Recent Stories
Family detention centers pack three mothers, many children to a room
Unitarian Universalists call attention to new detention centers holding hundreds of immigrant families.
Letter from a hoped-for future
What Unitarian Universalism looks like, twenty years from now.
Grief and weariness
Grief has often worn me out, while restoring me to myself at the same time.
N.H. woman sues to breastfeed at work
Unitarian Universalist sues former employer, helps draft law requiring private space to breastfeed children.
Offenders among us
Can we be in community with both sex abuse victims and offenders?
A tree remembers
A children's book tells Anne Frank's story from the perspective of the tree outside her hiding place.
Marriage equality 'is going to last'
After Supreme Court action, same-sex marriage now legal in 32 states.
The soundtrack of childhood cancer
Alastair Moock's songs for his 5-year-old with leukemia now help many other families, too.
Kairos, engagement, and marriage in Little Rock
What I experienced in the rotunda of an Arkansas courthouse was an ethos of graciousness.
Growing up on Star Island
Looking back on my summers spent at a beloved UU retreat.
SUUSI: The other General Assembly
Unitarian Universalists get hooked on SUUSI,
a high-energy, thinking-person's family camp.
Fellowship days
I remember the truth and the love and the social justice, but also the cartwheels and the donuts.
Breaking on through
Language helps us make meaning of what is happening to us, when it isn’t a barrier.
Parents of murdered teen raise awareness about dating violence
'Grief is the hard form of caring,' says Malcolm Astley, the father of a murdered teen.
A letter about Santa and God
By telling the truth about Santa, maybe I can better explain what I believe about God.
Light a candle or two this Thanksgivukkah
Where are you in the stories of the two holidays that just happen to coincide this year?
A lie, or just editing?
How much can you alter a story before it’s not itself any more?
Birth, breath, and death
Doulas are called to care, to encourage, and to leave the world better than we found it.
Choice words
Hands-off parenting gives kids choices they aren't ready to make.
I'll stand her ground
What I'm telling my daughter, an African-American teenager, about Trayvon Martin's death.
May you have ease of well-being
Do I really want to spend this entire day with whatever might come up about my mother?
The boys next door
To stop rape culture we need to start by talking to our boys.
'The only place I can really be me'
Summer camps help kids build their Unitarian Universalist identity.
Kite mother
I kept hoping that one day I would up and be the mother from the greeting card picture.
What is reproductive justice?
Women need more than a right to choose. Unitarian Universalists are joining a broader movement seeking reproductive justice.
Book to note: 'Mira and the Big Story'
A young girl learns to respect diverse traditions.
The lesson of Clive
I am a rock person; my husband is a cloud person.
Zach Wahls takes on Boy Scouts
UU Eagle Scout Zach Wahls leads the charge to end the ban on gay Scouts.
The gravity of family
All my adult life, I have valued my chosen relationships over the ones I was born into.
Obama's religious roots
Despite his childhood exposure to Unitarian Universalism, Barack Obama found his religious home elsewhere.
We know we will be safe here
When my husband became my wife, our congregation welcomed us again.
Helping children understand ‘white lies’
Spiritual connections to the universe for teens
Dating rules for Unitarian Universalist teens
Enforcing gender stereotypes in the shoe department
When parents practice different faiths, stress beliefs not truths
At my mother's funeral
Unitarian Universalists are precisely the people who can't believe whatever they want.
Serving, as families, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Forty years of UU sexuality education
Our congregations are recognized leaders in comprehensive sex ed, grounded in UU values.
Bethlehem's hospitality
I'm chagrined to learn that our Christmas pageants have the birth in the stable all wrong.
Teaching gratitude in a culture of consumerism
How to give a blessing
I didn't mean to give an honest answer when asked, 'How are you?'
Holidays: Time for interfaith dialogue with your parents
Pets, children, and the Seven Principles
Windows and mirrors
I was watching my son through the dim reflection of myself.
The raucous gardening fairy
So much for a tranquil ten minutes in the garden.
Fourth Principle holiday idea: Ingersoll Day
‘Bless you’: Social convention or theological statement?
Vacation Bible school for Unitarian Universalist kids?
Remembering liberation on Memorial Day
Introducing meditation to children and youth
Bunnies, eggs, and resurrection
Talking with children about horrific news
Stories about evil can be good for kids
Finding, and shaping, a religious community
Preparing children for a world that doesn’t share their values
Responding to holiday depression with compassion
She stomped up and down the aisles until she saw her Christmas tree.
Slowing down when the holidays speed up
Celebrating the winter holidays
The Christmas tallis
Celebrating the holidays with my interfaith family.
If you want grateful children, be grateful
Surviving, without a memorial
Where are the tangible memorials to what survivors have lost?
Raising children who value justice and compassion
Tricks and treats: Parenting and costume choices
Sudden death
The real sting of death is the thought that all life’s possibilities were supposed to wait until I got around to paying attention.
My child came home wearing a cross
What my GPS has taught me about parenting
Raising resilient nonconformists
Gender stereotypes and raising UU kids
Helping children develop a healthy sexuality
Parenting as children grow up and choose their own paths
Spiritual practices for children and youth
The great mystery: Talking about death
It’s not easy being UU in middle school
Spiritual and ethical growth spurts
Is Unitarian Universalism for kids?
Sharing beliefs is not indoctrination
Unitarian Universalism must change
We must admit that Unitarian Universalism has a specific, sometimes alienating culture, and we must change it.
The unique challenges of Unitarian Universalist parenting
Welcome to UU World's parenting blog!
Mary Daly changed my life
I am not sorry that I used to be ‘one of those angry women.’
Christmas nostalgia for the family we never were
I never rode in a one-horse open sleigh or saw visions of sugarplums dance in my head.
Chalica, new weeklong UU holiday, slowly gains adherents
One of the seven UU Principles honored each day.
The DIY spiritual practice
A spiritual practice my wife and I cobbled together.
From mother to gypsy
Saying goodbye to the home where I raised my children.
The promised land is under your feet
Communities owe their health to those with the fortitude to stay put.
Graduation day
Parenthood makes life serious and challenges you to push past limitations you have accepted too easily. But those issues don't go away when you decide not to have children.
A little of that human touch
Relationship insights from the Boss.
The devil and Martha Stewart
Don’t give in to the voice that fuels the fires of perfectionism—especially here at the holidays.
How to raise a mensch
Cultivating your child's ethical and spiritual growth.
Letter to a new parent
Your heart will be worn and joyous, wise and beat up, and full of sorrow and amazement.
The daffodil rescue mission
People say, ‘Bloom where you’re planted,’ but things happen.
Adapting to children's needs for 200 years
How Unitarian and Universalist religious education evolved over two centuries.
Home grown Unitarian Universalism
Developing home-based community rituals that root UU adults and children.
The War on Drugs' war on families
A documentary film shows the tragic consequences of mandatory minimum sentences.
On the death of a child
Buddhist wisdom honors a brief life.
The floating life
Going with the flow sounds nice, until the river tries to kill you.
Documenting the gay marriage revolution
The story of legal same-sex marriage in Massachusetts.
UU minister performs Iowa's first same-sex wedding
Gay couple married by Unitarian Universalist minister.
Liberal religion and the working class
Unitarian Universalism has a class problem.
Even secular parents are religious educators
If you don't answer your children's religious questions, someone else will
Jesus for UU children
New book offers a Unitarian Universalist view.
Once and for all
Watching a loved one fade into dementia.
Excess baggage
Nonmaterialists on vacation.
Fireworks at the wedding
Fireworks and church may not seem to go together, but in my family they do.
Help for anxious parents
The world is a dangerous place, but many parents are at risk of overprotecting their children.
Parents' top concerns and what you can do
Advice from 'The Safe Child Handbook.'
Books address adoption's complications
Clear and honest writing about adopting a child.
What demythologizers tell their children
Stories are for everyone.
Legally married same-sex couples--two years later
UU gay and lesbian couples reflect on life after Massachusetts marriage ceremonies.
Book introduces Unitarian Universalism to young children
Full-color illustrations will delight children and adults.
Learning to raise lifelong UUs
We're not just a religion of exiles.
What's spiritual about parenting young children?
A passage from Bless This Child.
Books to honor great occasions
Four new books celebrating life's passages.
Three ways husbands express love
A new book surveys men in heterosexual marriages.
Winter holiday resources for UU families
Recommendations from the UUA's Lifespan Faith Development staff.
Creating UU family Christmas rituals
Finding the right mix of family traditions.
The ceremony of innocence
A ceremony of innocence is a statement of faith and an act of hope.
A new theology of marriage
Religious liberals are poised to take a new look at marriage.
Let's take back our time
We work more hours than medieval peasants did.
Where is the line between life and death?
How long should someone, unable to live on her own, be kept alive?
A mother's bond
Grief and recovery transform the author's relationship with her mother.
'Kids as sacred as mine'
Parenting and protesting in an unsaved world.
Rituals for holidays and everyday
Five rituals to try at home.
Creating rituals with and for children
Celebrate your family's values with your own traditions.
Sophia Lyon Fahs, revolutionary educator
Starting in 1937, Fahs helped lead a Unitarian religious education revival.
Are boys getting what they need at church?
When Sunday school isn't boy-friendly.
Reclaiming the best of fatherhood
Roundtable discussion with Mary Pipher, William Doherty, and Neil Chethik.
What do sons really need from their dads?
What losing a father teaches men about fatherhood.
Tips for more confident fathering
Hands-on fathers help children thrive.
What's distinctive about UU relationships?
Unitarian Universalist principles for healty relationships.
E.J. Graff asks what marriage is for
The author of a history of marriage says the time has come for same-sex marriage.
Why I don't fly
Figuring out the ethics of long-distance travel is a challenge.
Little books about big stuff
A new series of children's books from the team that produced 'uu&me!' magazine.
Book to note: 'Linus the Vegetarian T-Rex'
A girl who love dinosaurs meets a Tyrannosaurus Rex who defies expectations.
Book to note: 'Gobble, gobble'
Award-winning illustrator, a UU, depicts lives of wild turkeys.