Recent Stories
A new ethos
How the UUA is promoting Beloved Community today.
'This is home for me'
A black Baltimore Unitarian Universalist marches for Freddie Gray, her city, and her faith.
In Baltimore, my liberation is bound up with yours
The minister of First Unitarian Church in Baltimore reflects on #BaltimoreUprising.
In Baltimore, Unitarian Universalists look for ways to help
Joining vigils for Freddie Gray, packing lunches for school children, learning from black community’s distress.
Cambridge church will host shelter for homeless youth
First Parish partnership with Y2Y Harvard Square will shelter 20 young adults.
Faith groups join Lummi Nation fight against coal
Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship’s partnership leads to public witness event at UUA’s General Assembly in June.
The next Selma
How the Black Lives Matter movement challenges Unitarian Universalists.
We stepped outside
In an affluent town near Ferguson, UUs held weekly sidewalk vigils.
Letter from a hoped-for future
What Unitarian Universalism looks like, twenty years from now.
In Selma, 'we are your partners forever'
More than 500 Unitarian Universalists join 50th anniversary march in Selma.
N.H. woman sues to breastfeed at work
Unitarian Universalist sues former employer, helps draft law requiring private space to breastfeed children.
A life lesson from Hollywood
In 'Selma,' James Reeb offers a compelling lesson in being a racial justice ally.
Seminarian's injury inspires coordination in Berkeley protests
Unitarian Universalist ministry students work together in #BlackLivesMatter protests after one was bloodied by a police baton.
Up to our necks
As a nation, we are buried up to our necks in a history of violence against people of color.
A moral divide
Can we reconcile moral certainties with Unitarian Universalist Principles?
Looking to get more involved in climate justice? Commit2Respond
A movement open to all, calling all to action on a moral imperative.
Yellow shirts for climate action
More than 1,500 Unitarian Universalists took part in the People's Climate March.
Reeb Project aims to fight voter suppression
Charlotte congregations and All Souls in D.C. cooperate to work on voters' rights in North Carolina.
Susan Frederick-Gray v. Joe Arpaio
The Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray joins federal class-action lawsuit against Maricopa County Sheriff Joseph Arpaio.
Missouri UUs hold vigils, collect food for Ferguson
UUA president decries 'profoundly unsettling' images of police action after killing of Michael Brown.
Selling the seeds of change
A UU-founded company is on a mission to reclaim our seed heritage.
Sister Simone Campbell to UUs: walk towards trouble
T-shirt evangelism
Wearing my Standing on the Side of Love shirt tells the world, including me, what I stand for.
Oregon ends same-sex marriage ban
Unitarian Universalist minister says the weddings she performed are among ‘highlights of my ministry.’
In Arkansas, UU minister marries 12 gay couples
The Rev. Jennie Barrington performs some of the first legal same-sex marriages in the Deep South.
Kairos, engagement, and marriage in Little Rock
What I experienced in the rotunda of an Arkansas courthouse was an ethos of graciousness.
What Haiti taught me
A week with the UU College of Social Justice and the Mouvman Peyizan Papay.
Justice journeys with the UU College of Social Justice
The UU College of Social Justice offers experiential learning and social justice training programs.
Michigan UU ministers marry 200 same-sex couples
Unitarian Universalists performed two-thirds of marriages on one day licenses were issued.
Morales champions reproductive rights outside Supreme Court
Peter Morales claims access to contraception is “a constitutionally protected right to religious freedom.”
Fly less, for the earth's sake
One mode of transportation causes particular ethical angst among folks concerned about climate change.
Following my moral compass
We all navigate through circumstances at the limits of human experience.
Kids' Service Team makes service fun, spiritual
In New Haven, Conn., the Kids' Service Team promotes 'having fun while doing good.'
1,500 Unitarian Universalists join huge N.C. march
UUs from many states joined tens of thousands for 'Moral March' in Raleigh February 8.
Singing for humanity: The Pete Seeger saga
Speaking truth to power, with banjos and boats.
Project cultivates Latino leaders for city's nonprofits
Jericho Road Lawrence's new project helps match Latino professionals with boards of city's nonprofits.
Parents of murdered teen raise awareness about dating violence
'Grief is the hard form of caring,' says Malcolm Astley, the father of a murdered teen.
Paying my rent to the planet
I pick up litter for an hour on my early morning dog walk.
How to become a peacemaker
Four broad, ancient guidelines for human behavior at the heart of every religion.
Restaurant gives women from prison a new start
Unitarian Universalist minister’s work with imprisoned women grows into job program.
Our animal contradictions
How Unitarian Universalism can help us sort out our place in the animal world.
Divestment, shareholder advocacy hot topic at GA
Meaning in the midst of war
Easy answers lead to difficult questions. So why not just start with the questions?
Trust the dawning future
Leaving Beacon Hill for a modern headquarters is a huge move for the UUA.
Writing to the general
Or, how I realized that copying letters for Amnesty International was a spiritual discipline.
New urgency spurs advocate for gun control
Pennsylvania UU continues decade-long quest to prevent gun violence.
What is reproductive justice?
Women need more than a right to choose. Unitarian Universalists are joining a broader movement seeking reproductive justice.
Dallas Unitarians fund well in South Sudan
'Lost Boy' returns to Dallas with report about water well dug with help from First Unitarian Church.
Urban gardener hopes to turn foreclosures into farms
Milwaukee UU believes creating a 'harvestable city' will improve quality of life.
Tim DeChristopher's path
How an undergraduate's activism led him to prison, and to plans to become a UU minister.
Activism is an act of faith
Our interconnectedness makes the powerless powerful.
Zach Wahls takes on Boy Scouts
UU Eagle Scout Zach Wahls leads the charge to end the ban on gay Scouts.
Steps toward a nuclear-free world
How my congregation works for a nuclear-free future.
Impressions of Justice General Assembly
UU World readers share their impressions of this year's General Assembly in Phoenix.
Primal reverence
Reverence is an organic human experience
that requires no supernatural explanations.
Vice presidents: How to take Justice GA home
Follow 'Justice General Assembly' with UU World
Keep up with the latest news from the UUA's Arizona GA.
'Justice for everyone'
Unitarian Universalists in Danbury, Connecticut, help immigrants directly every week.
Hand in hand, Summer 2012
The true test of this year's GA is what our congregations in every state do five years from now.
Service is our prayer
Acts of service have spiritual and psychological dimensions, too.
Occupy paradise
I was willing to be arrested to be part of something beautiful.
Pedaling for hope
Bicycling ministers turn long-distance rides into opportunities to raise funds and awareness for charitable causes.
How my testimony went viral
Values I learned from my two moms and UU church led me to testify before the Iowa House.
A passion for environmental justice
For the Rev. Bob Murphy, environmentalism and ministry overlap like the shoreline and the sea.
Isipho binds Atlanta UUs to African village
'The impact of Isipho on us has been massive. Our whole family is different.'
The spiritual heritage of the Occupy movement
The Occupy protests have much in common with political movements of the 1840s, 1890s, and 1930s—including a spiritual dimension.
Passing it on from the land of plenty
Eddie O'Toole ships American surplus to Honduras, dramatically affecting people's lives.
Finca Esperanza Verde: 'What ecotourism should be'
An organic coffee farm and ecotourism lodge
founded by a Unitarian Universalist couple
is a model for just and sustainable tourism.
A panhandler's greeting means 'Look at me'
I stop for everyone who greets me, including panhandlers.
Lucy Stone Cooperative rooted in UU values
Young adults create Boston housing cooperative.
U.S. churches unite to support Uganda school
Annual sponsorships from American Unitarian Universalists will aid school started by Ugandan UU minister.
Mom, four kids, a year of service
Teresa Keller and four kids are spending a year in service around the globe.
Eggplant extravaganza
What happened when I vowed to get all my vegetables from a local farmshare.
A report from the front lines of the culture wars
Why my church voted to support same-sex marriage.
UU legislator leads marriage equality fight in Maryland
Rich Madaleno is ‘an inspiration and mentor’ in advocacy for LGBT rights.
Alternative scouting group starts to grow
Navigators USA welcomes gay, atheist, and agnostic scouts.
UUA spurs corporate leaders to demand new immigration policy
Institutional investors call reform a human rights and business imperative.
Utah UU convicted for environmental activism
Federal jury faults Tim DeChristopher for blocking auction of oil and gases leases.
An abortion hotline that doesn't judge
Activists at a New York church launch an abortion hotline that offers support without judgment.
Turning Valentine's Day into a day for social justice
Unitarian Universalists demonstrate for LGBT rights, immigration reform, religious tolerance.
Unitarian Universalists raise funds for gay rights in Uganda
Donations will support human rights activists fighting homophobia.
Dinner with Monsanto
Planting the seeds for a code of ethics for bioengineers.
Congregations give a hand to immigrants
'It is one thing to talk about immigration in the abstract and another to hear people's stories.'
Offering a room to asylum seekers
Members of two N.J. Unitarian Universalist congregations host political asylum seekers as part of interfaith group.
Cultivating an abandoned place
The Rev. Ron Robinson's unconventional church in Turley, Okla., focuses on service.
Service is our prayer
When we serve we become more compassionate, more sensitive, more understanding, and more aware.
UU congregations work for immigrant justice
Unitarian Universalists find many ways to help immigrants.
There is enough
There's enough for you. There's enough for me. We don't have to throw anybody under the bus.
The welcome table
How the hospitality of progressive churches cultivates forgiveness and justice.
UU partner in India wins international peace prize
Ela Bhatt, founder of India’s largest women’s union, awarded 2010 Niwano Peace Prize.
Transforming the Jericho Road
The Jericho Road Project links Unitarian Universalist professionals with nonprofits in struggling cities, creating a new avenue for social justice.
Religion and science can be partners
An atheist sees a shared commitment to human advancement in science and in religion.
Unitarian Universalists want our movement to change
A letter from the newly elected president of the UUA.
Reach out to become a public church
A Unitarian Universalist church should see the greater good as its primary purpose.
Their spirit is still with us
One year after a gunman opened fire in the Unitarian Universalist church in Knoxville.
Unitarian Universalism in Africa
Unitarian Universalism is growing rapidly in Africa, uniting people from many tribes to serve the poor.
Finding relief in the storm
The complexity of asking for, and offering, help.
UU convicted of littering while supplying humanitarian aid
Ministry provides water, supplies to migrants crossing Arizona desert
President Sinkford's public witness
President William G. Sinkford looks back on eight years of leadership.
Peace Network rallied UUs against nukes
We didn't have to declare ourselves a traditional peace church to be strong advocates for peace and nuclear disarmament.
The love truck
The Karma Fairy is laughing her head off at the SUV in my driveway.
Working together to create common security
Sharing each other's burdens in a time of economic crisis.
Cincinnati churches continue racial reconciliation
Unitarian Universalists build relationships with descendents of black minister spurned by Unitarians in 1930s.
Be a dignitarian
We can overcome rankism and build a world that honors the dignity of every person.
Watching the evidence change
A meditation on the inauguration of President Barack Obama, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Women crafting a better world
Transforming lives through global social entrepreneurship.
Dinner dilemmas
Ethical issues at the Thanksgiving dinner table.
Tents draw attention to Darfurian refugees’ plight
UU congregations adopt 'Tents of Hope' project to raise consciousness about refugee crisis
General Assembly: 'The threshold of a new era'
UUA General Assembly resounds with calls for liberal leadership.
The avatar's advantage
Cast your goals in mythic terms to make a lasting difference.
Two UU ministers arrested protesting war
In Washington, Sinkford urges political leaders to seek forgiveness for Iraq war.
Was your town a sundown town?
How to find out if your community intentionally excluded African Americans.
Share what you learn about sundown towns
Get ready to tell your congregation's story.
Prophetic nonviolence
Toward a Unitarian Universalist theology of war and peace.
Spirited defender
Karen Tse's human rights ministry is helping to eradicate torture.
'Twilight Zone' writer challenged prejudice
Rod Serling, a Unitarian, confronted prejudice with innovative television scripts.
Pete Stark's untroubled humanism
A Unitarian Congressman can't fathom why his nontheism is causing such a fuss.
Louisiana UUs decry racism in 'Jena Six' case
Two Unitarian Universalist congregations protest racial injustice.
Volunteers still needed in New Orleans
Unitarian Universalists invited to help New Orleans rebuild.
Excess baggage
Nonmaterialists on vacation.
Churches take steps toward diverse, multicultural future
Congregations respond to the General Assembly's challenge to examine race and class.
What you can do about global warming
The global warming problem is too global for a few simple steps to solve it, but there are actions you can take.
Preparing for military chaplaincy
Two Unitarian Universalist seminarians say many in military receptive to liberal religion.
Eating ethically
Can you clean your plate with a clean
Stick your neck out
How you can make a difference.
Partners in the Gulf
Helping marginalized communities rebuild along the Gulf Coast.
Writers, join the planet's rescue team
Don't turn language into a weapon.
Why the Pentagon Papers still matter
Why Beacon Press's Pentagon Papers still matter.
Sexuality education is a religious issue
Fight for comprehensive sexuality education.
Learning to resist reasonable atrocity
Too often 'commonsense' truths lead people into calamity.
Heroes' dilemma: How much would you sacrifice?
The complex moral legacy of Martha and Waitstill Sharp.
UUA marks Welcoming program milestone
500th UU church completes Welcoming Congregation program.
Military chaplain's tribute for Memorial Day
A Unitarian Universalist military chaplain can't fight but honors those who do.
Gulf Coast fund helps fight immigrant worker abuse
UUA-UUSC fund supports groups working for immigrant worker rights.
Unitarian Universalists rally for end to genocide
UUA President takes the stage at national rally to save Darfur.
Church offers classes on science of evolution
Kansas UU church offers refresher biology course to public.
More funds disbursed to Gulf Coast area
The UUA-UUSC Gulf Coast Relief Fund makes next round of grants.
Community investing plants seeds of opportunity
Unitarian Universalist congregations are joining in to help.
UU volunteers help with Gulf Coast reconstruction
Youth groups, individuals line up to help.
UU Service Committee led on Central American human rights
Fifteen years of advocacy in El Salvador.
SRI teleconferences offer free education
The UUA’s committee on socially responsible investing sponsored three free teleconferences; more are planned.
South Dakota UUs fought state abortion ban
UUs risk public censure and even harassment.
How to get involved in community investing
The UUA can double many congregations' investments.
Record giving for disaster victims
Tsunami, hurricane, flooding, and earthquake relief.
Work camps help rebuild Gulf Coast area
An up-close view of Gulf Coast destruction.
UU church hosts Senator Kennedy for living wage rally
Event promotes economic justice.
Martin Luther King Jr.’s demanding God
King's God breaks down our divisions.
Tsunami fund focuses on marginalized populations
$2 million raised by Unitarian Universalist partnership helps marginalized populations and women affected by 2004 disaster.
UUs in 11 states forming legislative advocacy groups
Four state groups already active; work coordinated with UU Service Committee.
Alternative gift fairs support good causes
Churches support charitable organizations by sponsoring alternative gift fairs for Christmas.
Church celebrates members' World War II heroism
At celebration of Unitarians who saved refugees from Nazism, a challenge: Who will help the victims of genocide in Darfur?
Three UUs arrested at Capitol budget protest
Interfaith protest against proposed federal budget cuts.
UUs join interfaith efforts to shelter homeless
Unitarian Universalist congregations shelter the homeless.
Unitarian couple honored for World War II heroism
Israel honors cofounders of UU Service Committee.
New director of UU United Nations Office
Jim Nelson brings international experience to advocacy and educational organization.
Churches relying on renewable energy sources
Wind, solar, and geothermal power are among sources.
Churches give away Sunday collection
Entire nonpledge Sunday offering donated to community groups every week.
140 congregations show Wal-Mart film
Many Unitarian Universalists join economic justice campaign against retailer.
First grants to Gulf Coast community groups
$100,000 goes to four Louisiana and Mississippi community organizations.
Acts of kindness in a hurricane's aftermath
Unitarian Universalists work tirelessly to help
the displaced residents of the Gulf Coast states.
UU United Nations Office funds AIDS orphans
Program funds school in Ghana for children who lost parents to AIDS.
UU Veatch grants support justice programs
A few modest corrections won't fix the injustice in our society; radical change is needed.
The Veatch story
A generous gift has provided millions for Unitarian Universalist and social justice programs.
Minister fasts 30 days to protest Iraq war
Members of the First Unitarian Universalist Society in Syracuse, N.Y., joined the Rev. David Blanchard's fast for peace
Challenge grant to aid hurricane recovery
Shelter Rock's $500,000 matching grant could push the Gulf Coast Relief Fund over $3 million.
Parents crusade to end the death penalty
A Texas couple's crusade to end capital punishment.
UUSC, UUA establish earthquake relief fund
October 8 earthquake devastated parts of Pakistan and India, killing tens of thousands.
Schulman's legacy includes $4.5 million gift
Retired minister's $4.5 million bequest will support scholarship, building loans, and other projects.
Film documents law's effect on same-sex couple
A Unitarian Universalist couple leaves Virginia to preserve their rights.
Two new books about the urge to mend
What can we do to help?
New social justice consulting program
Antioppression consulting program helps congregations in existing justice efforts.
Reforming a criminal justice system in crisis
The General Assembly considers a new Statement of Conscience.
New border ministry for El Paso
A Massachusetts church youth group calls border ministry in Mexico an 'eye-opener.'
Don't just say no
Abstinence-only programs hurt kids and society.
Pennsylvania congregation supports girls in Mozambique
UU's have found a way to help educate Mozambican girls.
Global warming as a moral issue
Our use of energy makes global warming a moral issue.
A Greener General Assembly
General Assembly showing a more eco-friendly face.
Unitarian Universalist tsunami donations exceed $1.5 million
UUA-UUSC joint effort
Valentine campaign in California
UUs organize for marriage equality.
The microcredit revolution
How small loans to people in poverty are empowering women and transforming local economies around the world.
A new theology of marriage
Religious liberals are poised to take a new look at marriage.
Baskets send Bolivians to school
An unlikely bond between Washington's Puget Sound and Bolivia.
UUA president arrested in protest at Sudanese Embassy
President Sinkford among initial signers of Save Darfur Coalition unity statement.
Boycotts don't always help, but you can
How to harness consumer power against modern slavery.
What you and your congregation can do about slavery
Steps you can take to end modern slavery.
Meet today's UU abolitionists
Four Unitarian Universalist groups confront modern slavery.
Modern slavery's bitter harvest
Slavery isn't history—and we're reaping its fruit.
Addictions ministry moves beyond AA
The Rev. Denis Meacham creates new ministry at First Parish Brewster, Mass.
Same-sex marriage comes to Massachusetts
Deeper and broader trends make the rest of the country more tolerant, too.
UUs establish legislative presence
California UUs lead the way with legislative ministry.
The practice of reconciliation
A personal guide.
'Kids as sacred as mine'
Parenting and protesting in an unsaved world.
Adin Ballou's influential utopianism
The Universalist-Unitarian who influenced Tolstoy, Gandhi, and King.
Unitarian Universalist questions about war
How do you "support the troops" when you oppose the war?
Sharing the plate increases giving
More congregations give their Sunday offering to charity.
Communities take on corporations
People across the country are finding new ways to set democratic limits to corporate power.
Power, religious faith, and social change
The challenge of citizen participation and the democratic process.
The middle of everywhere
How Lincoln, Nebraska, came to be the picture of America's multicultural future.
How to be a cultural broker
Things you can to help refugees in your town.
Unitarian and Universalist roots of the American Red Cross
Two volunteer organizations led by Unitarians and Universalists set a foundation for the American Red Cross.
Breaking the cycle of violence
Responding to terrorism without promoting more violence.
How much do we deserve?
How much inequality can a democracy experience and survive? What is economic justice?
Transforming the lives of India's 'broken people'
How the UU Holdeen India Program helps India's outcastes.
Goals of the UU Holdeen India Program
Seven principles for a partnership with the oppressed.
Unfinished journey: Selma 1965
Unitarian Universalists responded to Martin Luther King Jr.'s call to Selma. Two gave their lives.
Restaurant justice
How often do we consider the well-being of the people who make and serve us our meals?
A bookshelf for inclusion
Five books to help congregations welcome people with disabilities.
Why I don't fly
Figuring out the ethics of long-distance travel is a challenge.