Recent Stories
UUA cuts regional committees that assess seminarians
Board approves 2016 budget, ending funds for Regional Subcommittees on Candidacy.
Faith groups join Lummi Nation fight against coal
Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship’s partnership leads to public witness event at UUA’s General Assembly in June.
UUA rededicates Selma memorial at Boston HQ
Bronze monument commemorates three civil rights martyrs killed in Alabama in 1965.
Climate Justice Month calls UUs to new campaign
Through Earth Day, series of invitations to join Commit2Respond, a new climate justice campaign.
UUA trustees mull their role in Starr King conflict
At Board of Trustees meeting in Alabama, UUA welcomes two new congregations, may have eight more by June.
In Selma, 'we are your partners forever'
More than 500 Unitarian Universalists join 50th anniversary march in Selma.
UUA General Assembly returns to Portland in June
Registration opens March 2 for conference with climate justice theme.
UUA board proposes spending limits for presidential campaigns
Discusses eliminating Commission on Appraisal; will discuss funding for theological education in March.
Two more Starr King professors resign
Organization of community ministers condemns school's actions; UUA leaders express dismay about 'heated rhetoric and broken relationships.'
Janapol: Youth observer on UUA board
Benji Janapol is serving a one-year term as the Youth Observer on the UUA Board of Trustees.
Burnette: Former fundamentalist wants to foster UU growth
New UUA trustee, a minister in Arizona, sees unique role for Unitarian Universalism.
Rivera: Lack of diversity in UUA inspired her board service
Christina Rivera began her three-year term on the UUA Board of Trustees in June 2014.
UUA's new HQ gets top green building designation
24 Farnsworth Street office building awarded LEED platinum certification.
Board names first African American chair of MFC
Jesse King, lay leader in Colorado, will chair UUA Ministerial Fellowship Committee.
Reforms take aim at clergy misconduct
It is easy to think of clergy misconduct as a Catholic or evangelical problem. It's not.
Study guide helps congregations explore 'Escalating Inequality'
Congregational Study/Action Issue chosen at 2014 General Assembly.
Sale of mineral rights brings $944K to UUA
Lois and Ken Carpenter's gift of mineral rights, once thought worthless, is windfall to UUA.
Board thanks Carpenters for $944K gift at October meeting
UUA will not need loan from endowment, although financial challenges remain.
Looking to get more involved in climate justice? Commit2Respond
A movement open to all, calling all to action on a moral imperative.
Fired up: General Assembly report, 2014
General Assembly energized Unitarian Universalists with new models of ministry and outreach.
New crowdfunding site draws $100K for UU projects
Donors pledge $100,000 through Faithify.org for Unitarian Universalist projects in first two months.
UUA balances budget with cuts, $400K loan from endowment
Board approves revised budget to address $1.3 million shortfall.
UUA moves into 'Innovation District' headquarters
New headquarters is open, modern, and environmentally responsible.
UUA Bookstore expands offerings
At new location, bookstore offers clothing, jewelry, tote bags, and hundreds of books.
UUA sells last Beacon Hill building for $11.5 million
41 Mt. Vernon St., former Beacon Press headquarters, will become condominiums.
Results of UU World's 2013 readership survey
UU World's readership survey also offers an updated profile of the UUA's membership.
Unitarian Universalist Association approves fossil fuel divestment
General Assembly vote endorses divestment, but allows for shareholder activism.
WaterFire, and a wedding, cap off Saturday GA celebrations
Delegates discuss making GA more inclusive
Witnessing to the power of love
Curated social media from the Saturday, June 28, 2014, WaterFire event.
Military chaplain offers tools for UU ruck sack
UUs rappel down convention center at GA
Friday: Apology for misconduct; board discusses deficit
Presidential Search Committee takes a spin in public
GA 2014 opens with tribute to Pete Seeger
$1.3 million deficit surprises UUA administration, board
Shortfall in major gifts brought to leaders' attention as fiscal year ends.
53rd General Assembly is underway
A social media roundup of photos and conversation at the opening of the 2014 UUA General Assembly.
$1.3 million deficit surprises UUA administration, board
Follow 2014 UUA General Assembly with UU World
Keep up with the latest news from the UUA’s annual meeting, in Providence.
Team plans creative, nourishing arc of worship
Worship Arts Team, new this year, supports worship leaders at General Assembly.
Fossil fuel divestment on GA agenda
Divestment resolution, Congregational Study/Action Issues on business agenda.
At WaterFire, 'love is the transformative element'
Public witness event at 2014 General Assembly will send UUs into public art festival with a message of love.
Opening of new UUA headquarters delayed
Three-day delay expected as fire department tests sound insulation products.
Make a bowl to fight hunger
Empty Bowls project at UUA General Assembly will raise money for hunger relief.
UUA's Boston guesthouse will close June 30
After Eliot and Pickett guesthouse closes, Club Quarters Hotel will house UUA volunteers.
Board wants new process for handling complaints about clergy misconduct
UUA Board of Trustees also votes to support business resolution on fossil fuel divestment.
UUA names new Stewardship and Development director
Mary Katherine Morn will succeed Terry Sweetser as chief fundraiser in August.
UUA Presidential Search Committee begins its work
Created by 2010 General Assembly vote, committee will pick two nominees for 2017 UUA presidential election.
Morales champions reproductive rights outside Supreme Court
Peter Morales claims access to contraception is “a constitutionally protected right to religious freedom.”
Emerging, alternative groups at UUA's growing edge
Total membership falls 1.2 percent; UUA counts 51 emerging groups, handful of experimental communities.
UUA sells three buildings for $23.6 million
Sale of 25 Beacon Street headquarters, Eliot and Pickett Houses finalized.
Uncontested elections will add 2 new trustees
2014 General Assembly will elect four trustees and a financial advisor.
'Love Reaches Out' is theme of 2014 General Assembly
Labor disputes limit available hotel rooms, but other options remain available.
For young leader, General Assembly is a spiritual practice
Planning Committee chair Bart Frost says GA 'shows how big our small faith is.'
UUA holds farewell ceremony for 25 Beacon St.
Beacon Benediction guests look through contents of 1926 time capsule.
UUA sells Beacon Hill buildings to residential developer
Sea-Dar Construction will convert 25 Beacon St., Pickett & Eliot Houses into residences.
1,500 Unitarian Universalists join huge N.C. march
UUs from many states joined tens of thousands for 'Moral March' in Raleigh February 8.
New UUA logo part of outreach effort
Logo is first step in a broader initiative to promote Unitarian Universalism.
GA rebate offered to congregational leaders in 2014
UUA Board of Trustees hopes to attract congregational presidents to General Assembly with $100 subsidies.
Board approves sale of three UUA properties
Also votes for $100 General Assembly discount for congregational presidents.
Group works to make congregations more accessible
EqUUal Access offers guidelines, is creating a congregational certification program.
UU World's top online reads from 2013
Four of our top ten stories are by one writer.
End of DOMA brings new openness for military chaplains
UU chaplains find easing of restrictions let them more easily support soldiers who are lesbian, gay, and bisexual.
Time capsule unearthed from 25 Beacon St. cornerstone
Engraved copper box will be unsealed at farewell celebration in February.
In disasters and tragedies, Trauma Response Ministry steps in
Now in its 11th year, volunteer ministers and laypeople provide crisis relief.
UUA-UUSC fund to aid typhoon victims in Philippines
Relief fund aims to help those most marginalized by disaster.
Smaller board shows new spirit of collaboration
Board approves New Orleans for 2017 General Assembly, hears report of 55 emerging congregations.
History buff creates videos of denomination's 'Long Strange Trip'
Six-DVD series traces roots of Unitarian Universalism from 1st century to present times.
Congregations build bridges, relationships with Native Americans
Spurred by study of Doctrine of Discovery, UUs reach out to indigenous people.
Morales arrested in D.C. during immigration protest
Interfaith demonstration calls on Congress to pass compassionate immigration reform.
Spring 2014 move expected for UUA headquarters
Traffic of prospective buyers is brisk at 25 Beacon Street.
Gini Courter's revolution
The UUA's longest serving moderator reflects on a legacy of volunteer leadership.
Funding Program helps UUs' social justice dreams come true
In 2012, fund dispersed more than $1M to advance innovative UU projects.
Two UU seminaries to receive $1M each over five years
UUA funding panel seeks to focus on UU-identity schools and education.
Seeking growth, congregations take 'Leap of Faith'
Congregational mentoring program enters third year.
General Assembly 2013: Entering a new era
Report from the 2013 UUA General Assembly.
'Fabulous Gay Wedding' is New Zealand's first
UU minister officiates at historic same-sex wedding at Auckland Unitarian Church.
Bringing General Assembly to life
The UUA's General Assembly and Conference Services office puts together a giant logistical puzzle every year.
Tweens gather in Dallas for UU Children's Choir
43 children attend music camp during UU musicians' conference.
UUA and UUSC call for increase in minimum wage
Renewed campaign for worker justice says ‘stop making workers pay the price for corporate greed.’
Clearwater UUs lauded for deep-seated social activism
For decades, congregation has advocated for civil rights, farmworkers, immigrants, and LGBT rights.
Hoover, King lauded for decades of UUA service
Fighting for racial equality spurred both men’s work.
New board takes up antiracism, relationship building
New moderator, financial advisor, and five new members join smaller board.
GA clean energy rally draws attention from EPA
Jim Key wins moderator election in close contest
40 votes separated Key from Tamara Payne-Alex.
3,426 people participated in Louisville GA
Delegates oppose institutional racism with AIW
Delegates donate $16k to New Orleans congregations
Recommitting to antiracism, thanking Gini Courter
Sunday worship: Our covenant with all being
Courter urges assembly to set the UUA's vision
Passed: fossil fuel divestment AIW
GA ends in celebration, installation of new leaders
AIW passes urging end to corporate personhood
GA celebrates completion of 'Tapestry of Faith'
Delegates approve bylaw changes about electronic voting
Delegates consider six AIW proposals
Rev. Mel Hoover receives Distinguished Service Award
Three proposed AIWs added to 2013 agenda
Key wins moderator election by 40 votes
Charlie King receives President's Award for Volunteer Service
GA welcomes international guests
Delegates approve Article II bylaw changes
Delegates approve bylaw changes adding regions
Eboo Patel urges interfaith involvement
General Assembly imagines its future, on Twitter!
Plenary honors retiring Kay Montgomery
Article II change recommended by miniassembly
Commission on Appraisal report explores authority
Divestment, shareholder advocacy hot topic at GA
Assembly adopts immigration Statement of Conscience
Preliminary report shows 3,256 people registered for GA
Making congregations safer and more sexually responsible
Candidates make final appeal in moderator race
District board wants to delay its business resolution
Board, financial advisor report on budgets
Video: Environmental justice bus tour
General Assembly opens in Louisville
Trustees meet for last time as 25-member board
'Unitarian Universalism well situated for challenging times'
On banks of Ohio River, UUs rally for clean energy
Guide to 2013 General Assembly coverage
An updated guide to our coverage of the UUA General Assembly in Louisville.
New rules approved for ministers' relationships
UUA welcomes one new congregation at 2013 GA
Follow 2013 General Assembly with 'UU World'
Keep up with the latest news from the UUA's annual meeting in Louisville.
Kay Montgomery's retirement marks end of an era
Kay Montgomery has held the number two position on the UUA staff for almost thirty years, becoming its 'heart and nervous system.'
Off-site voting at GA expands
UUA hopes for 100 off-site delegates at June General Assembly.
2013 General Assembly to choose new moderator
Election resources from 'UU World' and the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Texas congregations form social justice network
The Texas UU Justice Ministry seeks to amplify UU voices in the public square.
Three districts vote to become MidAmerica Region
Shift toward regionalization aims to create greater connections among congregations.
UUA membership is flat in 2013
Over eight-year period, UUA shows slight increase, as other American denominations post double-digit declines.
Consultant to aid impasse between UUA board, administration
Trustees and executive staff agree to hire help to resolve long-standing tensions.
British Unitarians rally to save faith from extinction
‘Growing Unitarianism’ movement seeks to reverse decline and promote excitement.
UUA, UCC presidents rally for gay marriage in R.I.
Morales, Black urge Rhode Islanders to lobby their state senators after marriage equality bill passes the House.
UUA announces new executive structure
Harlan Limpert to become 'chief operating officer' as Kay Montgomery retires from office of executive vice president.
'Two Who Dared' puts UUSC founders' heroism on film
Documentary depicts little-known story of Martha and Waitstill Sharp’s efforts to save Jews and dissidents during WWII.
Environmental justice, elections on tap at 2013 General Assembly
Eboo Patel and Wendell Berry are among the featured speakers at Louisville, Ky., meeting in June.
UUA to purchase new Boston headquarters
Board approves lease-to-purchase agreement for 24 Farnsworth Street in Boston’s Seaport District.
Farewell, 25 Beacon Street?
As the UUA looks for a more modern headquarters, Unitarian Universalists reflect on the symbolic meaning of its perch on Boston’s Beacon Hill.
Risk, return, and justice
The Common Endowment Fund pools congregational assets in a fund that reflects UU values.
Kay Montgomery announces retirement from UUA
After 30 years of service, executive vice president will step down in June.
Board considers impact of biennial General Assemblies
President tells UUA trustees that monitoring reports are of 'little value'; young adults and people of color express concerns about biennial GA.
Trustees work, worship, and mingle with Philadelphia UUs
Board meets with young adults and lends a hand in MLK Day of Service.
Month of love and justice returns
Standing on the Side of Love’s second annual Thirty Days of Love campaign runs from MLK to Valentine’s Day.
Candidates announced for 2013 UUA elections
Nominating Committee releases slate of candidates; individuals seeking to run by petition must file paperwork by February 1.
Audit committee praises UUA financial staff
Board prepares for complex conversations about youth and GA at January meeting.
UUA and UCC consider being ‘Partners in Justice’
In historic Boston meeting, denominations plan closer public witness ties, collaboration in other areas.
Districts recede as 'regionalization' takes hold
UUA governance is moving toward a regional model, lowering costs and increasing efficiency.
Once a rarity, UU military chaplains increasing
The growing number of UU chaplains reflects sea change in UUA’s relationship to the military.
'Tapestry' puts curricula online
Free, fully searchable religious education curricula for all ages.
Covenants and 'Ends' top agenda at October board meeting
UUA Board of Trustees appoints four trustees to continue service and reviews update on regionalization.
UUA Board resumes talks about biennial GAs
Takes up Fifth Principle Task Force report; GA 2013 will see more plenary time and focus on covenants.
From Arizona to North Carolina, 'UndocuBus' draws UU support
Cross-country ride raises awareness of undocumented immigrants and their struggles.
Hold up those lights: 2012 Justice General Assembly
The Unitarian Universalist Association gathers in Phoenix to challenge the treatment of immigrants.
'Road to a different future': 2012 General Assembly
With singular focus, General Assembly is transformed.
Meet a trustee: Pat Manley
Leadership training sharpened a congregational president’s skills.
Board honing in on qualities of a good trustee
UUA’s governing body prepares to appoint four existing trustees to a 14-member board in 2013.
Ministering to the ministers
UUA, Retired Ministers and Partners Association aid retired ministers in financial distress.
Board of Trustees hears report on ‘fair share’ giving
Changes to Annual Program Fund and district fees mulled.
UU congregations to focus on reproductive justice
At immigration-themed General Assembly in Arizona, UUA picks new four-year action issue.
3,714 people came to Justice GA
Morales: Justice GA 'like a dream come true'
Board to review Fifth Principle Task Force report
Kalamazoo congregation lauded for wide-ranging social justice efforts
People’s Church earns UUA’s 2012 Bennett Award for social action.
Financial advisor Brody: Justice in UUA finances
GA repudiates Doctrine of Discovery
Thousands wage peaceful protest at Tent City
Latino community prepares for Court SB 1070 ruling
'In 2017, Unitarian Universalism has gone viral'
Crestwell: 'Go home and start a little trouble'
Fahs lecture: Race, immigration, and religious education
Citizenship fair draws hundreds of UU volunteers
GA finalizes several bylaw amendments without debate
Takahashi Morris: 'Tent City' and internment camps
Vice presidents: How to take Justice GA home
Saunders receives President’s Volunteer Service Award
Religious delegation visits 'Tent City'
Video: UUs arrive for 'Tent City' vigil
Guide to 2012 General Assembly coverage
An updated guide to our coverage of the UUA General Assembly in Phoenix.
Meet a Trustee: Natalia Averett
Young adult trustee completes year as congregation president and UUA board member.
Follow 'Justice General Assembly' with UU World
Keep up with the latest news from the UUA's Arizona GA.
Meet a Trustee: David Jackoway
Heartland trustee seeks to connect UUs through technology and theology.
Witness and worship on tap at Justice GA
3,800 people prepare to gather in Phoenix, Ariz., for 2012 UUA General Assembly.
Board listens to concerns about Justice GA
Accountability Group shares worries of members of marginalized groups about attending General Assembly in Phoenix.
National 'Day of Witness' planned for June 23
At General Assembly and across the country, UUs urged to devote the day to justice.
UUA membership and attendance declined in 2011
Over last decade, membership has increased, but religious education enrollment is dropping.
Board OKs search for new Boston headquarters
At April meeting, UUA trustees also prepare for Justice GA, change MFC appointment process, and approve all monitoring reports.
Moderator candidate: Tamara Payne-Alex
Lifelong UU strives to be ‘accessible’ moderator.
Moderator candidate: Jim Key
District leader describes himself as ‘evangelical UU.’
Meet the moderator candidates
UU World profiles Jim Key and Tamara Payne-Alex for 2013 election.
Meet a Trustee: Erik David Carlson
Carlson is committed to creating better services for youth and young adults.
Trustees: Should UUA give Distinguished Service Award at 2012 GA?
At March meeting, board approves collection for Arizona Immigration Ministry, plans transition to smaller board.
Congregations encouraged to study Doctrine of Discovery
Fellowship in Bellingham, Wash., has been longstanding supporter of indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest.
UUA looking beyond traditional congregations
President Morales: ‘Congregations cannot be the only way we connect with people.’
Trustees review resources promoting Justice General Assembly
Blogs, posters, and scholarships encourage attendance at Phoenix GA in June.
UUA persuades Verizon to protect transgender workers
In five-year shareholder advocacy campaign, UUA helps create gender identity protection for 2.9 million workers at many companies.
Month-long campaign spreads justice and love
From MLK Day to Valentine’s Day, Standing on the Side of Love inspires thousands to engage in social action.
Meet a Trustee: Michael Tino
Antiracism, antioppression guide New York trustee’s work
UUA and United Church of Christ seek ways to collaborate
Leaders of two denominations discuss combining progressive voices in public arena.
UUA Board urges repudiation of 'Doctrine of Discovery'
Meeting in New Orleans, board names moderator candidates, mulls future of UUA headquarters and social justice resolutions.
Congregations study, plan for Justice GA
Immigration education, fundraising, and advocacy help UUs prepare for June meeting in Phoenix.
Board nominates Key and Payne-Alex for moderator
Delegates will vote on new moderator at 2013 General Assembly.
'Gathered Here' helps UUs share experiences, hopes
UUA initiative encourages community conversations to strengthen denomination.
Meet a trustee: Sarah Stewart
New Hampshire minister says ‘congregational life is where the faith is happening.’
What size are Unitarian Universalist congregations?
Most congregations have fewer than 100 members, but most UUs belong to larger churches.
Board may nominate only one moderator candidate
Also agrees not to release names of applicants for moderator position.
Churches not exempt from employment discrimination law, UUA says
UUA joins amicus brief in U.S. Supreme Court case to limit use of 'ministerial exception.'
Meet a trustee: Graham Kreicker
Volunteer teaching inspires Kansas retiree’s board work.
Board continues discussions of moderator nominating process
At November meeting, trustees also receive positive report of Audit Committee.
Location of UUA headquarters under review again
Board asks for analysis of staying on Beacon Hill versus relocating office space.
Board agrees to nominate at least two moderator candidates
At October meeting, trustees draft covenant, plan for Justice GA, discuss ‘scope of the association.’
UUA Board listens, learns at Occupy Boston
Trustees visit protest site to witness grassroots movement aimed at economic justice.
Meet a Trustee: Catherine Cullen
Legal training, Buddhism inform the Rev. Catherine Cullen’s work on UUA board.
UUA 'highly unlikely' to purchase Hebrew College
Board discusses Justice GA; differs on whether to make its audio recordings public.
Picture of GA 2012 coming into focus
Planning Committee releases a schedule; design team reveals snapshots of the Justice General Assembly.
Unitarian Universalist congregations by state
Map showing number of UUA congregations by state and the relative number of congregations to each state's population.
Campus ministries reopen as students head back to school
College groups diversify offerings with OWL, social justice, and programs for older students.
Board fills empty slots on General Assembly committees
UUA trustees also approve launch of credentialing study and changes in retirement plan.
UUA president sentenced to time served for protest
Morales calls his determination to fight Arizona immigration law stronger than ever.
General Assembly 2011 business report
Summary of business conducted at the UUA's 2011 General Assembly.
General Assembly report: At 50, UUA readies for changes
General Assembly endorses major changes on UUA's 50th anniversary.
Rallying in the rain
Unitarian Universalists rallied for LGBT rights in Charlotte.
Composting, recycling, and local food make GA greener
Charlotte Convention Center added green services, while some hotels lagged behind.
Positive reports stream in from off-site delegates
Planners envision expanding remote attendance for next year’s General Assembly.
Resignations raise flags around planning for Justice GA
As board increases oversight on UUA's 2012 General Assembly in Phoenix, two members of GA Planning Committee resign.
Delegates approve ethical eating and a smaller board
More than 4,000 Unitarian Universalists gather in Charlotte at General Assembly, approve governance reforms, balk at elimination of AIWs.
Delegates vote to eliminate AIWs at 2012 Justice GA
AIW 3, calling for end to Afghan involvement, fails
AIW 1, protesting 'Muslim radicalization' hearings, passes
Approved: AIW supports California supermarket workers
Approved: AIW opposes corporate personhood
No substantial changes to AIW bylaw amendments yet
Commission will introduce four Actions of Immediate Witness
Guide to UU World's 2011 General Assembly coverage
An updated guide to our coverage of the UUA General Assembly in Charlotte.
Follow General Assembly with 'UU World'
Keep up with the latest news from the UUA's annual meeting.
Shareholder resolution advances LGBT rights
UUA backs resolution urging major defense contractor to defend its employees against discrimination.
Anniversary events on tap for UUA General Assembly
4,000 people prepare to gather in Charlotte, N.C., for the UUA's 50th General Assembly.
Eco-village rises in Haiti’s Central Plateau
UUA and UUSC leaders, along with seminarians, help Haitian families rebuild.
Board appoints committee to nominate next UUA moderator
Five-member group will recommend successor to Gini Courter.
UUA membership declines again
Morales: 'The culture is moving our way theologically, but not institutionally.'
UUA membership growth, 2001 to 2011
Over the past decade, Unitarian Universalism has grown in 33 states and D.C.
UUA submitting bid on Hebrew College
Morales says 'preliminary' bid will 'keep our options open'; Beacon Hill properties could be sold.
Legislation, homophobia endanger Ugandan UUs
Kampala minister urges vigilance as threats and bigotry increase.
No contested races at 2011 GA
Slate of candidates for UUA boards and committees.
Thomas Jefferson District changes name
Delegates vote overwhelmingly to become Southeast District.
Severe Storm Fund to provide tornado relief
Donations will assist UUs left homeless in Alabama.
Board finalizes bylaws for vote at General Assembly
Establishes committee to nominate next moderator; welcomes three new congregations.
UUA-UUSC Japan Fund supports religious partners after quake
Rissho Kosei-kai congregations in Northern Japan are among the damaged.
GA will vote on Ethical Eating statement, board reforms, more
UUA’s 50th General Assembly will tackle bylaw changes and food and environmental justice statement.
Procedural error takes one AIW resolution off GA agenda
UUA Board of Trustees also prepares policy for acquisition or sale of real estate.
General Assembly to allow some delegates to vote from home this year
Organizers seek volunteers to test online voting.
UUA spurs corporate leaders to demand new immigration policy
Institutional investors call reform a human rights and business imperative.
Bylaw changes would shrink UUA Board
Board of Trustees will present proposal for 13-member board at 2011 General Assembly.
UUA president touched by visits with Dalits
UUA President Peter Morales finds ‘freedom tastes like salt.’
District board protests firing of its executive
UUA, Pacific Central District 'moving forward together' after disagreeing about firing of district executive.
UU United Nations Office to rejoin UUA
Move will give UN office, UUA greater advocacy strength.
Board focused on planning for 2012 General Assembly
Will ask to eliminate Actions of Immediate Witness; hears proposal for smaller board.
UUA plans 50th anniversary celebration
Big events scheduled for 2011 General Assembly in Charlotte, N.C.
New LGBT coordinator will emphasize trans issues
'It's time to give attention to the trans community,' says new UUA program coordinator Delfin Bautista.
Districts begin changing their governance role
Four district boards agree to recognize UUA Board of Trustees as sole governing board.
UUA looking into possible sale of Boston buildings
Administration expresses interest in modern building near Andover Newton Theological School.
Board approves two-year project to shape UUA’s vision
Will invite congregations to use Appreciative Inquiry to develop ‘shared vision for denomination’s future.’
UUA launches Leap of Faith program
Growth program sets up mentoring relationships for twelve UU congregations; Association Sunday gifts provide funding.
UUA board seeks big changes from districts
Proposed bylaw changes would end district election of trustees; other changes would allow off-site General Assembly delegates.
UUA challenges oil company’s political spending
Shareholder resolution questions oil company’s $4 million effort to delay California’s global warming law.
Board eyes reforms in time for Arizona General Assembly
Board discusses authorizing off-site GA delegates, reducing its own size, and reforming GA resolutions.
UUA’s General Assembly goes green
Recycling capacity depends on host city
UUA leaders begin planning 2012 General Assembly
Planning Committee recommends expanded video coverage of 2011 GA, calls for review of Actions of Immediate Witness.
2010 General Assembly report
General Assembly calls Unitarian Universalists to stand with immigrants.
UUSC and UUA form Pakistani flood relief fund
Money will support UUSC partners helping women, children, and refugee families.
Morales visits Unitarian Universalists in the Philippines
UUA president’s visit will renew historic ties with UU Church of the Philippines.
Celebration marks 20th anniversary of partner church movement
Transylvanian and North American Unitarian Universalists have formed deep ties since fall of Communism.
UUs cheer judge's ruling against California's Prop 8
Prop 8 legally invalidated, case expected to go to Supreme Court.
29 UUs arrested in Phoenix protest
Unitarian Universalists demonstrate against Arizona's SB 1070.
General Assembly focuses UUA on immigration
Selects immigration for four-year study; approves UUA election reforms.
'Justice' General Assembly to be held in Phoenix
Days and nights of work result in a plan most can endorse
Board meeting: Significant changes ahead for GA resolutions
AIW approved: Gulf Coast justice
AIW approved: 'Clean Up the Clean Energy Bill'
AIW to end the blockade of Gaza fails
AIW approved: 'Oppose Anti-Immigrant Measures'
AIW fails: End the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan
Guide to UU World's General Assembly coverage
A complete guide to our coverage of the 2010 General Assembly in Minneapolis.
Follow General Assembly with 'UU World'
Keep up with the latest news from the UUA's annual meeting.
General Assembly agenda includes contentious issues
Delegates to vote on Ariz. boycott, election reform, and ‘peacemaking’ Statement of Conscience.
Antiracism groups raise concerns about Arizona GA
In debate over UUA’s 2012 General Assembly, DRUUMM modifies boycott stance; LUUNA and ARE still favor boycott.
UUA president urges UUs not to boycott Phoenix GA
UUs conflicted over boycott of Phoenix as General Assembly site in 2012.
Unitarian Universalists debate boycotting Arizona
Organizations and individuals take sides over boycotting the state, site of the 2012 General Assembly, over its new law targeting undocumented immigrants.
UUA pulls pension fund from Fidelity
Board of Trustees approves switch to TIAA-CREF over Fidelity’s ties in Darfur.
UUA restructures staff
UUA responds to reduced funding, hopes to model more effective ministry.
UUA contemplates bold changes
A guide to changes promoted by the Board of Trustees and by the UUA administration.
Board calls for General Assembly boycott of Arizona
Will ask delegates to approve withdrawing from contracts for 2012 GA in Phoenix; change could cost the UUA $615,000.
Board, president question Commission on Appraisal’s role
UUA Board of Trustees partially restores Commission’s budget, but is reviewing ‘accountability’ of elected UUA committees.
UUA expects second year of reduced income
Budget adjustments for 2011 will also fund new initiatives.
UUA membership declines for second year
Numbers show slight decline, less than Mainline Protestant churches.
Two UUA districts agree to share staff
New arrangement will allow districts to offer a broader range of expertise.
Board to review proposed changes to Article XV
If amended, Article XV would make it easier to change bylaws
UUA eliminates Washington advocacy office
Reorganization to merge several departments; 15 employees laid off.
Pick up a hammer at 2010 General Assembly
Sign up for UUSC’s Habitat for Humanity camp or volunteer to revitalize a downtown neighborhood in Minneapolis in June.
UUA contemplates districts’ future
System of regions to be implemented.
UUA board vows to transform governance
Will ask General Assembly to reduce number of trustees; change would have implications for districts.
Contributions to UU Haiti fund near $1 million
Congregations make donations, organize fundraising events, and offer support to local Haitian community.
UUA launches updated website
First phase of website redesign can be seen February 1
UUA board considers far-reaching governance reform
Trustees plan to propose changes to General Assembly, trim board, and formalize new regional structure; election changes placed on 2010 GA agenda.
UUSC, UUA create Haitian relief fund
Unitarian Universalists respond to earthquake devastation.
2010 General Assembly will try new schedule
Plenaries will be held on the weekend, workshops on Thursday and Friday.
Big changes proposed for UUA's General Assembly
Proposal: fewer delegates, biennial schedule, and subsidies to boost congregational participation.
UUA Commission drafts new statement on peacemaking
Congregations have until February 1 to approve new text for General Assembly’s consideration.
UUA health plan blends insurance with social justice
Plan now covers 745 employees of UU congregations and organizations.
Morales plans comprehensive review of UU ministry
Trustees to focus on relationships with congregations; UUA’s investments rebound.
New system announced for choosing GA workshops
Most General Assembly workshops will focus on congregational growth, new directions in ministry, and social justice.
Hallman outspent Morales on unsuccessful presidential bid
Morales won 2009 UUA presidential election despite Hallman’s larger base of donors.
Morales and Hallman reflect on UUA presidential race
Candidates and campaign chiefs talk about travel, technology, and identifying delegates.
UUA staff restructuring adds new V.P. position
Limpert named as vice president of Ministries and Congregational Support.
General Assembly report, 2009
The Unitarian Universalist Association elects a president focused on helping congregations adapt to a changing society.
UUA launches 'Standing on the Side of Love' campaign
New public advocacy initiative on behalf of marginalized people.
UU seminaries feel economic pinch
With devalued endowments, schools implement cost-cutting measures.
General Assembly narrowly rejects new ‘Principles and Purposes’
Delegates in Salt Lake City elect new president, send ‘Peacemaking’ Statement of Conscience back to committee.
Morales decisively wins UUA presidency
The Rev. Peter Morales elected with 59 percent of the vote.
Delegates urge ratification of nuclear test ban treaty
General Assembly supports Red Rock Wilderness Act
Delegates support Bolivian UU human rights struggle
General Assembly supports fair elections legislation
Delegates call for commission of inquiry into U.S. torture
Follow UUA General Assembly with 'UU World'
Daily updates on the presidential election and other business on uuworld.org's General Assembly Blog.
UUA shifts international focus to congregations
Sinkford’s presidency focused less on institutional alliances.
UUA offers credentials to church musicians
Unitarian Universalist Association is also revising religious educators' credentialing program.
Unitarian Universalists decry Calif. gay marriage ruling
State Supreme Court 'takes away rights,' says UU minister arrested at protest in San Francisco.
UUA reorganizes Congregational Services staff
Department disbanded; most offices will merge with District Services into new Congregational Growth and Vitality Staff Group.
Reports outline new model of UU youth ministry
Urge congregations and districts to make ministry to youth and young people of color priorities.
3,200 UUs expected at 2009 General Assembly
Delegates in Salt Lake City will elect new president, discuss plan to hold GA every other year.
Membership growth in UUA slows down
Latest figures show slight dip; Hallman and Morales comment on growth strategies.
Congregations prepare to elect new UUA president
Delegates may vote at General Assembly in June or by absentee ballot.
UUA, UUSC leaders call for torture inquiry
Letter to President Obama calls for ‘accountability’ for U.S. officials who authorized torture.
Utah a 'great place to be a Unitarian Universalist'
Unitarian Universalist Association's General Assembly meets in Salt Lake City, June 24-28.
Board proposes changes to UUA elections
Search committee would nominate candidates for president for a six-year term; board would nominate candidates for moderator.
UUA cuts staff, reorganizes departments to balance budget
Equivalent of 13 full-time positions eliminated; Congregational Services to be reorganized.
'I need to love the world enough to want to save it'
UUA Moderator Gini Courter discusses personal motivation and organizational challenges facing the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Gini Courter seeks another term as UUA moderator
Priorities include shift to policy governance, accountability to congregations, antiracism, and 'excellence in ministry.'
UUA prepares for belt tightening
Unitarian Universalist Association anticipates 10 percent drop in revenue in FY2010.
UUA board votes to end independent affiliate status
Hears update on UUA cost-cutting measures, places new Principles and Purposes on GA agenda.
Commission offers second draft of new UUA Principles
Board of Trustees to decide whether General Assembly will vote on new text.
Second draft of new UUA Principles and Purposes
Commission on Appraisal makes changes to draft of new Principles and Purposes; Board to consider revision at January meeting.
'Charged-full living'
UUA-sponsored WellSprings Congregation takes a different approach to new church development.
Ad campaign to focus on Google AdWords
UUA moves advertising from ‘Time’ to cyberspace.
UUA urges Calif. Supreme Court to overturn Proposition 8
Proposition 8 threatens the constitutional rights of all minority groups, according to lawsuit filed by religious coalition.
Hallman, Morales share visions for UUA presidency
Candidates for 2009 election take questions at New England fall conference.
UU candidates win elections
State ballot initiatives on abortion, marijuana, show mixed results.
Ballot initiatives bring setbacks for same-sex couples
Unitarian Universalists disappointed in state election results limiting GLBT rights.
UUA president meets with Archbishop Desmond Tutu in South Africa
During 19 day African trip, Sinkford scheduled to meet with Unitarians, human rights leaders.
Economic concerns foremost at October board meeting
UUA board hears financial reports, works on policy governance.
Youth ministry working group meets to chart new course
Six youth selected by YRUU leadership join group charged with designing new model for UUA youth ministry.
Commission revises UUA Principles and Purposes
Seeks feedback by October 16 for draft of new UUA covenant; changes will require two General Assembly votes for adoption.
Draft revision of UUA's Principles and Purposes
Commission on Appraisal seeks input on proposed changes through October 16, 2008.
UUA’s ‘New York Times’ ad affirms justice stances
Full-page ad responds to Knoxville shooting by reaffirming Unitarian Universalism’s open hearts and open doors.
Fund raises $41,000 for Knoxville church shooting victims
Gifts will support ‘spiritual care and practical financial assistance’; other donors fund UUA ad in New York Times.
Knoxville stands with grieving UUs after shootings
UUA president delivers message of hope one day after shooter's rampage in Unitarian Universalist church.
UUA presidential candidates take questions at GA
Laurel Hallman and Peter Morales talk about presidential priorities.
General Assembly endorses youth 'empowerment'
UUA’s 2008 convention asks for annual reports from congregations and denominational groups about youth and young adult empowerment.
California Unitarian Universalists celebrate gay marriages
Unitarian Universalist couples, ministers, congregations celebrate now-legal marriages.
Keep up with General Assembly news
Follow the UUA's annual meeting, June 25-29, with uuworld.org's General Assembly blog.
Dan Brody seeks reelection as UUA financial advisor
Newton, Mass., finance expert seeks second term as UUA officer.
UUA seeks reconciliation for historical wrongs
UU minister discovers slave-trading ancestor.
UUA to administer Green Sanctuary program
UUA to take over environmental program from UU Ministry for Earth
Three in a thousand identify as Unitarians
A new survey estimates that 0.3 percent of American adults identify as Unitarians.
Low attendance expected for UUA’s General Assembly
Security concerns, economic woes, heat deter attendance at Fort Lauderdale event.
Commission outlines Principles and Purposes review
Any changes to UUA's covenant will be presented to 2009 General Assembly.
UUA, UUSC raise funds for Burmese cyclone victims
Repressive government, poor infrastructure hamper relief efforts.
Board urges transparency in youth ministry transition
At April meeting, UUA board approves funding for youth ‘transition team’ in place of YRUU.
UUA considers new plans for youth ministry
Youth Ministry Working Group developing new approach.
UUA ad campaign continues in 'Time'
Additional ads to run April 14, May 12.
UUA, other investors pressure Fidelity over Sudan
Shareholder resolutions would bar investments that ‘contribute to genocide’ in Darfur, elsewhere.
UUA presidential campaign begins with two candidates
Laurel Hallman and Peter Morales compete for 2009 General Assembly vote.
Peter Morales, candidate for UUA president
Minister of Jefferson Unitarian Church in Golden, Colorado.
Laurel Hallman, candidate for UUA president
Minister of First Unitarian Church of Dallas.
Continental YRUU 'will be replaced,' Sinkford says
Funding cuts uncertain for youth organization; new model for youth ministry in development.
UUA suspends funding for young adult network
Staff groups serving youth and young adults expected to merge.
UU mission to Kenya sees destruction firsthand
Delegation reports findings to Congress, State Department, and World Bank.
UUA board reaffirms Florida General Assembly
Ministers Association pulls out of GA convention center.
UU delegation heads to Kenya
Aid fund established to help victims of violence in Kenya.
Unitarian Universalists give $1.1 million for growth
More than 500 congregations take part in Association Sunday.
UU ads to appear in bowl game programs
Advertising campaigns launched at football games, in Tampa Bay area.
UUA leaders respond to General Assembly security concerns
Federal security measures at the Port of Fort Lauderdale raise concerns for 2008 General Assembly.
UUA health plan ends successful first year
Rate increases for 2008 held to 4 percent.
Security at 2008 General Assembly concerns UUA board
October meeting approves fifth independent affiliate, plans review of General Assembly, elections practices.
UUA and UCC collaborate on antiwar protest
Denominations gather 73,000 signatures against Iraq war.
Report on youth ministry urges new vision
Three-year review of Unitarian Universalist youth ministry completed; Board to hear report.
Independent groups adapt to loss of affiliate status
UUA board says tighter rules help congregations.
UUA launches national ad campaign in 'Time'
Regional campaign in San Francisco Bay Area advertises on 'Daily Show with Jon Stewart.'
Unitarian Universalism's army of volunteers
UUA committee members contribute thousands of hours to make the Association work.
UUs help launch New Orleans 'Resurrection Project'
Gulf Coast Unitarian Universalists gather for second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.
Environment and diversity themes of 2007 General Assembly
Report on the Unitarian Universalist Association's 2007 annual meeting.
Voices from GA
Selected quotations from the 2007 UUA General Assembly.
Open Space process informs UUA goals
General Assembly experiments with new meeting process.
General Assembly asserts UU moral values
UUA's annual meeting urges opposition to torture, Iraq war; affirms transgender people.
UUA board approves two affiliates
At post-GA meeting, board discusses controversial new criteria for independent affiliate organizations.
UUA board cuts funds to seminaries
Board approves plan to develop new approach to supporting theological education.
UUA treasurer takes lead in socially responsible investing
Under Tim Brennan's leadership, UUA investments used to effect corporate change.
Daily updates from UUA General Assembly
Follow the UUA's annual meeting with uuworld.org's GA blog, June 20-24.
Churches take steps toward diverse, multicultural future
Congregations respond to the General Assembly's challenge to examine race and class.
Two New England UUA districts consolidate
Merger to offer revitalization and increased services.
General Assembly to use Open Space to set UUA's course
Open Space Technology will help GA delegates identify UUA's goals.
UUA first denomination to join immigrant sanctuary movement
UUA joins movement supporting undocumented immigrants facing deportation.
UUA pressures Fidelity over Sudanese investments
Retirement plan holders urged to change funds.
Board shifts funding priorities for theological education
Board looks at seminary funding, independent affiliates, and moderator's role.
UUA persuades hotel chain to open up on energy use
Starwood corporation responds favorably to shareholder resolution on global warming.
UU funds to support Gulf Coast volunteers
New fundraising effort will support volunteer groups going to Gulf.
Liberal religious groups lobby for comprehensive sex education
Teens join UUA-UCC effort promoting REAL Act.
UUA calls for shareholder votes on CEO pay
Unitarian Universalist Association files shareholder resolutions on executive compensation with three major corporations.
Sinkford outlines plan for more diverse ministry
UUA president describes plan for new ministry opportunities for minority candidates at January Board meeting.
$132K will help Gulf Coast community groups
UUA-UUSC Gulf Coast Relief Fund assists childcare, community leadership groups.
Beth Miller leads department in transition
UUA's multifaceted ministry staff group broadens its mission.
New Gulf Coast grants total $130K
UUA-UUSC fund supports antiracism training and rebuilding projects.
Partners in the Gulf
Helping marginalized communities rebuild along the Gulf Coast.
Tyrone Edwards leads his town back to life
A hurricane-battered Louisiana town comes back to life, with Unitarian Universalist help.
Unitarian Universalists win three statewide races
Election results: Secretary of state in California and Minnesota; North Dakota reelects Senator Conrad.
UUA, United Church of Christ 'just friends,' say leaders
Denominational presidents mark bicentennial of 'Unitarian controversy' with dialogue on shared past and future collaboration.
Board approves UUA insurance plan
Green building guidelines, revised GA schedule also approved at October Board meeting.
Big changes for General Assembly
Annual meeting reschedules Sunday worship, will reexamine Association's purposes.
New UUA health plan close to enrollment goal
50 more registrants needed before October 15 deadline.
New survey of UU congregations shows growth potential
Faith Communities Today update shows rising number of growing churches.
General Assembly 2006
Environmental issues dominate annual gathering of Unitarian Universalist leaders.
UUA General Assembly confronts global warming
Delegates also select 'peacemaking' as four-year congregational focus.
Congregational leaders gather for training conference
'UU University,' on eve of General Assembly, focuses on lay leadership.
Daily reports from UUA General Assembly
Follow the UUA's annual meeting with uuworld.org's GA blog.
UUA marks Welcoming program milestone
500th UU church completes Welcoming Congregation program.
Harvard announces professorship in Unitarian Universalist studies
Ralph Waldo Emerson Professor will focus on liberal religious traditions.
Regional conferences train new young adult leaders
New conferences bring UU young adult leadership training to the local level.
Changes ahead for 2006 General Assembly
New program for church leaders; changes proposed for denominational Statements of Conscience.
Gulf Coast fund helps fight immigrant worker abuse
UUA-UUSC fund supports groups working for immigrant worker rights.
Health-care coverage for uninsured church staff
UUA announces new nation-wide coverage.
Unitarian Universalists rally for end to genocide
UUA President takes the stage at national rally to save Darfur.
UUA Board moves toward new governance model
Gradual process involves adapting Carver Policy Governance model.
Reexamination of UUA Principles announced
It's time to review the UUA's Principles, Sources, and Purposes.
UUA wins web marketing award for magazine
Web marketing group names 'uuworld.org' best faith-based campaign of the year.
More funds disbursed to Gulf Coast area
The UUA-UUSC Gulf Coast Relief Fund makes next round of grants.
Survey sheds light on youth experience
Youth survey results will help congregations better attract and retain youth.
Congregations to set agenda for General Assembly
New survey designed to draw more congregational participation.
SRI teleconferences offer free education
The UUA’s committee on socially responsible investing sponsored three free teleconferences; more are planned.
UUA to help congregations with international connections
Director of Partner Church Council hired to lead UUA's review of international work.
New hurricane-relief grants exceed $330K
February 21 grants help six Gulf Coast groups.
Record giving for disaster victims
Tsunami, hurricane, flooding, and earthquake relief.
One event, two perspectives
A racially-charged encounter reveals worlds of difference.
Report examines racism, youth at 2005 General Assembly
Commission offers timeline and recommendations.
Hurricane fund gives $750K to churches, community groups
Grants continue from $3.5 million relief fund.
Unitarian Universalist Association opposes Alito's confirmation
Denomination announces opposition to Supreme Court nominee.
Transylvania flood fund tops $275,000
U.S. churches aid historic Unitarian communities.
What do Unitarian Universalists believe?
Unitarian Universalists hold many beliefs in common.
First grants to Gulf Coast community groups
$100,000 goes to four Louisiana and Mississippi community organizations.
UUA advertising in Times Square
Times Square video will run 24 days around Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve.
Gulf Coast Relief Fund tops $2 million
Donations 'will provide immediate and long-term assistance for the most marginalized people affected by this catastrophe.'
UUA President calls for U.S. withdrawal from Iraq
Pastoral letter expresses shame at 'our government's involvement with torture.'
Hurricane relief fund reaches $1.5 million
Congregations establish partnerships to help Unitarian Universalist communities affected by hurricanes.
Unitarians in Transylvania suffer in floods
Partner churches help historic Unitarian communities; UUA raises relief funds.
Gulf Coast Relief Fund tops $1 million
$1,005,731 given to UUA-UUSC hurricane relief fund; online technology played major role.
UU hurricane relief effort sets $1 million goal
'Spectacular response' will aid congregations and agencies.
New social justice consulting program
Antioppression consulting program helps congregations in existing justice efforts.
UUs respond to hurricane's devastation
UUA sets up emergency relief fund; members open their homes to refugees from New Orleans
General Assembly 2005
Sermons, music, and politics at the Unitarian Universalist annual gathering.
Beacon Press surpasses UUA's three-year goals
Beacon Press exceeds requirements set by the UUA Board.
Reforming a criminal justice system in crisis
The General Assembly considers a new Statement of Conscience.
Ad campaign successful in Houston area
Houston area campaign giving churches new energy.
$2.1 million gift will aid small congregations
One major gift will help small congregations in New Hampshire and Vermont; another secured the future of a Florida congregation.
UUA celebrates same-sex marriage anniversary in Massachusetts
The party included music, a wedding cake, toasts, and thousands of paper hearts.
Candidates in General Assembly races
Healthy stewardship, declining enrollment
2003 financial reports for UUA
Stalwart Leaders
UUA's 2004 Volunteer Service and Distinguished Service Awards
General Assembly Report 2004
Annual event in Long Beach, California
Gay rights timeline
Major social, political, and religious milestones on the road to equality.
Same-sex marriage comes to Massachusetts
Deeper and broader trends make the rest of the country more tolerant, too.
Liberal evangelists on campus
Young Unitarian Universalists are sharing their faith and building worship groups on college campuses — and the UUA and local congregations are scurrying to support them.
Claiming and reclaiming Universalism
Reflecting on the Unitarian and Universalist merger.
General Assembly 2009 social witness resolutions
Resolutions adopted by the 2009 UUA General Assembly.