Recent Stories
'This is home for me'
A black Baltimore Unitarian Universalist marches for Freddie Gray, her city, and her faith.
Champion Charlotte Samuels 'smiles when she swims'
New Jersey teen sets new world record for open-water swimming.
Burnette: Former fundamentalist wants to foster UU growth
New UUA trustee, a minister in Arizona, sees unique role for Unitarian Universalism.
Rivera: Lack of diversity in UUA inspired her board service
Christina Rivera began her three-year term on the UUA Board of Trustees in June 2014.
Immigrant finds sanctuary in Denver Unitarian church
Denver-area Unitarian Universalist congregations join new sanctuary movement.
Sale of mineral rights brings $944K to UUA
Lois and Ken Carpenter's gift of mineral rights, once thought worthless, is windfall to UUA.
Alzheimer's caregiving takes a village
How UUs can better serve people with dementia and their loved ones.
Susan Frederick-Gray v. Joe Arpaio
The Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray joins federal class-action lawsuit against Maricopa County Sheriff Joseph Arpaio.
Selling the seeds of change
A UU-founded company is on a mission to reclaim our seed heritage.
Book group brings Muslim and UU women together
Women from Unitarian Universalist and Muslim congregations in Silver Spring, Md., meet each month.
Remembering Pete Seeger
To be honest, I still want to grow up to be like Pete Seeger.
Kairos, engagement, and marriage in Little Rock
What I experienced in the rotunda of an Arkansas courthouse was an ethos of graciousness.
SUUSI: The other General Assembly
Unitarian Universalists get hooked on SUUSI,
a high-energy, thinking-person's family camp.
For young leader, General Assembly is a spiritual practice
Planning Committee chair Bart Frost says GA 'shows how big our small faith is.'
St. Vincent, UU hipster?
St. Vincent performs in the Unitarian Universalist church she attended as a teen.
Breaking on through
Language helps us make meaning of what is happening to us, when it isn’t a barrier.
Singing for humanity: The Pete Seeger saga
Speaking truth to power, with banjos and boats.
Greta Gerwig, Unitarian Universalist film star
Greta Gerwig stars in the new black and white film 'Frances Ha,' which features the UU congregation she grew up in.
Restaurant gives women from prison a new start
Unitarian Universalist minister’s work with imprisoned women grows into job program.
Gini Courter's revolution
The UUA's longest serving moderator reflects on a legacy of volunteer leadership.
Kay Montgomery's retirement marks end of an era
Kay Montgomery has held the number two position on the UUA staff for almost thirty years, becoming its 'heart and nervous system.'
One lawyer's religious brief for marriage equality
Eric Isaacson has donated over 1,700 hours making the case for same-sex marriage, and judges have listened.
'The only place I can really be me'
Summer camps help kids build their Unitarian Universalist identity.
Sacred ground
The Boston Marathon bombings desecrated a public ritual and a beloved place.
Pet ministry: Caring for all creatures
UUs are providing comfort for ill or dying pets and their caregivers.
From salvaged pew, artisan crafts custom guitar
Auctioned instrument raises money for rebuilding church in Brunswick, Maine.
Urban gardener hopes to turn foreclosures into farms
Milwaukee UU believes creating a 'harvestable city' will improve quality of life.
Tim DeChristopher's path
How an undergraduate's activism led him to prison, and to plans to become a UU minister.
Zach Wahls takes on Boy Scouts
UU Eagle Scout Zach Wahls leads the charge to end the ban on gay Scouts.
'Called out into the great, open, windy world'
Jack Mendelsohn made social justice essential to Unitarian Universalist identity.
UU marine ecologist wins 'genius grant'
MacArthur Foundation recognizes Nancy Rabalais for work in Gulf Coast dead zones.
'Sinister Minister' pens UU-themed mystery series
The Rev. Dr. Judith Campbell publishing fourth Olympia Brown mystery in October.
Bound to the last spot of land in Louisiana
A visit to Plaquemines Parish, just ahead of Hurricane Isaac.
Forrest Church's spiritual odyssey
Biography reveals moving model for spiritual growth.
Cynthia Grant Tucker rescues women's voices from archives
'I wanted to give a voice to all of this experience that has generally been disregarded.'
Disney buys UU's 'Dark Life'
Unitarian Universalist Principles infuse Kat Falls's children's books.
Pedaling for hope
Bicycling ministers turn long-distance rides into opportunities to raise funds and awareness for charitable causes.
For love and justice
Unitarian Universalists mobilize in response to laws
that tear families apart and abuse immigrants.
How my testimony went viral
Values I learned from my two moms and UU church led me to testify before the Iowa House.
A passion for environmental justice
For the Rev. Bob Murphy, environmentalism and ministry overlap like the shoreline and the sea.
Isipho binds Atlanta UUs to African village
'The impact of Isipho on us has been massive. Our whole family is different.'
NASA fellowship named for UU astronomer
Known as “Mother of the Hubble,” Nancy Grace Roman hopes to inspire girls to pursue careers in science.
Passing it on from the land of plenty
Eddie O'Toole ships American surplus to Honduras, dramatically affecting people's lives.
Marilyn Sewell's next calling
Retired minister speaks about the documentary film made about her.
Music to note, Fall 2011
Music with an environmental and UU sensibility.
Finca Esperanza Verde: 'What ecotourism should be'
An organic coffee farm and ecotourism lodge
founded by a Unitarian Universalist couple
is a model for just and sustainable tourism.
Lucy Stone Cooperative rooted in UU values
Young adults create Boston housing cooperative.
Mom, four kids, a year of service
Teresa Keller and four kids are spending a year in service around the globe.
With kidney donation, congregation extends 'circle of care'
Member to donate kidney to religious education director, as others fundraise and cook.
Dunning celebrates persistence in repeal of DADT
Zoe Dunning, a retired Navy commander and Unitarian Universalist, stood by President Obama’s side as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was repealed.
Dinner with Monsanto
Planting the seeds for a code of ethics for bioengineers.
The partner church movement today
Almost 200 North American UU congregations have partner churches in other parts of the world.
Twenty years of the partner church movement
How partnerships between American and Transylvanian Unitarian Universalists transformed both.
UU partner in India wins international peace prize
Ela Bhatt, founder of India’s largest women’s union, awarded 2010 Niwano Peace Prize.
Finding spirit in the sundown
The only way to prepare for facing Alzheimer's is to remain attentive to the present moment.
Holy family
A family holy enough to merit the highest forms of reverence.
A poet's grief
Kathleen Sheeder Bonanno's poetry chronicles her grief after her daughter's murder.
The gospel of inclusion
The Universalism of former Pentecostal bishop Carlton Pearson.
Their spirit is still with us
One year after a gunman opened fire in the Unitarian Universalist church in Knoxville.
President Sinkford's public witness
President William G. Sinkford looks back on eight years of leadership.
Illinois church collects veterans’ stories
Unitarian Universalist church’s oral history project opens up conversations about military service.
True to my lineage
The Rev. Mark Morrison-Reed's quest for spiritual integration.
UU children help struggling families feed pets
North Carolina children raise money to provide pet food for families struggling with recession.
Remembering the victims of Knoxville church shooting
In memoriam: Linda Kraeger and Greg McKendry.
Ted Sorensen, JFK's Unitarian speechwriter
An interview with President Kennedy's counselor and speechwriter.
Sierra Club highlights UU environmental initiatives
National report on religious environmentalism honors Unitarian Universalist projects.
The story of the 'Sources' cantata
Music celebrating the Six Sources of Unitarian Universalism.
Mike Gravel's Unitarian Universalism
Democratic presidential candidate identifies as a Unitarian Universalist.
Spirited defender
Karen Tse's human rights ministry is helping to eradicate torture.
Pete Stark's untroubled humanism
A Unitarian Congressman can't fathom why his nontheism is causing such a fuss.
Carolyn McDade's spirit of life
The story of Unitarian Universalism's most beloved song.
John S. Dacey, the anxiety pro
Psychologist John Dacey's own struggle with anxiety inspired a career helping others.
Religious reality in a virtual world
Second Life, the much-hyped online virtual reality world, is home to a growing Unitarian Universalist congregation.
Tyrone Edwards leads his town back to life
A hurricane-battered Louisiana town comes back to life, with Unitarian Universalist help.
People of the First UU Church of Second Life
Excerpts from interviews with members of the virtual church.
William F. Schulz, human rights champion
William F. Schulz looks back on twelve years at Amnesty International.
UU songwriters hit a nerve with SUV song
Meet Rozanne Gates and Suzanne Sheridan.
UU tackles patient safety after tragedy
Ilene Corina became an activist after her son's death in 1990.
Music vs. AIDS in Africa
The music of a pandemic.
Three African musical responses to AIDS
Listen to recordings from the heart of a pandemic.
Frederick Lawrence Keefe
A brief biography of the author of The Investigating Officer.
World War II novel connects with today's headlines
A 40-year-old novel asks unnervingly relevant questions about soldiers in the moral chaos of war.
Hurricanes’ devastation is emotional as well as physical
Florida UUs uneasy about third stormy year; Louisiana church is hiring to help volunteers.
Poet laureate Ted Kooser's this-worldly faith
The U.S. poet laureate and winner of this year’s Pulitzer Prize in poetry is a Unitarian Universalist.
Philip Simmons's wisdom
A documentary follows contributing editor Philip Simmons through his final months.
A death in Iraq; a church changed
An opponent becomes an ally after losing his soldier son.
Tombaugh discovered Pluto, co-founded church
At 24, Clyde Tombaugh discovered the elusive ninth planet.
Jason Shelton's music aims for transformation
Nashville music ministry brings new energy to Unitarian Universalist worship.
Film documents law's effect on same-sex couple
A Unitarian Universalist couple leaves Virginia to preserve their rights.
Students surveyed on spirituality
Study: Unitarian Universalist college students stand out for spiritual curiosity, volunteerism, social justice work, compassion, and respect for religious diversity.
Spiritual lessons from running
Ten spiritual lessons that running has taught me.
UUA celebrates same-sex marriage anniversary in Massachusetts
The party included music, a wedding cake, toasts, and thousands of paper hearts.
Chaplain in the wilderness
Kate Braestrup's ministry in the Maine woods.
Frank Lloyd Wright's Unitarian Universalist churches
Architect with Unitarian roots designed two famous UU churches.
Reston banners destroyed twice
Vandals destroyed 'Civil Marriage is a Civil Right' banners.
UU awarded MacArthur 'genius grant'
Amy Smith, an instructor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a lifelong member of Follen Church in Lexington, Massachusetts.
Joseph Nye, soft-power theorist
An expert on international relations praises the 'soft power' of attraction.
Ric Masten, dancing through life
A poet responds to cancer the way he knows best.
Addictions ministry moves beyond AA
The Rev. Denis Meacham creates new ministry at First Parish Brewster, Mass.
Same-sex marriage comes to Massachusetts
Deeper and broader trends make the rest of the country more tolerant, too.
Visit to the Kasambala Medical Clinic
An American minister visits the African clinic his church supports.
Dedicating their lives to children
Parents of 21 devote themselves to work worldwide.
Enduring bond between American church and African clinic
Unity Church-Unitarian and the Nyirongo family.
Ward Morehouse, prodemocracy visionary
Ward Morehouse took on Union Carbide after a chemical spill killed 15,000 people in India in 1984. Now he's a leader in the movement to make corporations accountable to the people.
Ellery Schempp stood up for religious minorities
Ellery Schempp's 1958 lawsuit ended mandatory Bible readings in school.
Philip Simmons, 1957-2002
A tribute to Philip Simmons by his editor at UU World.
Liberal evangelists on campus
Young Unitarian Universalists are sharing their faith and building worship groups on college campuses — and the UUA and local congregations are scurrying to support them.
The middle of everywhere
How Lincoln, Nebraska, came to be the picture of America's multicultural future.
Bob West led the UUA through a stormy period
Bob West is regarded by many as the 'unsung hero of the UUA.'
Ministers bring blessing to Ground Zero
'We went into a nightmare.'
Eleven UUs died in 9-11 attacks
In memoriam.
Unitarian Universalist family camps
A guide to Unitarian Universalist family camps.