarian Universalists look for ways to help
Joining vigils for Freddie Gray, packing lunches for school children, learning from black community’s distress.
Cambridge church will host shelter for homeless youth
First Parish partnership with Y2Y Harvard Square will shelter 20 young adults.
Faith groups join Lummi Nation fight against coal
Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship’s partnership leads to public witness event at UUA’s General Assembly in June.
Historic Universalist church destroyed by fire
First Universalist Church of Southold, New York, built in 1837, incinerated March 14.
Muslim leader speaks to N.C. Unitarian Universalists
Charlotte UUs build interfaith partnership in aftermath of killing of three Muslims in Chapel Hill.
Twin Cities UUs focus on Black Lives Matter
Hundreds of Unitarian Universalists take part in Mall of America protests.
St. Louis Unitarian Universalists stand in solidarity
Vigils, educational events, fundraising continue in aftermath of Ferguson grand jury decision.
Immigrant finds sanctuary in Denver Unitarian church
Denver-area Unitarian Universalist congregations join new sanctuary movement.
Marriage equality 'is going to last'
After Supreme Court action, same-sex marriage now legal in 32 states.
Reeb Project aims to fight voter suppression
Charlotte congregations and All Souls in D.C. cooperate to work on voters' rights in North Carolina.
Evanston Unitarian church installs rain gardens
Gardens naturally absorb 25,000 cubic feet of water each year.
Increased accessibility at Sioux City church
31-member congregation raised $60,000 to make building handicap accessible.
Social justice push marks minister’s retirement
More than 100 hours volunteered in honor of the Rev. Bill Breeden
Book group brings Muslim and UU women together
Women from Unitarian Universalist and Muslim congregations in Silver Spring, Md., meet each month.
Helping to tip the scales
UU Fellowship of Topeka’s decades of involvement on LGBT issues
Oregon ends same-sex marriage ban
Unitarian Universalist minister says the weddings she performed are among ‘highlights of my ministry.’
Michigan UU ministers marry 200 same-sex couples
Unitarian Universalists performed two-thirds of marriages on one day licenses were issued.
Emerging, alternative groups at UUA's growing edge
Total membership falls 1.2 percent; UUA counts 51 emerging groups, handful of experimental communities.
Kids' Service Team makes service fun, spiritual
In New Haven, Conn., the Kids' Service Team promotes 'having fun while doing good.'
1,500 Unitarian Universalists join huge N.C. march
UUs from many states joined tens of thousands for 'Moral March' in Raleigh February 8.
Project cultivates Latino leaders for city's nonprofits
Jericho Road Lawrence's new project helps match Latino professionals with boards of city's nonprofits.
Tax-exempt housing allowances for clergy thrown into question
Federal court decision opens controversy over constitutionality of long-used clergy benefit seen as offsetting low salaries.
Group works to make congregations more accessible
EqUUal Access offers guidelines, is creating a congregational certification program.
UU minister says historic 'I do' in Hawaii
Eight minutes after same-sex marriage became legal, minister and fiancé wed at First Unitarian Church of Honolulu.
Arizona UUs mobilize to stop deportations
Protests and advocacy seek to keep families together and pressure Obama to halt deportations.
Washington congregation creates permanent village for homeless
At Olympia's Camp Quixote, 30 one-room cottages are near completion.
Congregational news, Winter 2013
Brief congregational news items from the Winter 2013 issue.
Sheltering the faith, Winter 2013
Brief news items about congregational building programs.
Historic quilt becomes time capsule for Nebraska congregation
Omaha UUs restore and celebrate 1898 ‘signature quilt’
Congregations build bridges, relationships with Native Americans
Spurred by study of Doctrine of Discovery, UUs reach out to indigenous people.
Colorado UUs dry out from epic floods
Mountain Desert District creates relief fund for congregations, individuals
Restaurant gives women from prison a new start
Unitarian Universalist minister’s work with imprisoned women grows into job program.
Florida church welcomes Boy Scouts spurned by Baptists
After BSA allows gay scouts, UU Church of Fort Myers opens doors to three units.
Seeking growth, congregations take 'Leap of Faith'
Congregational mentoring program enters third year.
Slave Memorial honors builders of Charleston church
Original Colonial bricks reused to create monument in historic churchyard.
L.A. church joins lawsuit against government surveillance
Collecting call records violates First Amendment rights, lawsuit claims.
Clearwater UUs lauded for deep-seated social activism
For decades, congregation has advocated for civil rights, farmworkers, immigrants, and LGBT rights.
UUA welcomes one new congregation at 2013 GA
Four UU congregations pull investments from fossil fuel companies
Congregations divest to make statement against profiting from practices that contribute to climate change.
After tornadoes, Oklahoma UUs aid undocumented immigrants
Interfaith effort brings services to people who, fearing deportation, don’t seek relief.
Beloved Cafe seeks new model for spiritual community
'Not all Unitarian Universalism has to happen at church,' say Bay Area entrepreneurs.
Six UUs arrested in 'Moral Monday' protest
North Carolinians jailed for protesting conservative legislation; Texas UUs detained, deported after visiting factory in Mexico.
Sheltering the faith, Summer 2013
Brief news items about congregational building programs.
Congregational news, Summer 2013
Brief congregational news items from the Summer 2013 issue.
Minister embarks on Dallas-to-Concord fundraising ride
To raise money for the Jericho Road Project, the Rev. Dr. Daniel Kanter is cycling from Texas to Massachusetts.
British Unitarians rally to save faith from extinction
‘Growing Unitarianism’ movement seeks to reverse decline and promote excitement.
UUA, UCC presidents rally for gay marriage in R.I.
Morales, Black urge Rhode Islanders to lobby their state senators after marriage equality bill passes the House.
Gateway Fellowship forms from Arizona prison ministry
Inmates and members of Tucson congregation gather for monthly prison worship.
Virginia revival joins three congregations and campus ministry
500 worshipers gather for rousing service in college community.
First Parish Bedford funds gun buyback program
Massachusetts congregation seeks to ‘do something’ in response to Newtown massacre.
In Afghanistan, UUs light chalice in new congregation
The Kandahar Crossing UU Fellowship is a peaceful refuge in a war zone.
Sheltering the faith, Spring 2013
Brief news items about congregational building programs.
Installation includes justice work
Rather than simply install its new minister, congregation launched day of community service.
Congregational news, Spring 2013
Brief congregational news items from the Spring 2013 issue.
Dallas Unitarians fund well in South Sudan
'Lost Boy' returns to Dallas with report about water well dug with help from First Unitarian Church.
UUs give money and muscle to Sandy relief efforts
Disaster-relief fund tops $306,000.
Westport carolers set record, raise money
Singing from door to door, Connecticut carolers help fund arts in schools.
From salvaged pew, artisan crafts custom guitar
Auctioned instrument raises money for rebuilding church in Brunswick, Maine.
UUs celebrate historic wins for marriage equality
Popular votes in Maine, Maryland, and Washington approve same-sex marriage; Minnesotans reject marriage ban.
Sandy spares East Coast UU churches; damages Ohio congregation
New York, New Jersey churches reach out to congregants and prepare for Sunday services without power.
Congregational news, Winter 2012
Brief congregational news items from the Winter 2012 issue.
Sheltering the faith, Winter 2012
Brief news items about congregational building programs.
UUs rally for marriage equality in four states
Ballot questions in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, and Washington draw UU support, advocacy.
Rochester congregation is new home for UU boutique
New York church will expand UniUniques with traditional and edgy items.
'Learning Garden' sows connections between church and community
Pasadena congregation transforms barren corner into fertile partnership.
Suburbs reach out downtown
Unitarians worship at 9 o'clock in the suburbs, 11 o'clock downtown.
From Arizona to North Carolina, 'UndocuBus' draws UU support
Cross-country ride raises awareness of undocumented immigrants and their struggles.
On Katrina anniversary, New Orleans congregations weather Isaac
Three area congregations emerge unscathed from Category 1 hurricane
Useful resources, Fall 2012
Useful resources from 'InterConnections,' the newsletter for lay leaders.
Congregational news, Fall 2012
Brief congregational news items from the Fall 2012 issue.
Sheltering the faith, Fall 2012
Brief news items about congregational building programs.
Youth ‘pilgrimage’ to GA opens eyes and hearts
Minnesota youth group took winding spiritual journey to Phoenix to prepare for Justice General Assembly.
Kalamazoo congregation lauded for wide-ranging social justice efforts
People’s Church earns UUA’s 2012 Bennett Award for social action.
'Justice for everyone'
Unitarian Universalists in Danbury, Connecticut, help immigrants directly every week.
Chicago UUs broadcast worship on progressive radio
‘Food for the Soul’ airs every Sunday evening, attracting thousands of listeners.
Congregational news, Summer 2012
Brief congregational news items from the Summer 2012 issue.
Sheltering the faith, Summer 2012
Brief news items about congregational building programs.
Dallas church raises $20K for wells in South Sudan
“Lost Boy” inspires congregation to give up drinks during Lent to provide water for villages.
Florida UUs campaign for impoverished migrant workers
Pickets and fasting raise awareness of agricultural workers’ low pay and dangerous conditions.
Congregations encouraged to study Doctrine of Discovery
Fellowship in Bellingham, Wash., has been longstanding supporter of indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest.
Month-long campaign spreads justice and love
From MLK Day to Valentine’s Day, Standing on the Side of Love inspires thousands to engage in social action.
Sheltering the faith, Spring 2012
Brief news items about congregational building programs.
Congregational news, Spring 2012
Brief congregational news items from the Spring 2012 issue.
Silver sale raises $1.6M for Massachusetts church
Funds will help pay for renovations to Dorchester congregation’s historic building.
UU prevails in challenge to prayer at meetings
U.S. Supreme Court lets ruling stand that sectarian prayers violate separation of church and state.
Congregations study, plan for Justice GA
Immigration education, fundraising, and advocacy help UUs prepare for June meeting in Phoenix.
Maine congregation rebuilding after fire
After ceremony to say goodbye to 126-year-old building, church is razed.
Phoenix UUs protest conservative policy conference
ALEC targeted for promoting Ariz. SB 1070 as model immigration law.
Two churches become Occupy sites
Unitarian Universalist Church of Ogden, Utah, loans lawn to protesters; Occupy Grand Rapids camps beside Fountain Street Church.
'Tree of Life' mosaic takes root at California church
From broken jewelry, keys, and coffee cups, congregants create eight-foot, collaborative artwork.
Rochester church's rap video goes viral
Unitarian church invested 400 hours in Homecoming Sunday video.
Report catalogs abuse of immigrants at Mexican border
No More Deaths, a ministry of the UU Church of Tucson, finds a ‘Culture of Cruelty’ among Border Patrol.
Alabama UUs join fight against immigration law
Rallies, hearings, and trainings aim at dismantling far-reaching anti-immigrant measure.
Tropical storm floods Pennsylvania congregation again
BuxMont UU Fellowship scurries to clean up extensive water damage before 50th anniversary celebration next week.
Hurricane Irene damages Carolina congregations
New York, Pennsylvania churches suffer flooding, but Vermont congregations spared.
15 UUs arrested during Tar Sands Action
Two-week protest draws Unitarian Universalists from across the country to highlight perils of pipeline and climate change.
UUs raise funds for Filipino church
An American minister, filmmaker, and swimmer pool their talents for the UU Church of the Philippines.
Disaster hits three congregations
Storms and fire struck UU congregations in Alabama, Massachusetts, and Maine.
Sheltering the faith, Fall 2011
Brief news items about congregational building programs.
Congregational news: Fall 2011
Brief congregational news items from the Fall 2011 issue.
Tar Sands Action inspired by a UU's civil disobedience
Environmentalists plan protests at White House.
New York UUs celebrate marriage equality
Interfaith efforts help sway legislature to make New York sixth state to allow same-sex marriage.
Massachusetts church goes Hollywood
First Parish in Brookline, Mass., to star in upcoming Adam Sandler film.
U.S. churches unite to support Uganda school
Annual sponsorships from American Unitarian Universalists will aid school started by Ugandan UU minister.
Justice work earns award for Minnesota church
First Unitarian Universalist Church of Rochester, Minn., receives UUA’s Bennett Award.
Fire devastates Maine church
UUA’s Northern New England District sets up relief fund for 125-year-old church.
Tornado topples steeple of Massachusetts church
Relief fund will aid congregation and members affected by the storms.
'Time banks' earn interest of UU churches
Members find the exchanges build community and save money.
Congregations take 'Leap of Faith'
UUA pilot program helps congregations mentor one another.
Tornado-struck towns begin recovery
Unitarian Universalist Trauma Ministry prepares congregation for the road ahead.
Ads spread message of Unitarian Universalism
R.I. campaign targets ‘people who are UUs but don’t know it.’
Utah UUs arrested in energy protest
Washington, D.C., sit-in inspired by trial of Tim DeChristopher.
Atlanta-area ministers decry immigration bill
Unitarian Universalist ministers call Georgia bill 'racist' and 'bad for business.'
Undeterred, Colorado UUs prepare for new marriage-equality battle in 2012
Area churches pool resources to hire intern for advocacy work.
'Bright and shining church' rises from Katrina's floodwaters
Community Church in New Orleans celebrates new building, five years after hurricane.
Wisconsin UUs continue month-long protest for workers’ rights
Governor signs bill to curtail collective bargaining, but demonstrations continue.
With kidney donation, congregation extends 'circle of care'
Member to donate kidney to religious education director, as others fundraise and cook.
Oregon UU church builds Cuban alliances
Cuba AyUUda fosters Cuban-U.S. relations.
Sheltering the faith, Spring 2011
News about congregational building programs.
Fire destroys 100-year-old Oregon church
UU Fellowship of Klamath County grieves loss of building.
Ann Arbor congregation uses wind power
Unitarian Universalist congregation builds wind turbine; Minnesota church to do the same.
Unitarian Universalists honor transgender deaths
Congregations becoming more aware of transgender issues.
Offering a room to asylum seekers
Members of two N.J. Unitarian Universalist congregations host political asylum seekers as part of interfaith group.
Congregational news, Winter 2010
Brief congregational news items from the Winter 2010 issue.
UUA launches Leap of Faith program
Growth program sets up mentoring relationships for twelve UU congregations; Association Sunday gifts provide funding.
89 UU congregations join Global Day of Action
Unitarian Universalists promote environmental stewardship with '10-10-10' events.
UU ministers speak out in support of gay teens
Unitarian Universalists use sermons, letters, and YouTube videos to confront bullying.
Gainesville UUs respond to Qur’an-burning threat
Gainesville, Fla., interfaith community coalesces around threat to burn Muslim scriptures on 9/11 anniversary.
UU congregations work for immigrant justice
Unitarian Universalists find many ways to help immigrants.
Congregational news, Fall 2010
Brief congregational news items from the Fall 2010 issue.
New Orleans UU churches alive—and struggling
Three New Orleans churches and a Gulfport, Miss., congregation struggle to regain members five years after Katrina.
Building houses, strengthening a church
Service trips to Nicaragua help revitalize Wisconsin church.
Two UU congregations plan to start radio stations
Programming will be mostly secular but will include some UU content.
UUs make lifestyle changes for 40 days
Campaign honors 40th anniversary of Earth Day.
Church sues over zoning
Brief congregational news items from the Summer 2010 issue.
UUA raises funds for southeastern flood victims
Will help Unitarian Universalist congregations in Tennessee and Kentucky.
Hundreds of congregations mark 40th Earth Day
Many Unitarian Universalists focused on ‘ethical eating.’
Faced with budget cuts, UU congregations rally
Lack of money brings anxiety, but also generosity, gratitude.
UU campaign honors Earth Day’s 40th anniversary
Forty congregants asked to give something up for 40 days.
Church coffee house welcomes GLBTQ youth
Massachusetts UU congregation works with other community groups to sponsor teen program.
Events to mark Margaret Fuller’s bicentennial
Dozens of events scheduled nationwide to celebrate the legacy of noted feminist, journalist, and Transcendentalist.
Ugandan UUs oppose anti-homosexuality bill
Unitarian Universalists mobilize opposition to legislation that could make homosexuality a capital crime.
Church's $600K gift to aid hungry
Brief congregational news items from the Spring 2010 issue.
Rzepka steps down from CLF’s global ministry
In ten years leading the Church of the Larger Fellowship, the Rev. Dr. Jane Rzepka brought Unitarian Universalism’s “church without walls” to the Web.
Cuba turns away visiting church group
Unitarian Universalist cultural exchange group had made 13 trips before being turned away in December.
D.C. gay marriage law signed at Unitarian church
Interfaith clergy coalition mobilized to promote same-sex marriage in nation’s capital.
UU church service offers alternative to Black Friday
St. Paul, Minn., church studies ways to “reclaim Christmas.”
Chalica, new weeklong UU holiday, slowly gains adherents
One of the seven UU Principles honored each day.
Transylvanian partner church gives surprise gift
Unitarians in Székelykeresztúr raise $10,500 for their partner church in Massachusetts.
UU congregations observe International Day of Climate Action
Unitarian Universalists insulate windows, plant flowers, organize carpools to reduce carbon footprint.
Congregational news roundup, Winter 2009
Jordan School alumni, junior philanthropists, church anniversaries, and more.
Congregations raise money for UUA diversity initiatives
Almost 500 congregations sign up for Association Sunday
Unitarian Universalists lobby for health care reform
Individuals and congregations write letters, visit legislators, and meet to promote health care reform
Nine same-sex Minnesota UU couples marry in Iowa
Unity Church-Unitarian sponsors 'Love Bus' to Des Moines UU Church.
'Army Wives' features UU child dedication ceremony
TV episodes set in Charleston, S.C., Unitarian church.
Knoxville churches mark shooting anniversary
Congregations reflect on difficulties, opportunities for growth.
New Orleans UU congregations still welcome help
Area churches organize to coordinate fundraising, volunteers.
UUs cheer legalization of gay marriage in New Hampshire
‘Live Free or Die’ state now place to ‘Live Free and Marry’
Illinois church collects veterans’ stories
Unitarian Universalist church’s oral history project opens up conversations about military service.
Unitarian Universalists celebrate gay marriage victories
Iowa City congregation hosts marriage ceremony; Sinkford hails new Maine law.
Utah a 'great place to be a Unitarian Universalist'
Unitarian Universalist Association's General Assembly meets in Salt Lake City, June 24-28.
Congregations prepare to elect new UUA president
Delegates may vote at General Assembly in June or by absentee ballot.
Speakers series boosts Fla. fellowship into public eye
‘Celebrated Speakers’ series pays for huge building, increases congregation’s public visibility.
UUs raise money for homeless by sleeping outside
Hundreds of volunteers sleep outside in ‘cardboard cities’ in March action
California congregation forms ties with Tijuana families
Unitarian Universalist fellowship delivers food, supplies, and letters to new-found friends in Tijuana.
Cincinnati churches continue racial reconciliation
Unitarian Universalists build relationships with descendents of black minister spurned by Unitarians in 1930s.
Knoxville churches honor shooting victims; killer pleads guilty
Unrepentant shooter urged others to ‘kill liberals’; Unitarian Universalists undaunted.
UU children help struggling families feed pets
North Carolina children raise money to provide pet food for families struggling with recession.
Inaugural celebrations
Unitarian Universalists mark the inauguration of Barack Obama as president of the United States.
'Charged-full living'
UUA-sponsored WellSprings Congregation takes a different approach to new church development.
Texas UUs collect shoes for children in Chupaderos, Mexico
Plano UU church works with Baptist congregation to send shoes, gifts at Christmas
Unitarian Universalists mobilize against state ballot initiatives
Ballot initiatives in Arizona, Florida, and Arkansas aim to limit rights of same-sex couples to marry, adopt.
Unitarian Universalists work to preserve gay marriage in Calif.
UU Legislative Ministry opposes California’s Proposition 8 as an attack on marriage equality.
Hurricanes damage UU churches, homes in Texas
Sense of “normalcy” destroyed for many repeat hurricane victims.
New Orleans UUs mark third anniversary of Katrina
Community Church demolishes building; Hurricane Gustav disrupts Katrina commemorations.
Sierra Club highlights UU environmental initiatives
National report on religious environmentalism honors Unitarian Universalist projects.
Knoxville UUs tear garment to mourn shooting victims
Westside Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville mourns victims of church shooting.
Knoxville church adapts to aftermath of shooting
TVUUC leaders grateful for outpouring of support, preparing for long road to recovery.
Knoxville stands with grieving UUs after shootings
UUA president delivers message of hope one day after shooter's rampage in Unitarian Universalist church.
Two Unitarian Universalists killed in church shooting
Knoxville shooter may have been motivated by ‘hatred of the liberal movement.’
Unitarian Universalist buildings going green
Congregations increasingly applying green building techniques.
UU congregations support extended sites
Churches nurture growth through satellite locations.
UUA districts in Midwest raise funds for flood relief
Churches stay dry, but some Unitarian Universalists lose homes.
UUA team studies resource distribution to congregations
'Congregations Come First' task force looks at ways to support congregations.
Mother's Day for peace, as Julia Ward Howe intended
Kansas City Unitarian Universalists promote Mother's Day founder's message of peace.
Rochester youth raise money for Mexican border town
Unitarian Universalist youth spend a night in tents to raise money.
Unitarian Universalist congregations celebrate Earth Day
Growing environmental awareness leads to activism year-round.
New Orleans UU churches launch fundraising campaign
Money to be used to restore churches; separate campaign to fund ethical living center.
Florida ad campaign boosts church attendance
Tampa Bay Unitarian Universalist churches launch three-month ad campaign.
Pennsylvania church cleans up oil spill
Small UU congregation needs to raise $45,000.
Churches sponsor drop-in centers for gay teens
Unitarian Universalist congregations in Tennessee, Utah, and Maryland affirm LGBTQ youth.
Concert for Appalachian mountaintops
Kentucky church youth group raises money to stop mountaintop removal coal mining.
'Survivor' seed money grows a fellowship hall
TV show prize inspires California congregation to build.
UU congregations home to diverse musical groups
From community bands to family choirs, musical groups enhance Unitarian Universalist congregational life.
Murders, suicide rock Florida congregation
Five members of Clearwater Unitarian Universalist congregation dead.
Arson suspected in Pasadena church fire
Throop Unitarian Universalist Church waits for investigation's results.
Winterfaith series honors diverse religious holidays
Illinois Unitarian Universalist fellowship organizes interfaith series.
Fire relief fund helps California UUs recover
California Unitarian Universalists deal with smoke-damaged homes in fire's aftermath.
Congregations welcome transgender people
Unitarian Universalist churches, General Assembly affirm transgender people.
Exhibit features D.C. church's activist clergy
History of a church shown through clergy activism.
Oregon church plants a parking lot
Grass-porous pavement provides alternative to asphalt.
California UU congregations regroup as fires ebb
Few lost homes but smoke damage is extensive.
Sinkford urges churches to seek international partners
UU Partner Church Council looking for more church partners.
California fires affect UU congregations
Three hundred Unitarian Universalists evacuate.
Louisiana UUs decry racism in 'Jena Six' case
Two Unitarian Universalist congregations protest racial injustice.
New congregation in Ohio displaced by flood
Findley, Ohio, church regroups after losing possessions.
UUs help launch New Orleans 'Resurrection Project'
Gulf Coast Unitarian Universalists gather for second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.
Baton Rouge church honored for hurricane relief
Congregation coordinated UU Gulf Coast relief volunteer effort.
Volunteers still needed in New Orleans
Unitarian Universalists invited to help New Orleans rebuild.
Mississippi church plans new building
After Hurricane Katrina swamped its lot, Gulfport UU church moves inland.
Church rebuilds in Katrina's wake
Small group ministry 'the spiritual glue' that held Louisiana congregation together.
New Orleans church slowly regains strength
First UU Church prepares to welcome new minister, finish rebuilding.
Racism subject of church group's play
Dignity Players tackle social justice themes.
New Orleans church returns to old neighborhood
Congregation moves into house next to destroyed church building.
UUs get serious about carbon offsets
Congregations and individuals explore ways to reduce carbon emissions.
UUs 'most visible' at Florida's largest pride festival
Annual gay pride event draws more than 150 UUs from 7 congregations.
'High-Five' challenge increases giving at New York church
Staten Island congregation responds to call to compensate staff fairly.
Churches take steps toward diverse, multicultural future
Congregations respond to the General Assembly's challenge to examine race and class.
Maryland congregation meets in a yurt
Sugarloaf Congregation of Unitarian Universalists builds inexpensive new home.
New playground illustrates UU Seven Principles
Texas church helps design and build Principles-themed playground.
Shocked congregation grateful for help
UUs reach out to Blacksburg church reeling from Virginia Tech massacre.
Youth group practices philanthropy
Pay It Forward project gives Boise youth opportunity to invest in others.
Youth service trip stranded by blizzard
Chicago Unitarian Universalists come to aid of Mass. teens returning from service project.
Couple's peace witness inspires congregation
Rochester, N.Y., couple builds peace network in their church.
Florida UUs rally in support of fired city manager
Ouster of official undergoing gender reassignment captures national attention.
Washington church hosts tent city
Homeless encampment permitted to stay 90 days.
Tennessee church loses building in fire
Religious education building completely destroyed, no injuries.
Freedom to Marry group honors Unitarian Universalists
Three Massachusetts congregations honored for gay marriage advocacy.
Hundreds of UUs attend Iraq protest in Washington, D.C.
Unitarian Universalists from 13 states travel to capitol.
Unitarian Universalists protest Iraq surge
UUA president criticizes Bush for troop increase.
Starr King announces online leadership courses
"Seminary for the Laity" will offer courses for congregational leaders.
Mississippi church celebrates centennial
Universalist church survives in conservative religious environment.
Congregation pledges to halve holiday spending
Rochester, N.Y., church raises more than $60,000 for charity.
Churches respond to global AIDS crisis
Unitarian Universalist congregations raise funds, lobby for international AIDS relief.
UU congregation evicted by Catholic landlord
New Jersey diocese terminates lease because of gay rights speaker.
Feast and famine at church supper
Guests experience wealth and poverty at Swampscott, Mass., ‘Hunger Banquet.’
Vandals target two churches’ liberal symbols
Congregations respond with forgiveness, activism, and increased security.
Cause of UU church fire unknown
Rock Tavern congregation meeting in borrowed space.
Seattle UU church honors minister
New fund recommits church to social justice.
Renewed UU funding supports New Orleans church staff
FY07 disbursements pay church staff for another year.
UU church display a reminder of domestic violence
Silhouettes of slain women memorialize domestic homicides.
Chapel finds new home at UU church
Despite city snafus, chapel moves across street.
Unitarian Universalists condemn 'torture' law
Several UU groups say Military Commissions Act allows torture and strips detainees of habeas corpus rights.
Next round of UU grants to the Gulf
Funds used for affordable housing, worker protection, and youth outreach.
Honolulu UUs celebrate three holidays
Interfaith service held at Hawaiian capitol draws sixty.
Fire destroys Rock Tavern UU church
UU Congregation at Rock Tavern, N.Y., loses sanctuary and classroom buildings.
New York UUs reaping bountiful harvest
Organic gardening project distributes fresh produce to food pantries.
UUs knit baby caps to save lives
Knitting group supplies caps to newborns in developing countries.
New Orleans UUs mark Katrina anniversary
New Orleans congregations observe hurricane's anniversary with worship, dinner, and theater.
UU Weekend Warriors take on New Orleans
Baton Rouge UU group makes monthly visits to help clean up.
Transylvanian Unitarians rebuild, look to future
Donations restore villages ravaged in last year's floods.
New survey of UU congregations shows growth potential
Faith Communities Today update shows rising number of growing churches.
Knoxville UU teens demonstrate for right to hold hands in public
After facing harassment, gay teens organize protest drawing 200.
Anti-abortionists target UU church in Mississippi
Effort to close Mississippi's last abortion clinic targets church in Jackson.
Rochester UU church’s marriage equality banner vandalized
Church members carry torn sign in Rochester gay pride parade.
Tree-planting ministry takes root
Simple act of planting trees can lessen global warming
Eastern storms damage two UU churches
Church basements and rugs the victims of late-June downpours
Congregational leaders gather for training conference
'UU University,' on eve of General Assembly, focuses on lay leadership.
Program strengthens church social justice work
UUA Social Justice Empowerment Program helps churches focus.
UUA marks Welcoming program milestone
500th UU church completes Welcoming Congregation program.
Summer volunteers welcome in New Orleans
Renovated lodging allows UU church to host volunteers.
Immigration 'close to home' for Southwestern UUs
Border state UUs concerned about Mexican immigrant rights.
UU ministers protest Marriage Protection Amendment
Religious leaders travel to Washington.
Regional conferences train new young adult leaders
New conferences bring UU young adult leadership training to the local level.
Hundreds use opportunity to junk old computers
Michigan interfaith alliance’s e-waste collection nets 300 tons.
Health-care coverage for uninsured church staff
UUA announces new nation-wide coverage.
Church offers classes on science of evolution
Kansas UU church offers refresher biology course to public.
Light bulb program a bright idea
Congregation is a model of environmental activism.
Six UU groups make quilts for interfaith exhibit
Boston show brings diverse traditions together.
UUs mark anniversary of Iraq war
Unitarian Universalists mark third anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq with peace vigils, rallies, and sermons.
SRI teleconferences offer free education
The UUA’s committee on socially responsible investing sponsored three free teleconferences; more are planned.
California church develops mental health ministry
Community minister and new curriculum raise awareness.
UUA to help congregations with international connections
Director of Partner Church Council hired to lead UUA's review of international work.
South Dakota UUs fought state abortion ban
UUs risk public censure and even harassment.
Church groups organize in more states for marriage equality
Developments in Unitarian Universalist advocacy for marriage equality.
Unitarian church drops lawsuit over Mormon plaza deal
Salt Lake City First Amendment fight comes to an end.
UU church hosts Senator Kennedy for living wage rally
Event promotes economic justice.
Two dozen UU churches start podcasting
Unitarian Universalist churches broadcast sermons online.
Hurricanes’ devastation is emotional as well as physical
Florida UUs uneasy about third stormy year; Louisiana church is hiring to help volunteers.
Church celebrates members' World War II heroism
At celebration of Unitarians who saved refugees from Nazism, a challenge: Who will help the victims of genocide in Darfur?
Alternative gift fairs support good causes
Churches support charitable organizations by sponsoring alternative gift fairs for Christmas.
Churches give away Sunday collection
Entire nonpledge Sunday offering donated to community groups every week.
Churches relying on renewable energy sources
Wind, solar, and geothermal power are among sources.
Transylvania flood fund tops $275,000
U.S. churches aid historic Unitarian communities.
140 congregations show Wal-Mart film
Many Unitarian Universalists join economic justice campaign against retailer.
Acts of kindness in a hurricane's aftermath
Unitarian Universalists work tirelessly to help
the displaced residents of the Gulf Coast states.
New Orleans congregations begin healing process
Hurricane Katrina scatters, then unites Louisiana Unitarian Universalists; no church damage reported from Hurricane Wilma.
Minister fasts 30 days to protest Iraq war
Members of the First Unitarian Universalist Society in Syracuse, N.Y., joined the Rev. David Blanchard's fast for peace
Challenge grant to aid hurricane recovery
Shelter Rock's $500,000 matching grant could push the Gulf Coast Relief Fund over $3 million.
Hurricane relief fund reaches $1.5 million
Congregations establish partnerships to help Unitarian Universalist communities affected by hurricanes.
Bare naked church ladies
Church's playful fundraising calendar celebrates senior women.
Flooded New Orleans church a 'horrific' scene
The Rev. Marta Valentin returns for a first-hand look at a hurricane-ravaged church.
Mississippi Red Cross chapter led by Unitarian Universalist
'My mission has been to live up to the image of Clara Barton,' says Red Cross staffer; Mississippi, Alabama congregations pick up after storm.
Minister visits flooded church, reports total loss
Future of flooded New Orleans congregation uncertain; Unitarian Universalist congregations adopt affected churches and families.
Unitarians in Transylvania suffer in floods
Partner churches help historic Unitarian communities; UUA raises relief funds.
New Orleans church gathers by conference call
Growing UUA-UUSC hurricane relief fund raises $857,648; anonymous donor gives $100,000.
UU hurricane relief effort sets $1 million goal
'Spectacular response' will aid congregations and agencies.
Baton Rouge swells with displaced people
UUA president expresses outrage at government’s hurricane response; donations to UUA-UUSC fund reach $386,000.
Volunteers worship in damaged La. church
Volunteers spend weekend fixing one New Orleans-area church; donations to UUA-UUSC relief fund top $343,708.
All Souls rings 'Abolition Bell' for Iraq dead
Historic church bell rings in Washington, D.C., for war dead.
New Orleans minister looks for her congregation
Unitarian Universalists donate $141,739 online in two days to help hurting congregations.
UUs respond to hurricane's devastation
UUA sets up emergency relief fund; members open their homes to refugees from New Orleans
New salary recommendations
Tenth anniversary of guidelines for fair compensation.
Ad campaign successful in Houston area
Houston area campaign giving churches new energy.
$2.1 million gift will aid small congregations
One major gift will help small congregations in New Hampshire and Vermont; another secured the future of a Florida congregation.
Congregational anniversaries, 2004-2005
UU churches celebrate their beginnings.
Pennsylvania congregation supports girls in Mozambique
UU's have found a way to help educate Mozambican girls.
Podcasting helps spread UU message
Ministers use new technology to reach the masses.
South Carolina kids honor MLK
Greenville, S.C., UU Fellowship cooperates with Presbyterian church.
Reston banners destroyed twice
Vandals destroyed 'Civil Marriage is a Civil Right' banners.
Large churches meet in Boston
UUA triennial conference.
Valentine campaign in California
UUs organize for marriage equality.
Latin American UUs assemble to form AUULA
Unitarian Universalism gaining popularity in Latin America.
Fellowship named for Goodloe
Bowie, Maryland, congregation honors African American pioneer.
UU evangelism fosters new church growth
Marketing efforts underway
New solar panels electrify church
Carmel, California, church builds in sustainable manner.
Town founded by Unitarians marks 150th
Lawrence, Kansas, celebration.
Hope amidst disappointing election results
Cincinnati offers a bright spot.
Unitarian church sues Salt Lake City again
First Unitarian Church sues city a second time over sale of Main Street to LDS Church.
Salt Lake UUs challenge Mormon control of city block
Court sides with Unitarian defense of free speech on city block purchased by LDS Church.
The greening of our churches
Congregations find ways to live the Seventh Principle.
Congregational news, Winter 2011
Brief congregational news items from the Winter 2011 issue.
Sheltering the faith, Winter 2011
Brief news items about congregational building programs.